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universal6 star tag team

talking to Mack

Started by svd, April 05, 2023, 11:40:32 PM

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Date Posted:14/08/2009 12:15 AMCopy HTML

SVD-4.jpg picture by salmanvandam007

Roleplay title
Talking to Mack
In progress
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Okay fixing my rp

Salman Van Dam
SVD is recovered from his injuries and he is going to wrestle this time ,and this time he is hoping that he doesnt miss it,last time he did,anyhow he was seen walking backstage and he stopped at Mack's lockerroom ,he knocked on the door and then from inside a voice was heard "Come in" and SVD walked into the room .

"Hey you are Mack"Mack nods as he wanted to know what SVD wanted?

"Well actually I came here to have little chit chat,I was wondering if I could be ,oh wait let me put this way,if you are  interested to team up with me,now If you want me to impress you I'll do that,and I 'll show you some impressive move I have and you don't believe then do watch the next extreme so waht do you say?"
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anyway because stealing is wrong.If you want a layout like this then request one from Salman Mohsin ,cause he is the Dam Designer
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Daddy Mack

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Re:talking to Mack
Date Posted:15/08/2009 5:48 AMCopy HTML

(Mack just sits there all relaxed, hands on his legs and leaned back looking up at SVD.)

MACK: So ya really wanna team up with me do ya?

SVD: Yea brotha, it'd be cool as hell, be a great start for me in SEF.

MACK: Perhaps so and well I ain't your typical guy who's gonna say go prove yourself all year long and maybe we'll team up, nah. I will say that I don't know how much I'd be interested in being in a team.

(SVD looks a little bummed now.)

MACK: Not to say no though cause given my history I been in a lot and I've always been one to have my partners back. You seem to want to prove yourself to me, so I say do that for a couple weeks, make an impact and most of all answer me this, why do you want to team with MACK?

(Mack motions to a chair.)

MACK: Have a seat and think on it for a few if ya need to?

(SVD sits on the chair and looks at Mack in the eyes, Mack giving him the same respeect back and silence continues until...)


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Re:talking to Mack
Date Posted:16/08/2009 12:12 AMCopy HTML

SVD-4.jpg picture by salmanvandam007


Roleplay title
Talking to Mack

In progress

Next Match

Okay fixing my rp

Salman Van Dam

So Mack want to know why he wants to team up with SVD?what is the reason for them to team up well SVD leans back on the chair and begins to smile as Mack waited patiently for him to say something and SVD does.

"Well Mack,you and I are both Wrestling legend in our own prospective rights,you have made  alot of accomplishment like myself,I have been sixteen time hardcore champion and you a multi time world champion,so I was wondering..Why not?Why not we get together and form a devasting tag team in SEF history...so thats why I wanted to team up with you?"

Disclaimer:This Layout is Made By Dam Design for Salman Mohsin 's use only and only for him.Please  do not steal it or edit in
anyway because stealing is wrong.If you want a layout like this then request one from Salman Mohsin ,cause he is the Dam Designer
and yes he made this layout whether you like it or not

Daddy Mack

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Re:talking to Mack
Date Posted:16/08/2009 10:33 AMCopy HTML

(Mack just rubs his chin and smirks a little.)

MACK: A devastating tag team in SEF, perhaps so and considering the fire lit up in the tag division it could be fun. Though ya know, I appreciate the legend comment, but I don't believe that word should be thrown around as much as it is today. Too many people use it and forget what it really means, ya know what I mean?

SVD: I think I do.

MACK: Anyways bro, I did like the answer, so do your thing tonight and next week and then me and you can tryout the tag team thing, so two weeks from now, sound like a plan?

SVD: Hell yea it does!

(Mack smirks and reaches to a cooler pulling out a couple cold Guinness Stouts and pops the top on each, then hands one to SVD who takes it. They raise the bottles in a toast.)

MACK: Here's to helping tag team wrestling.

SVD: And one day wearing them Tag Titles!

(They both smirk, then toss back a big swig of the beer.)


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Re:talking to Mack
Date Posted:16/08/2009 6:04 PMCopy HTML

SVD-4.jpg picture by salmanvandam007


Roleplay title
Talking to Mack

In progress

Next Match

Okay fixing my rp

Salman Van Dam

With that both men went to separate way,Mack stayed in the lockerroom where as SVD planned to make it to the ring for a while and just as he was coming out,his theme song over the loudspeaker and the crowd begins to scream and shout as he comes out ,they were all excited to see him ,they all want him to do something that could entertain them and what a better way to do that is by kicking Hardcore Haz retarded ass for good.

SVD actually calls himself an Hardcore Legend and its a shame that guys like Haz are ruining that divison for good and SVD is gonan clean the divison for good as he now stands in the ring with the mic in his hand as his music theme dies down,he eventually begins to speak.

"Now as I must say,I feel so delighted to get in the ring here ..but also i feel a shame about few things..and that is that i get to face a jerk who proclaims to be a hardcore wrestler and his name is Hardcore Haz"He litteraly laughs as he mentioned Haz name ,he knew why?

"Lets tell mister Haz ,that you dont become hardcore legend because you know how to use a singapore cane or a dumpster against an opponent....If you ask me or if you ask Mick Foley ..and the answer will be same..Its all about surviving the pain,the blood shed ,the tears ,the sweat,thats what all about ?Its about your ruthless agreession...not about how you swing one piece of a grabbage and Haz,you cant beat me even if you bring your friend ARES  along with you..I can assure I can knock you two clowns quite quickly ..because I am faster and I am more younger then you two bozos are..You guys have passed your prime but for me I have yet to pass my PRIME...so you two loser be prepared ,Mack and I are gonna make a mark...together..."
With that said SVD drops the mic and heads back to the lockerroom as the scene fades.

Disclaimer:This Layout is Made By Dam Design for Salman Mohsin 's use only and only for him.Please  do not steal it or edit in
anyway because stealing is wrong.If you want a layout like this then request one from Salman Mohsin ,cause he is the Dam Designer
and yes he made this layout whether you like it or not

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