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universal6 star tag team

tag team try out

Started by svd, April 06, 2023, 12:06:50 PM

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Date Posted:06/09/2009 7:59 PMCopy HTML
So SVD and Mack are finally teaming up this week in a tag team match ,now let see how their tag team gonna work since these two formed an alliance and are working together.Our scene opens up backstage where Mack was in his lockerroom when SVD walks in.

SVD:Hey Mack,finally we are getting in the ring against another set of tag team.

Mack:I know ,by the way nice win over there in that three way dance match.

SVD:Thanks..Well I need to win more matches to get a title shot

Mack :True

SVD:Well soon i'll get my hands on one of the SEF Championship belts.

Mack:Lets hope so.

SVD:Beside dude..what are your plans for this match?

Daddy Mack

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Re:tag team try out
Date Posted:06/09/2009 10:59 PMCopy HTML

(Mack just sits there with a grin as usual and looks at SVD, shrugs and says.)

MACK: Like always my brotha, go out there and steal; the fucking show, so what ya say we go out do just that and work our up the tag team ladder?

SVD: I say its a plan!

MACK: Good, then Ares and Haz got a hell of a ride tonight. Them boys gonna need a whole lot of beer tonight to numb the fucking pain of having their asses kicked!

(SVD smirks now and Mack raises a fist to him. SVD does the same and they bump knuckles, then Mack hops up and the two walk out of the room as the view fades.)

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