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The Ultimate Protector Is Back!

Started by Liz, April 05, 2023, 08:01:37 PM

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Date Posted:14/06/2009 10:56 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

The Ultimate Protector Is Back!
Music Inspiration For The R/P:
"Gunslinger" by A7x
People Mentioned/Used:
It's Not That Damn Important! Just Read The Fucking Thing And You Will Find Out!
[With a new year, comes a new start. For one SEF superstar, this is the year that the Irish-Italian American will, without a doubt, leave his impact on SEF. He has not been seen by anyone, except for the CEO herself, since he was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. The treatments that he had to endure was sheer torture. Chemo, radiation, and other alternative treatments he went through to get back to being one hundred percent. Now that is behind one Jordan Brooks, he's looking for his first SEF title reign. He fought cancer and won. Is it possible for him to fight whomever SEF throws at him and climb the ladder to ultimate gold? Who knows but this Sunday, will The Ultimate Protector bounce back and win his first match back or will Jordan lose?]

(The scene fades in from a commercial to the view of the parking lot of the Sports Arena in sunny LA, Cali. The camera pans right to left and a car is heard coming into the parking lot. The car is a white two-door 2009 Dodge Avenger with the car itself looking like it was just pimped out. The car is shut off and the driver's side door opens and out comes a man with a duffle bag and a backpack. He is seen wearing a grayish-black t-shirt with blue jeans and a pair of black leather boots. He gathers his stuff and the shuts the door. The man then turns on the security system and walks off. About fifteen minutes later, the same man is seen walking to a locker room when he passes by the office of Whitney Marret. He knocks and walks in. Whitney stands up and says with a smile.)

Whitney Marret:
Look at who finally showed up! I'm proud of you, Jordan.
(Jordan then puts his stuff down and Whitney and him hug. The embrace is broken and Jordan Brooks looks at Whitney and says.)

Jordan Brooks:
Well, you said that you wanted me back in SEF. So here I am!
(Jordan and Whitney laugh a little and Jordan then says.)

Jordan Brooks:
Hey, I was wondering about something and I hope it's not gonna be an inconvenience. Could I hang out with you until I get back into the groove of things?
Whitney Marret:
Sure. But I got a lot of work to do.
(Jordan nods and says.)

Jordan Brooks:
Speaking of work, I'm gonna head out to the ring. I'll be ring back.
(Whitney nods and goes back behind her desk as Jordan exit the office and heads to the ring. About ten minutes later, Nick Miller is running the card down when the lights turn to red and gold and "Scream" by Avenged Sevenfold hits with the crowd on there feet cheering.)

Please welcome to the ring at this time......"The Ultimate Protector" ....Jordan Brooks!
(Jordan comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he slowly walks down to the ring. Once inside the ring, he goes to the far right turnbuckle and poses for the crowd by stretching his arms out in a relaxed crucifix pose. He hops down and gets a mic from Sap and speaks his mind.)

Jordan Brooks:
Man, it feels so good to be back here in SEF!
(The crowd cheers for a good two to five minutes and then Jordan speaks more.)

Jordan Brooks:
It truly does feel great to be back. I mean, with everything that's happened with me getting cancer and all, I truly feel blessed to be able to be back in this ring. And when I was going through my chemo treatments, I vowed that I would be back in this ring and would be come the SEF World Heavyweight Champion. I have a hellva challenge come tonight. I face not one, not two, but three guys. One of them I have mad respect for. The other two, I have never heard of them but I will help Nick get rid of the riff raff so it can be the two of us. Killa Wolf, I have never heard of you in my life. You say that pain plus rage equal insanity? You know nothing of pain. I've had my leg broken in several places. I was put on the shelf and forgotten about. I've had cancer. Imagine tons of needles going into your flesh just to keep you alive. Come back to me when you have experienced that type of pain. And rage, also know nothing because imagine being feeling so helpless with vomiting until you are no longer able to stand on your own two feet. That bothered the Italian and Irish  in my blood. I just wanted to punch a wall or something to get the feeling out of my system. So please, don't go on about how you know what it's like when you don't!
(The crowd cheers and then settles down as Jordan continues.)

Jordan Brooks:
Justin Cage....what's there to say about you? Nothing really. I mean, what have you done here in SEF to impress me, management, and most importantly, these great fans of ours? Nothing! If you have won  couple matches, congrats but you haven't done anything to make an impact. You haven't yet began to understand that here in SEF, you must do something that so impressive that it leaves an impact. Like I have. It may not be much but to me being able to hang out with the legendary and most respected wrestler that I've had the pleasure to know and the innovator of the Sacrifice Match, Viper, and to be able to leave an impact with him in the DVF was the highlight of my career. Besides being with my best friend and the greatest CEO, Whitney Marret, of course. Justin, you better listen up and listen real good because like I said, when you come to SEF, you make an impact. So get a set and meet me here tonight for an ass whooping from The Ultimate Protector.
(Jordan takes a breather while the crowd cheers for him. He brings the mic back up and speaks more)

Jordan Brooks:
Nick Torres, like I said before, I have mad respect for you and all that you have done in the ring and for this company. You, besides Mack, Viper, Whitney, Julie, and Troy, deserve more respect than you are currently getting from the new bunch of talent that is coming in. You helped build this company to what it is today. I place for everyone to shine and get noticed. Without guys like you, SEF wouldn't be around right now. But like I said before, when the both of us get rid of the punk ass bitches and it just us in this ring tonight, I hope to gain more knowledge from a legend like yourself and in doing so, when I pin you, I hope I gain a little respect and honor from you. But if I don't, I guess I will have to beat it out of you one way or another.
(The crowd slightly boos but Jordan gets cheered a little. He smiles as he speaks his mind.)

Jordan Brooks:
To the two little boys and Nick, tonight is the night that The Ultimate Protector comes back and starts  his path to the SEF World Heavyweight gold. I will beat you guys and then on to whomever SEF deems me able to compete against and beat them. Until there's no one left for me to beat and I am the SEF World Heavyweight Champion. My mission is clear and the danger is present. Get ready for me boys! I'm gunning for you!
(Jordan drops the mic as "Scream" by A7X hits again. He raises his arms in the air as the crowd gives him a standing ovation. Jordan then gets out of the ring and smiles on his way back to the back. Once he gets behind the curtain, he heads to Whitney's office where Mack is sitting on the couch, smoking a joint with Whitney. Jordan then sits down in the available armchair as Whitney hands the joint to him to smoke. Jordan takes a hit as the scene fades to black.)
This Layout & Banner Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz Decker

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