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(MACK promo)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 11:50:20 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:21/08/2009 7:58 PMCopy HTML

(So here we go again on this road...one more for the show...Mack and hank lock up this Sunday, but a third person will be in the ring and not the referee. Its a triple threat match and Taylor Johnson is the other threat to either Mack or Hank winning. Some would say that as of late Taylor is more of a threat than Hank, but of course most would say Mack is the biggest threat to the other two. In this match it is unpredictable and so ya never truly know what may happen...who may win. One thing for sure it'll be a great match. None of the three have spoken since the card was booked, but that's about to change as we happen upon Mack who sits in his hotel room at the bar mixing a drink up. He looks up into the mirror seeing the camera on and smirks, then looks back down and finishes his drink. Mack then spins around on the stool and takes a drink from his glass, then lowers and smirks again.)
MACK: So low and behold I get to face off with Hank yet again, heh, ya think the guy would be sick of getting his ass kicked by me, but oh well, here's to yet another ass kicking for ya Hank...cheers bitch!
(He tosses down the rest of his drink and sets it on the bar, then rests his hands on his legs and smiles.)
MACK: Now of course this is not one on one, we ain't gone one on one since our deathmatch and Hank, ya did good then, hell, ya did great, but the man who can did what he said and walked out the champion. Now ya do have a rematch and if ya ever want ya use it I ain't going nowhere. Anyways. as I began to say, it ain't just me and hank on Sunday, no no, its me and the hardcore poser and the little chick with a kick Taylor Johnson!
(Mack smirks a little, hmmmm, a penny for his thoughts, well, his dirty thoughts of Taylor!?)
MACK: Most wouldn't view her as a real threat, but ya know she did pin Hank in the middle of the ring last Sunday and she was my partner then. This week she ain't, were opponents and I'm a take her as serious as anyone else I have faced in my career because I'm not Hank and I thank everyone and everything for that every single fucking day!
(He laughs at the rip on Hank he just made.)
MACK: On Extreme I go one on one on one...
(He smirks.)
MACK: I face Suicide Hank and Taylor Johnson in a triple threat match and I ain't looking to lose to either one of them, so girl, heh, yea, that's about right. Ya best get prepared, ya better get ready, ya gonna be walking into a match against the biggest name in SEF history and just as history has proven over and over, Mack don't hold back! I go full force in your fucking face and knock ya for a fucking loop. For seven some years I done that in this company and I got a lot more years left in me. Whether its SEF or another company, I'm not done with wrestling by a longshot, I'm in the prime of my life right now.
(He looks away scanning his eyes around kinda thinking some, then looks back at the camera with a smirk.)
MACK: That's funny ya know, I am in the prime of my life now and when ya think about it, think of what all I have done already in this business, man, I'm a leave a hell of a legacy. I've already for fourteen years under my belt, I've held twenty two heavyweight titles in my career meaning I've been the top draw, the man to beat twenty two times. Yea, yea, I know, I been beaten twenty two times as well, whoop dee fucking doo, we all get beaten and I'll get beaten again, so what? I can accept it, I have many a times and its made me bigger everytime cause I learn, I never stop learning. A lot of guys in my position will act like they been through it all, they seen it all, you can't teach them shit and they get set up for failure everytime because there ain't a soul alive in this world who can lay claim to knowing it all and that's a real shoot!
(He looks serious now letting us know it was indeed a shoot.)
MACK: I figure everything I done so far will be times two because I got at least another fourteen years left in me. I bring it all tonight, er, well yea, tonights show and Sundays and every other fucking night, I never, ever let anyone down, hold back, it just ain't me. Who I am is the guy that gives his all and then some, the guy who gives back to everyone in this business, the guy who steals every show he performs at, I'm that guy, I'm Mack, the one and only and the original Daddy Mack, so suck on that bitches and oh yea, just two more sweet fucking words...KISS THIS!
(Which he yells out as he jumps up doing a crotch chop, then smirks and sits back on the stool spinning around. He starts fixing another drink and looks up in the mirror shrugging and smirks, then looks back down at what he's doing. Obviously he's done with this promo, but damn sure not done kicking ass, so we zoom out and fade away to black.)

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