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Its Not Over (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 08:04:26 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:14/06/2009 2:24 PMCopy HTML

(Scorpion is making his way through the hallway backstage at the Sports Arena dressed in leather pants and a white t-shirt, a scowl on his face as he marches along. He gets to the room of Matt Ward and barges on in not finding anyone and just flips out kicking a locker, then grabs a bag and whips it against a wall spilling the contents of clothes and athletic gear all over. He kicks a steel chair across the room, then storms out even more pissed off. Smokey McWeed is out in the hall and Scorpions comes face to face with him, the two just stare at each other, then Smokey speaks.)
Smokey McWeed
"Yo Scorpion, whats happening?"


Smokey McWeed
"Whoa, what ya mean man?

"I've been screwed again, held down by politics around here, my worthless partner don't pull his end of the so called Unstoppable Force, now Chris Orton thinks he's done with me..."

(Scorpion pushes Smokey away and turns staring dead into the camera.)
"Orton...you little son of a bitch...you think this is over, you think you've proven yourself finally, that your the greatest, one of the elite. Son, you have a long way to go before you one of the elite, before your in my league. A lucky fluke and me being held down does not make YOU great, it makes you still pathetic. Last week was not my last resort because I will have another shot and I will take back my gold despite SEF trying to keep it away from a real champion!"

Smokey McWeed
"Dude, you think SEF is really holding-"

(Scorpion grabs Smokey by his shirt slamming him to the wall and yells.)

(Scorpion whips Smokey away.)
"No more though, I'm gonna shove this company down Orton's throat, down your throat, down everyones throat or I won't be here!"

(He turns back to the camera.)
"You can't handle me Orton, you've proved that everytime we been in the ring because I have always carried your ass. Last week, Redemption, all the tag matches, I carried you and I want my credit for it, I want my belt back, so the next pay per view, Golden Glory, the SEF World Heavyweight Title comes to me or I am done in SEF, I will quit this company. How about ya piece of shit, get rid of me forever, all ya gotta do is beat me...not that easy though Orton cause this time I won't be held back, so accept the match and accept that you will be losing. As far as tonight I'm out for blood. Fuck Matt Ward and D-Von Dudley, I'm just gonna spill your blood all over that ring and if your girl tries to help out she'll bleed too. Your a marked man Orton...marked for death!"

(He reaches out shoving the camera away, then turns heading down the hall pushing Smokey to the wall and soon is seen disappearing into a room, the view just fades away to black now.)

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