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Sounds Like A Plan (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 08:06:44 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:14/06/2009 8:44 PMCopy HTML

Westsiders Edge
You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG!
Arrogant Asshole
(Last Sunday at Reckless Rebellion we saw three titles on the line and two champions continues their reigns while one was not to be. Nick Torres lost his fifth International Title in SEF and well he has a rematch clause, well he has cause to take that shot and be angry about how he lost due to the cheating involved by Suicide Hank he's not been sweating it one bit. He hasn't been vocal about the loss, hasn't shown a lot of care, about nothing at all really, so what is on his mind? We'll find out now as we see Torres standing around the the back door of the arena peering out at the crowd of fans looking for wrestlers, hoping to see them, praying one or more come over and greet them. Torres turns around showing a smirk on his face and leans next to the foor still inside the building and slides his hands into his pockets of his jeans.)
Nick Torres: Congratulations Hank, you won the title from me, ya did what you HAD to do in order to beat me and you did it, so hooray son, your the champ and no worries about me coming for it, I will not cash in my rematch. Nah, I got my sights set elsewhere, a title I have yet to hold in SEF or anywhere for that matter. I have never been World Champion and I know D-Von Dudley, he made his statement that he wants a shot at Chris Orton by attacking him and his girl after that brutal DOGG Fight Sunday, so that would be Orton's main focus now. Scorpion has stated he is not finished, that he and Orton are not over and has challenged him putting his career on the line for another shot. It would seem maybe I should wait, sit back and let those two go for their shots at Orton, but fuck that!
(He looks dead serious now, fire in his eyes like we've never seen from Torres.)
Nick Torres: I have sat back and waited for my turn long enough, I've had fun here, I've had a lot of great memories and I wouldn't trade my career in SEF for nothing. I thank the company and the fans for it all and have no regrets about anything in the past and anything I will do. That is why I too am laying down the challenge to Chris Orton, I want a shot at the World Heavyweight Title and I won't attack you Orton, I won't call you out and disrespect you, I am simply saying, man to man, I want a shot, so weigh it all up, think about D-Von, Scorpion and Nick Torres, figure out who you want to face and choose or if you can't choose, then choose something worse than one on one, something more than a triple threat, choose a fatal four way and ut up the gold against all three of us or I guess make us battle each other to earn a number one contendership. No matter what I am fine with any desicion. I was gonna wait and catch ya face to face, but your a busy man as the champ and I got my own shit to do and figured ya would catch the promo for sure, so think about and you decide what to do. No matter what you got my respect, but one day I will be coming for your title and I have no plans to lose that quest.
(He relaxes once again leaning back against the wall.)
Nick Torres: Now tonight I got a fatal four way match which is where I got that idea from for the World Title. Tonight ther eis no title, just pride, respect, and proving yourself. Jordan Brooks has his big return in this match and he's expressed deep, mad respect for me, called me a legend...heh. Well I thank you, I don't feel I deserve that title, but I don't mind it, so thanks again. As far as ousting the other two and settling it one on one, we'll see. I got no problem with wanting to do that, but its harder than ya think trying to keep two men down and then go one on one with someone you really want to face. Justin Cage I figure shouldn't even be in there, so he can be put out of his misery for all I care. This Killa Wolf, seems to have an ok head on him, realizes Hank's win over me was tainted, but wasn't real respectful of me for losing to him. If that's what ya want Jordan, then one on one we can go if it comes down to it, I'll show you the respect of trying to get it that way, but if I an opportunity to put you away and secure a win at any moment, wether from behind or face to face, I will take it. I hope you do the same cause then you'll go far here and with your track record already you ain't gotta do much to step it up. Multiple champion already, been allied with three greatest stars ever in SEF, Mack, Viper, and Whitney Marret. You got what it takes and I look forward to a hell of a fight, but this match is called fatal for a reason as there are four hungry wrestlers all wanting that one win...one meaning three of us have to lose.
(Torres moves forward and turns sides eyeing the door, then looks back at the camera.)
Nick Torres: I have very little respect for Cage, some for Killa Wolf, he's new, so give him time, and Jordan, for what you said I have no choice, but to respect you just as much, so if anyone else won I'd hope its you. Thing is I don't really hope anyone else wins cause Nick Torres is aiming himself only one way, to the World Heavyweight Title and winning more matches gets me closer to that title. Enough said though, I'll see ya all out in the ring, but now I'm gonna give these diehard fans something they appreciate.
(And with that Torres steps out the door and you can hear screams, people shouting they see a wrestler and we see Torres make is way over to a guard rail holding the fans back and he greets them, gets hounded and signs some autographs, then the view fades to black.)
-x- Disclaimer -x -
This layout is a fucking layout that means shit to me and personally, I didn't make it anyways, so take if you want, beat it, abuse it, rape it, sodomize it, trash it, burn it, do whatever ya want to it, take it for your own and claim it as your own like I did, but remember, its the Roleplay that means anything in the post, so yea, take the layout, later.

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