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Over my head? Uh no....

Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 10:11:09 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:47
  • Posts:34
  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:25/07/2009 4:58 PMCopy HTML

 This self discovery,
Redemption taking hold of my mind,
A serenade of haunting voices,
Calling me away,
To feast upon the night!
The source of my felicity,
Dark maiden taking hold of my hand,
Lead me away,
From hibernation,
Strong and unafraid,
Never a question why!
For saving me from all they've taken,
Let my armor fall again,
Giving me the strength to face them,
Feeling it taking over, now
On a path to take it all away!
There can be no better way of knowing...

The camera comes back in with Suicide Hank with a steel chair with barbwire all over it. He smiles, he seen Mack promo and ready to continue on. This match is going be history. This is the first time, two real death match kings collided.

"Mack, no one else can call their self death match kings but me and you. You see I do respect you, but you are not the only one who does death matches. I want to challenge another death match wrestler. You see everywhere I been in the last couple years. I haven't had a death match challenger It's either someone is scare or it's to bad for the promotion because of blood, and the chance of killing someone. To me, I think shit happens. Am I over my head, no Mack I am not. Crow who ever, I about to kill him once and for all at Domain. Quick and simple easy win. I'm about done with Domain anyways. They have no power over me. I want a match, I should get the match. Which means, I want kill someone in a death match. They'll come at me and said it's to dangerous. They scare, I swear. Find, I'll go somewhere and find a place into Death matches. Which leads to you Macko... Are you ready, I bet you are. I am. I am ready to taking out for a while. You got nothing to lose you said. That is true. You don't have anything to lose. I got nothing else to lose, but my title. This title right here. The title I can get back anytime. You said me beating you, I will be over getting a world title shot. Uh, what's that? A highlight in the SEF... That will make a lot of people hate me more. They will try to do something, they couldn't do. I mean Matlock, did he defeated you? I don't know, and really don't care. He's dead now. He's not even around. The dude probably in a wheel chair moving on. Hell, he hated me. A lot of people hated me. You don't hate me. I know you don't hate me. All over the MSN world. I couldn't help who I am. I am my own kind. That what is everyone problem is. I am who the fuck I am just like you. You are who you are. MSN was some good times. Times I will always remember. But hey, I am going prove my self. I have already proven my self everywhere else. Why not here? Why not SEF... You see most wrestlers stays in one promotion and call it god. I move around, just so I can challenge every single wrestler around. Domain close being done with, they on the bull shit level right now. SEF I am here for a bit, as I mean a bit. I mean a while. You said all this, but I been where you been to. Just like I told Damien Crow. I've been nice to you new cats for a long time, I left The Promotions so those other cats can go n shine, but it seems these punks kids are confused because I am my own kind. So they got to hate, I am the original of wrestling with my own style I am back on the deck. This ain't no punk shit. I am the king bitch of drugs,money,alcohol,groupies and the championship belts. I can stay in the hell of the game and you are so lame. I've been with every wrestler who's legendary underground to mainstream to know that I am very hardcore. I been promotions of Online Championship Wrestling in 99 all the way to, EHW, WHW, UEWF, UWWE, TMWF, Blinc version 2, Suicide Championship Wrestling, NRWF, WWE Screw The Rules, GCWW,NWA, The Domain, PWT, ICWA, IRX, The new OCW, and hell even now SEF. Every promotion I have name I have held lease a title besides in ICWA and IRX which is cool, You can not claim my fucking fame. You got fame Mack, but I got a bigger fame. You stay in one promotion half of your career. I have paid my debts to the bank, I been through it all to. Every promotion I been in is either been killed or just died. SEF has held it ground I can give it that. ICWA still around, why am I not there, drama and biased I mean what else can I said Macky. Only thing I am proven tomorrow night is that I can beat you. And, out of respect, good luck because you are going need it. So be ready to bleed all night.

With that, Hank lifts up the chair, and bashes against his head. He smiles as the blood pours down. He wipes the blood from his head smiling, letting Mack know. It's going be a bad ass battle and he knows there is no fear...

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