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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 09:00:35 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:47
  • Posts:34
  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:27/06/2009 4:11 PMCopy HTML

Last week we Hank ruining Mack chance entering the King of SEF Tournament. Mack look like he really didn't care if he was in it or not. It's because he's already won it like twice... Who knows who keep the record, sure the fuck not us. Okay anyways. He tells Nick to take it all and go for the win. How would Nick win if he can't be in the Tournament. Lets said injury. Your International champion as declare war on Mack and friends. Chris and Nick are the victims in the battle. Do they like each other I doubt it. Mack doesn't understand he is not hardcore. The dude don't even know what hardcore is. Hardcore to him is street fighting. Hardcore to Hank is death matches with building lights. Now you don't know what that means... Think about Hospitals, School, Library, and so on.
Camera fades in with Hank just sitting there looking around. He has cost Mack his match for King of SEF like he had said. Now he looks on in to the air thinking out he is going take Mack out this week. He has a smile on his face as he begins to speak...

"Mack, what did I tell you? You fuck with me, I fuck your world up. The international champion as cost your chance entering the Tournament. Now it's probably that you really don't care since you been in it almost every year but only won time. Shit it don't even matter. Hank as King of SEF, I can see that happening unless Mack wants to take me out of it. It's alright I'll kill the bitch. So who wants the battle. I got the battle. I got everything to take in. Let the war games begin Mack. Fuck Chris and Nick, they got nothing..."

With that camera fades away...

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