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You Got A Lot To Learn (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 10:13:08 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:26/07/2009 5:01 PMCopy HTML

(So Hank decided to get off his ass for once and cut a promo worthy of tv time. Well I suppose I'll have to shoot back at him for 
all the lies he spewed. Soon as I finish this here Guinness. So down the hatchet it goes as I tip back the bottle, then set the empty on the table in front of me. Right there next to my IC belt, heh. Probably outta get my gear on after I shoot this shit, but then I could put it off and have a few more cold ones, maybe get Whitney to give me something, this is her office, she outta service her favorite, extinguished guest. Man, what a grin I got, damn dude, that weed was good. Ah fuck, I need to cut some shit here, alright, so I grab me a new Guinness and pop the top off, take a swig and lean back smiling, poor bastard ain't got a clue about tonight!)
MACK: So Hanky spanky, heh, whatever dude. Ya gotta go that route huh brotha, ya really got kick that shit out and fucking lie about me?
(Guess he really does, its what everyone else does, why should he be different? I scratch my head, uh, don't know.)
MACK: Bigger star, king of the deathmatch, no, no, god of the deathmatch, though ya said I was king as well, whatever brotha. Fact a the matter is no one can really claim to be the king of the deathmatch. Ya see, I never claimed it about myself. Sure, I won tournaments and was announced as that, but to be the almighty, true king, meh, whatever ya wanna say, but the problem is ya always got someone out there you never faced in one, therefore ya never beat them and the king should have beaten them all, right?
(I give a sarcastic shrug and then take a swig of beer, ah yea, this shit rawks.)
MACK: Ya also claim your a bigger star than me, that you have mixed it up with the mainstream to the underground, heh, really, so you worked for WWE too?
(I didn't think he did, hmmm?)
MACK: If your implying some company on MSN was mainstream, uh uh, none of them were and not on Aimoo either, not on any other circuit as well. Just a bunch of indy companies lucky to have a place to give them exposure and yes, SEF is one of them. I don't say it cause its bad brotha, its not at all. I loved roaming around the MSN circuit and especially before MSN, that was a lot more fun going from company to company. Speaking of which, that's why you claim your bigger, cause you been in all these different companies, heh, but obviously you don't know a lot about good ol' D-Mack cause ya see Hank, I roamed around a lot as well, I been in a lot fo companies, worked for some bigger ones, though ya know, just trying out. Thing is, its not how many companies ya work for that makes ya big star, its how hard you work in the company. I've always worked my ass off, been loyal, gave every ounce I had and hey, I didn't always get along with management when I'd stay and work for them and yea, I've done some things to companies out there that maybe people wouldn't condone. I'm not talking about the lies everyone on MSN spewed about me, I'm talking about before SEF, things I did to management.
(Man, those were some fucked up things I did, truly a fucking rebel am I.)
MACK: I regret some of them because when I got to SEF and started having a hand in running things, became a big man on campus so to say, I got that bad rep and I felt for the other end of the sword, well, not completely, a lot of were real fucking dicks! Kind of a different story for a different time I guess, just a lot of shit on my mind, lot of shit I been through, but still wouldn't change a goddamn thing.
(Not in a million years, take another swig a beer, man, I outta smoke another bone.)
MACK: Hank, ya think you been through it all, then that shows how little you've actually been through. There ain't a man alive who has been through it all cause if that was case, there would be nothing more to do. You ain't the only one to have paid dues, everyone who's anyone has paid them, the thing is, if ya wanna get bigger ya keep paying them, not pull a Matlock and lie through yer teeth!
(Hey, he brought up Matt first, huh, wonder where that fucker is anyways? Must a stepped off the face off the earth, or at least the wrestling radar.)
MACK: Save the luck for someone who believes in it by the way, someone who needs it cause Hank, luck ain't Mack and never will be. As for as blood, that's all your proving is that your willing to bleed and that you will bleed. For someone who claims to be so original, so unique, your had to resort to busting yourself open at the end of yer promo to try and make yourself seem crazy or hardcore or whatever is thats hit is supposed to do. It proves nothing Hank, so save your amueter hour for someone who cares cause I don't. I'm ready to bleed every night I step in the ring, so saying it to means means nothing, just gives me something to laugh at. You can say whatever the hell you want, try to act crazy, but Hank, you are indeed in over your head and that's just a fact. Ya say ya do respect me, then Hank, prove that next time your cutting a promo on me and spilling lies about me. I got no problem if ya disrespect me, its happened to me so much I let it go anymore, but for your own sake, don't be a lair, a fucking hypocrite, just makes ya as big a joke as your buddies Matlock and Crow!
(Heh, that'd be funny if they were all buddies, probably not though, wait, didn't he say they all hate each other? Maybe so unless it was another lie. Ah fuck it, take another swig of this beer...fuck, its empty. Well I guess I'll grab another and hey, yea, roll one more before the show goes on. So I reach into my pocket and wave to the camera to cut and the guy does and fade to black.)

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