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Acing The Test (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 09:22:50 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:28/06/2009 2:59 PMCopy HTML

Westsiders Edge
You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG!
Arrogant Asshole
(They all want a World Title shot, so whats new? D-Von Dudley was the first to take action by attacking Chris Orton after a brutal DOGG Fight, then Scorpion voiced his opinion which he is never shy about doing and stated he wanted another shot and was willing to put up his career for one. Nick Torres would finally speak his mind saying he wants one now, that he has waited by long enough. All three with different ways to express what they want, but all three with good points to get it and a hard choice for the champ to pick from. Orton suggested a battle royal to name a number one contender and tonight on Extreme Mack will host his Hardcore Hotel and have Whitney Marret along with Orton and his possible challengers to get to the bottom of this and find out who will face Orton at Golden Glory. Last week Torres picked up a win over Mack, but by dq after lowlife Hank attacked him to cost Mack the match. Mack and Torres face off again, but with Hank in the match and also the World Champ Orton as its a fatal four way. Mack and Hank have something brewing, Torres has to want revenge on Hank, but wants the World Title more and Orton, he wants to prove himself by winning every match. Mack, he's probably the hardest to read of all. So here we find Nick Torres at the arena kicked back on a leather sofa inside an office it seems. His feet are up on the table and he's got that casual smirk as usual.)
Nick Torres: So Mack, your the ultimate test are ya, then I suppose its time to pass the test with flying colors cause I'm gonna become World Champion this year and its already started, my quest, and tonight it continues as I go through you, that worthless Hank, and Chris Orton! I have more years in this business than all three of you. Me and you Mack, were brothers, we been fighting and teaming up down the road for so many goddamn years I can't remember how many its actually been and I don't care because were bros. Tonight is one more for the road and Hank this time is legally involved and I can speak for Mack when I say his ass is gonna get his no matter who wins the match. I ain't gonna target Hank by no means, I'm targeting the winners circle, that's all that's in my focus. It don't matter if its Hank, Orton, or Mack that I pin, I am out to win tonight at any cost to anyone involved. I want blood from Hank, but not bad enough to jeopardize winning. Besides, I know Mack can handle his ass and will do so because well he is a hard one to read, he also doesn't need to win as bad as I do or as bad as Orton or especially as bad as Hank. That piece of shit has no chance at winning though, may as well be a triple threat cause Hank is no threat!
(He laughs at that one and brings his right hand up rubbing his chin a little.)
Nick Torres: So what else can I say about tonight now?
(A few seconds of silence now and Torres shrugs while still smirking.)
Nick Torres: I've said my piece really, I'm ready to tear it up, ready to step up, and Orton better be noticing who the hell Nick Torres is cause sooner or latter he's gonna have to deal with me across the ring from him with the World Heavyweight Title on the line. I've busted my ass for years in this sport, in SEF alone I've been here since the start. I was here back in the day when we were clawing and struggling our way on to the map, you had so many different people being brought in, so coming in, it was a madhouse because it was a new land of opportunity for new stars to have a real fresh start and older stars to build a new company, it was crazy and it was fucking fun!
(He smiles fondly remembering those days.)
Nick Torres: I had a place then and it was apart of a tag team, myself of and Bruiser, then me and Storms, no matter what version Da Gangstas always dominated the tag team division in SEF and it'll be a while before any team surpasses our legacy. I spent a lot of years in tag division, a lot. It was until the last couple years I broke out on my own which is why people see me wrestle mid card and think I've been stuck there for years when really I haven't. My singles career in SEF is rather young compared to my years total in wrestling...
(He pauses and looks a little serious like he's thinking.)
Nick Torres: Seventeen years now...yea, long time to be going, just three more years until two decades I'll have under my belt, hell, I coulda had a kid damn near graduate school in that time. I know how to get things down, I got the experience needed to be World Champ and now all I need to get is a shot at the belt and as I said, this year is my year. Nick Torres is the Westsiders Edge and he will be World Heavyweight Champion!
(Torres brings his arms up behind his head as he relaxes back a little more and smiles.)
Nick Torres: Beat it jack, this is over now.
(And so the camera backs up and out of the room, the door shutting and we see it reads Whitney Marret & Mack...heh, guess he's using their room, wonder why?)
-x- Disclaimer -x -
This layout is a fucking layout that means shit to me and personally, I didn't make it anyways, so take if you want, beat it, abuse it, rape it, sodomize it, trash it, burn it, do whatever ya want to it, take it for your own and claim it as your own like I did, but remember, its the Roleplay that means anything in the post, so yea, take the layout, later.

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