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All Because Of A Blonde Bimbo (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 09:31:26 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:09/07/2009 11:15 PMCopy HTML

(Scorpion was intent on ending Mack last week, but came up short and even was pinned by his former trainer. He's been seething since then, since Sunday night, Scorpion hasn't talked to anyone, not even Xanthus or Corez, he has kept to himself until now. The man is staring blankly at the camera as he sits on a steel chair in the dark.)
"First she helped Chris Orton steal my World Heavyweight Title and now she causes me to lose to Mack who was in for the beating of his life. Taylor Johnson, you need to learn to keep your empty head ou tof my business or your head will be caved in for the beating of YOUR life. I want you in the ring one on one bitch, just the two of us and then when were done...when I'm done destroying you, then I can finally take back my World Heavyweight Title and also beat Mack!"

(He pauses, his stare still blank.)
"Granted I have another triple threat match against him and this time the third person is the new kid Killa Wolf. He's out of his league, just like Taylor, no chance of winning, but will probably get in my way to beating down Mack. Hell, Taylor will probably stick her nose in this match anyways, she has a fondness for me, she can't help herself, she has to be around me and touching me...that just makes her day. She'll never get anywhere with me, only thing that's gonna come from messing with me is the end of her career or possibly her life. Killa Wolf, same goes for you son, you prevent me from ending Mack this Sunday and your a marked man, you will be the one who is ended!"

(Scorpion closes his eyes for a few seconds, then opens them with rage showing now.)
"MACK...you son of a bitch, you only won last Sunday because of a chairshot from Taylor, you can't beat me fairly, no one can because no one has. I am the greatest in the world and not you, not Taylor, not Killa Wolf, not Orton, not a damn person alive is better than me. I will beat you Mack, I will get a fairshake one of these days and that is the day your doomed because Scorpion simply owns you!"

(He stands up still pissed.)
"Enough of this talk, fuck all of you worthless peons, your done Mack, you hear me? Your done, finished, over, old news, a hasbeen and I'm putting you down for good!"

(He walks past the camera leaving us to see the darkness and so that's it.)

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