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With Two Women, Protection Is Not An Opition!

Started by Liz, April 05, 2023, 08:25:51 PM

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Date Posted:20/06/2009 3:01 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

Music Inspiration For The R/P:
People Mentioned/Used:
It's Not That Damn Important! Just Read The Fucking Thing And You Will Find Out!
[Last week didn't go exactly on how Jordan planned it. His first match back and he was so determined to win but came up short when Killa Wolf dropkicked him outta the ring to make the pin fall on Justin Cage. This angered Jordan and now this week he has to team up with two women, Taylor Johnson and Storm, to take on Scorpion and THC. Jordan has an immense hatred for Scorpion but not for THC. How will this play out for Jordan? Who knows? This week, Jordan is out for blood.]

(The scene fades in from a TV spot for SEFShop.com to the interview area that has been set up. Standing with bloodshot eyes is Smokey McWeed.)

Smokey McWeed:
Man, I got the damn munchies. Anyways, I'm supposed to interview.....
(A man steps into the camera view and he is Jordan Brooks. He wears a black t-shirts with a pair of blue  jeans with a pair of black leather wrestling boots that looks like steel toed boots and a black leather jacket. He takes the mic from Smokey and hands him a bag of weed with papers.)

Jordan Brooks:
Here, take this and go and get more stoned. I got this.
(Smokey takes the bag and rushes off. Jordan shakes his head and looks into the camera and says.)

Jordan Brooks:
Nice one, Killa. You had to get the win. Good job. But you've pissed off the wrong person. Don't get me wrong. You have great skills but I was the one that was supposed to win. Not you. Just don't get in my way ever again. Now on to this week. I've got a chance to help two women here in SEF get an impressive win over Scorpion and THC. Scorpion, you have everything to worry about when you are in the ring with me because I don't care what your little buddies do, I will tear you from limb to limb. How can you stand yourself when your were aligned with Whitney's dad? I mean, the guy wanted to closed SEF and that would have put people out of work. And in today's economy, that would have been a bad thing. People have families to feed and homes to pay for. So, in my eyes, Scorp, that makes you as bad if not worse than President Bush. I just hope that I get my hands on you and make sure that you don't ever wrestle again because you are just like the useless Republicans in Washington. You have nothing to offer SEF. So, why are you here again? Oh, that's right! You want the same thing that I do. That's the SEF World Heavyweight title. Well, don't you worry because I will end your chances on getting that title back because you haven't done anything to deserve it.
(Jordan takes a breather and continues.)

Jordan Brooks:
Xanthus, you are one mighty impressive son of a bitch. I admire your accomplishments here in SEF but to help out Scorpion...I don't get it. But what you will get is an ass kicking from me because you aligned yourself with the wrong person. And as for you, Corez, I don't have much to say to you because you ain't worth my time talking about and to.
(Jordan stops as three people step into view. Taylor, Storm, and Chris Orton. Jordan looks to all three and back at the camera.)

Jordan Brooks:
Scorp, THC.....get ready for us to put the beat down on your guys because you just don't have what it takes to beat the two of us and if Orton here feels like getting involved, I don't care because either way....we will walk out the winners. Not you!
(Jordan drops the mic and the scene fades to black when the four of them walk off.)
This Layout Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz Decker

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