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Rising To The Top (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 09:37:32 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:11/07/2009 2:42 PMCopy HTML

(Seems Nick Torres is moving along nicely in the King of SEF tournament and he's facing one more person before Golden Glory sees the final match of the tournament. Of course if Torres wins his match tomorrow and then next week wins the triple threat to earn a World Title match, well then he'll have two huge, phenomenal matches at Golden Glory. That would probably be a first ever in SEF, challenging for the World Title in one match, in a fight and then headlining the card in the finals of the King of SEF. Torres could probably do it, though win both, we'd have to see. For now he's concentrated on his first match coming up, the third round of the tournament against Corez, an old friend and the brother to Xanthus who Torres beat last week, another old friend. We find the guy kicked back with a bittle of beer in his hand, he sits at a table inside his hotel room and just kinda stares off, reminiscing perhaps. A few seconds pass and he snaps out of it, takes a swig of beer and smirks.)
Nick Torres: So Corez, your gonna whip my ass, do what X ouldn't do last week huh?!
(He grins big now.)
Nick Torres: You two came back for the Tag Titles, but now it seems ya both got big head on ya, ya think your the best around here, heh, I got news for ya brothers, I'm going to become the King of SEF and the World Heavyweight Champion all in the same night. First its Chris Orton in a real street fight and I guarantee I'll be there and win the big title. The second match of the night I could be in, the final round of this tournament and I guarantee I'll be there as well and become the next King of SEF!
(He takes a swig of beer emptying the bottle, then sets it on the table and gets serious.)
Nick Torres: Facing X was no picnic and facing you Corez, just the same, a hard fucking fight, but from you boys I expect no less, I never did. This is my time though, I am going to the top of the mountain and resting up there for quite a while. Corez, you and X, Scorpion, D-Von, Orton and everyone are gonna have to take a backseat to me cause I ain't gonna take one to anyone of you and anyone else. I'm ready to go and I'm rising up, I'm taking the brass ring and wearing it for a longtime, bank on it!
(He reaches over to a minifridge grabbing a beer and twists it open, then guzzles down some. Torres stands up and moves forward reaching to the side of the camera and fade to black.)

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