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Nothing New About This Alliance (Scorpion, Xanthus, Corez)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 08:29:27 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:22/06/2009 8:44 PMCopy HTML

(Last week saw Scorpion lose to Orton's team, but he would stand over him with his new team, but the alliance isn't that new. Scorpion, Xanthus, and Corez beat down Orton last week and looking to do worse to him until Nick Torres stuck his nig nose into the situation. We now go to Scorpion standing by backstage in his ring gear, serious expression on his face.)
"Orton, your days our numbered and tonight your little girlfriend will be put out of the picture for good. Her new friend Storm is gonna be a flase warning for the storm will be snuffed out and Jordan Brooks...heh, its gonna be two in a row for you to lose, face facts. Tonight your facing the soon to be greatest alliance in this business, your facing the real franchise of this business, me, the real me, not that worthless gimmick Rayne Rocco!"

(Whoa, Scorpion was Rayne Rocco, is that what he just said?)
"That's right all you idiots, that was me once upon a time here, I was the guy Mack asked to help him pull one over on McMoney, I was then given this gimmick by SEF management, me and my cousins Rob and Bill forming the triple threat, oh, I mean the triad...bullshit! They weren't my cousins, they were just a couple other guys given the shaft like me. One of them is here with me, Rob Rocco, nah, his name known to you all is Corez!"

(The camera widens showing Corez standing at Scorpion's left.)
"That was a fucked up time huh bro?"

"Yea it was, but at least..."

"At least I didn't have to endure some shitty gimmick with ya two, course, I had my share of bullshit politics."

(The view widens again and we see Xanthus to Scorpion's right.)
"You did indeed, but no more, not for any of us. Tonight we make an example of our opponents and soon enough the greatest start of all time and the greatest tag team of all time will have their gold they rightfully deserve. I got nothing more to say about it, so brothers, I'll see ya when we go out there and upstage those worthless chumps!"

(Scorpion pats both men on the beack, then walks out of view and the brothers now move closer together and turn to the camera.)

Da Gangstas

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Re:Nothing New About This Alliance (Scorpion, Xanthus, Corez)
Date Posted:22/06/2009 8:59 PMCopy HTML

(They just stare for a few seconds, then X slaps Corez on the back and laughs.)

Xanthus: You wanna go first or should I...Robbie!?

(Corez turns staring a hole through X who just laughs.)

Corez: Fuck you bitch, oh, I mean bro!

(Corez punches him in the arm.)

Corez: I had a shitty gimmick yes, but I did what few could have done and showed my true talent no matter that bullshit.

Xanthus: That ya did!

Corez: Tonight its all about dominating three bitches and continuing to work our way to the Tag Team Titles that we will win at Golden Glory.

Xanthus: No doubt about that. Brooks was asking why we would join up with Scorpion, questioning us because of Scorpion working with Dick Leer for a while.

Corez: He made a good point about Dick wanting to close SEF, but Scorpion, he does have his own agenda for being a success, his mind is fucked up in a different way than yours and mine, Jordan Brooks, don't both to question why we work with Scorpion cause your spoon fed ass wouldn't understand.

Xanthus: Ha ha, nice shoot there bro. Scorpion may have helped Dick, but he didn't want SEF closed, he just wanted to keep his title and didn't believe the company would close and I can't say Dick would have done it. He has a habit of making threats he don't back up. So Jordan, do like my brother here said and don't question what we did, focus on us in the ring cause you can't anyways, but maybe, just maybe if you concentrate hard you can hang in there and survive the onslaught of The Hardcore Connection, the real THC!

Corez: He probably can't, but that is "questionable". His two partners Taylor and Storm, they won't last a few minutes with this bonafide, badass, real hardcore team and that's a shoot!

(X and Corez bang their fists together in front of the camera and yell, then walk outaa the view leaving us to view the barbed wire mesh fence with the SEF logo and then we fade to black.)

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