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I'm As Ready As You'll Ever Be (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 10:29:07 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:09/08/2009 10:42 PMCopy HTML

(Standing by backstage just minutes before Extreme is Nick Torres in the usual black jeans and a Gangstas shirt sporting the sunglasses and toothpick, hair slicked back and arms folded across his chest.)
Nick Torres: A triple threat tonight involving the World Champ who I will face at Gangsta Paradise for his title, a shot long overdue for myself. Tonight though I got Black Bob to contend with, like I said, a triple threat. Its not gonna be easy, but whoever said this was easy?
(He lowers his arms placing his hands on his hips.)
Nick Torres: Orton, you have been proving yourself no doubt, your a great champion and unlike a few others I never doubted you earned that title, but there is no question when we face off that I will earn the title as well because I've said so many times and it is true, Nick Torres is the soon to be World Heavyweight Champion. Tonight I prove why I am your biggest, toughest challenge of all and will be the man that ends your great run, I prove that its my time, least September 13th will be! As for you Bob, I realize your gonna be out there to prove your ass again, former World Champ at that, I know you want back in the title contention, you'd love that belt, so three hungry men ready to kill for the top prize in the business, a triple threat is indeed the perfect name for the match!
(Torres pulls his toothpick out and flicks it at the camera, then pulls off his glasses and steps closer to the camera.)
Nick Torres: Your both looking at him...the whole world is looking at him...your all looking at the soon to be World Champion and that happens whether I win or lose tonight. Don't get me wrong, winning is my only desire for the match about to happen, but ya never know what may happen. Only thing I will guarantee is that Nick Torres will be seen as strictly business after tonight, you'll all witness me completely focused, solid and determined on one goal...to be the World Heavyweight Champion of SEF! Orton, its coming to me, mark my words, take it to the bank, bet on it because its the surest thing going today, Nick Torres is the man!
(He smiles kinda cool like as he brings his glasses up putting them back on, then does a crotch chop before walking out of the view which rests on the SEF logo a few seconds before fading to black.)

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