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A Message to the whoever's Champ..I'm Coming 4 U!

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Date Posted:12/09/2009 4:08 PMCopy HTML


Wolfpac is back causin a mass destruction
guess who's here the bad boys of wrestling
just some compettionin in the war destination
not and no mercy see the ring is like the street
if you dont know you better find out the wolfpac
here to prove a point number one best believe
that you dont wanan mess with them
i be on a roll and im come in the ring
and your neer walking out again

(Replace the name with Ravyn)

Ravyn walks out and raises his hands up to form wolfpac ears with his fingers. He brings them down and starts walking down the ramp,rubbing his wrist with both hands before he climbs up on the side of the ring and climbs over the ropes.
He then raises his left fist in the air before he gets on the mic.

Ravyn: You know..I've been in the business for almost 6 years. And in that time frame, I have seen many come and go in and out of the business. But the fact that remains is..that I am still having to claw my way up to the top to become a champion. Now I understand Chris Orton is champion..and he's fighting tonight..But whoever is champion by the end of the night..Will be a targeted man. Now this ain't no idle threats nor a wishy washy thing of dreams..this here is a reality check. A reality that I am gunning for your title...and you better be looking over your shoulder at all times. I want the title around my waist and I plan to take it by any means necessary. Consider this your only warning...pal!

Ravyn throws the mic down and goes to step out of the ring when....

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