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Its really quite simple (Orton Read)

Started by dvon, April 05, 2023, 08:31:17 PM

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Date Posted:22/06/2009 11:12 PMCopy HTML


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Every since the situation unfolding at Reckless Rebellion not many answers have been  revealed as to why  the sudden change of heart and turning on the fans came about. Now with a  couple weeks gone people  still want answers and  tired of holding out the cameras cut to D-Von who stands outside the arena decked all in black and he leans back on the  wall  while holding a nighstick in hand and  turns a bit facing the camera.

D-Von:  Its obvious were stuck in another low class town again tonight so i decided to step out from the bad   situation of being stuck here to  get some air. Obviousy it doesnt work becaus eyou cant  outrun the smell of these people.  Another reason is because i do what i want from now on and it aint being stuck here.   The reason im here outside though in a backstreet is for a reason and a point i will make.  You see it seems people wanna know why i  did what i did at  the last pay per view.   I'll tell ya why its because im tired of givuing and stepping aside  for the nobodies like the average fan and  they get shot and chance after shot and chance while i was content  at staying in midcard level.  I finally said to myself whan am i gonna step up and get what i was screwed out of along time ago? I saw a oppertunity and i took it and made people   wonder what happened. Just like the rest of the inbred rednecks you didnt know what to think did you Orton?

He laughs a little  keeping ahold of the nightstick looking behind him a bit before turning back.

D-Von: You see Chris you kept your  friends close and one enemy closer  and  i saw all i needed to see in you. I saw your a champion who like myself aint afraid to go the limit and push yourself or your oppoonent to a level of comfort. Ive been there  and honestly ive seen all i wanted to see so like a  viper i struck  without warning. Unfortunatly your little girlfriend was stuck in the way so i  moved her aside. It aint my fault she canr stand  in the ring like yours and her career she fell  flat on her ass.  I also  know i dont man handle wemen that was my brothers gimick not mine but i aint afraid to do what i gottta do to get to who i want and be where i wanna be. For a couple months  now ive been  quiet and sat back  watching. I made a choice and then took a stand  something  the people  never do in there pathetic average lives. I cant say why i  put focus on you  maybe the  gold was a  reminder of how i was screwed out of the past but i move forward and said nothing  but now  its my time to shine. Its my oppertunity and destiny calling. So as i stand here  i started thinking Chris  and decided if the higher ups will allow it  you get to spin the wheel and make the deal so to speak.

He finally relaxes a little and  backs to the wall again and  stands holding the nightstick close by.

D-Von: Im in my  comfort zone right now. Your in yours in that ring. You've had fights, battles and brawls. Just  i dont think you've ever had a war on the streets. So i done some thinking and i have decided to throw out a challenge to you and bring you into my reality. For years my people have been beaten by your people treated like dogs and  beaten to a bloody pulp because we  were  the ones being told hat to do.  Im talking way back in history. Learning alot from then i thought hard its time to reverse the role. If allowed at the upcomng pay per view how about i make a deal  for you. Ill go ahead and spin the wheel  so to speak. Your people along time ago had my people on there ground.  SO how about this time you come to my turf. Lets forget the ring forget the rails and the  restraints of being in a  building such as this behind me. Lets bring it to my reality my world  outside the building in  the streets. Close the street off as far as i care  and lets forget rules and bring it to a real journey in history. Out here  there are no rules there are no refs there are no  people to help you or me its one on one. Lets go the distance ORton  and make real history and have a good ol'  street war fight. Anything goes  cans  buildings  rods and this nightstick is legal. However ill have a little mercy  if you beat me i  will walk away without pay for thirty days. However if i win  i get that gold belt you've had a hold of  for awhile now. Im willing to sacrifice that all il worth are you? Leave the girl behind  and stand be a man  and  do something to prove your a worthy champion in my eyes.  So  I spun the wheel  will you make the deal? And those who  are higher up  im begging  make it happen.

He  pushes away from the wall walking  down the dark street turning the corner as it fades out.

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