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universal6 star tag team

(Xanthus & Corez promo)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 06, 2023, 12:01:16 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:30/08/2009 10:49 PMCopy HTML

(The band of brothers known as THC is keeping up with their namesake as we see Xanthus and Corez finishing up a joint in their
locker room, smoke fills it and the two look nice and high.)
Corez: Yea bro, that's what we needed before tonight, set the mood just right.
Xanthus: Fuck yea, no match, not a thing to do, just kicked back and enjoying the peace for once, man, we outta fire up some more.
Corez: Uh dude, you got a match.
Xanthus: I do?
Corez: Yea!
Xanthus: Fuck me, who we facing?
Corez: Nah man, you got Crow, I got Nick Torres, fuckers been on a winning streak lately, think its time to end that huh?!
Xanthus: Yea, ya do that shit, but who am I facing then and we got no tag match?
Corez: Can't answer the last one, but Crow is who your facing.
Xanthus: Who?
(He scratches his head wondering who in the hell that is.)
Corez: Dude, Crow, um, he jst showed up or I guess returned, used to be Ravyn Crow some time back this year, forget when.
Xanthus: Whoa, so Ravyn Crow is my opponent?
Corez: Nah man, he goes by Crow now, just Crow.
Xanthus: Oh, huh, that's fucked up. So is he good?
Corez: I don't know, not sure if I faced him. I think he said he'd enjoy bloodying you up though, kicking your ass and all that shit people normally say.
Xanthus: Yea, whats new huh?
Corez: Nothing here bro.
(Xanthus grabs a beer from a cooler and cracks it open guzzling some down and looks relieved.)
Xanthus: Fuck my mouth was dry, so what about this Crow bitch again?
Corez: What?
Xanthus: Dude, what about him?
Corez: Beats me man, I don't know the guy, he's your opponent anyways, find out for yourself.
Xanthus: Ah fuck that, I'll just get to know him in the ring way I always do. He wants blood, then let the blood flow tonight and hell, he can have the goddamn win, I don't give a fuck about it anywys unless its defending these Tag Ttitles of ours!
Corez: Hell yea bro, I'll drink to that shit!
(Corez grabs himself out a beer and cracks, he and X toast up and then guzzle down as the view fades away to black.)

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