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One Match...One King (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 10:12:12 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:26/07/2009 3:52 PMCopy HTML

(The last several weeks were focused on finding who would clash at Golden Glory to become the King of SEF and well tonight
is the night we find out who becomes king. Jordan Brooks and Nick Torres have fought their way through hell, sixteen people started the tournament and now two will end it to find out who the king of '09 will be. Not long before it happens either, just several hours...hours as opposed to weeks. Both men are no doubt preparing their mind and body to reach the top of SEF tonight, to become king, to etch their name into the SEF history books. Nick Torres is the man we go to now and he's casual as usual, relaxed on a chair in his hotel room wearing black jeans and Gangstas shirt. Hair is down and no glasses, no toothpick, a serious look to him despite how laid back he is.)
Nick Torres: I almost did it, but almost don't get you to the top in this business. I was close to having two matches here tonight, one being for the World Title and the other the one I do have, for the elite King of SEF honor. Jordan Brooks, its just the two of us after over a month of fighting challengers left and right we now determine the new king with just you and I and its the headliner, the main event!
(He smiles now.)
Nick Torres: Capturing this honor would do either one of us a huge favor in our quest to reach the World Title, we would get thrust up the ladder and right on the champs ass, breathing down his neck, pissing down his throat, kicking down his door and Jordan, don't know about you, but I'm a do that whether I win or lose here tonight!
(He sits up straight resting his right arm on the table to his side, his expression serious again and fire in his eyes.)
Nick Torres: Don't think I plan on losing though, no one who goes into the King of SEF tournament, let alone the final round of it plans to lose, so like you and all the others who have been in this tournament, I have no desire, no goal, no vision of losing tonight. ANything can happen and in this business it will, so that's why I said what I said, because Nick Torres will be World Heavyweight Champion before the year is through and tonight I will be the King of SEF!
(He pauses and looks down to the floor for a second, then back up.)
Nick Torres: I've come a long ways, down a long road, and there ain't no going back, no going down, just going out there and giving it everything ya got to win, to be the better man. One more match to go and only one of us can be the king and there ain't no doubt in my mind that Nick Torres is that man!
(He stands up now and grabs some dark glasses from the table slipping them on his shirt, then turns to the camera and says.)
Nick Torres: Cut it brotha, I got nothing left to say, just a whole lot to show and prove!
(And so at that we simply fade to black, nothing more, nothing less.)

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