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Conversation between Mack and SVD

Started by svd, April 06, 2023, 12:20:00 PM

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Date Posted:07/10/2009 7:31 AMCopy HTML

SVDJEFF.jpg picture by salmanvandam007
 SVD was in his lockerroom,he was just relaxing on  a chair when Mack walked and shout at SVD .

"HEY SVD..WHAT THE FUCK?aren't you suppose to work out for your match?".He felt pissed as SVD looks at Mack and replies back,"Take a chill pill ,dude,what match?when was I booked?".

After hearing what SVD just said Mack just beat his head by his arm"Don't tell me you didn't know that you have a match tonight agaist 7 other guys in an elimination match",SVD was schocked to hear that and he quickly replies"Elimination Match?Jee,I didn't know".

Mack nods as he then opens up his mouth,"But now you know,so stop relaxing and get to work you really need to win this one,because if you win,you get  a shot at the SEF International Championship".

SVD eyes widen as he heard that his elimination match is for getting a shot at the international championship.

"Well if thats the case Mack,Don't worry,I'll work hard and show my dominate to SEF..I am gonna show the SEF universe that why I deserve to be the next International champion".He convinces Mack as Mack nods."Thats a spirit SVD,Good Luck for your match."

"Good Luck ",SVD responds"Dude I have all the lucks to win this big match,no matter if its that knucklehead Ares I have to go through with..I will win this match and fight for the international championship,no one will able to stop from it..No one and I mean no one."

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