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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Started by Athreiu, April 06, 2023, 12:34:43 PM

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Date Posted:07/10/2009 10:12 PMCopy HTML

The screaming could be heard for miles. He had tried and tried to get away long ago but the monster...the monster went forth. His clothes were merely an afterthought mostly, with barely jeans left on his lower half and blood caking his torso in a very sick dark hue. He ran and ran, all for one lone light that seemed eons away. His breath heavy with his makes, he finally had to bend down and take a breather. For one minute, he was only walking home from working, passing the wrestling arena and now...well...now he had no earthly damn clue what had occurred.

Oh god, what in the fuck does this THING want from me? I only want to live....I plead to whatever God there could be to end this! Not me! End this...suffering.
Out from the shadows came the monster again. This time, he was in for the kill. After hours and hours, the man's fight finally was taken from him brutally in one fell swoop of the aging spike that came down with such precision from the creature. The man tried clawing at the unseen face of the man, the eyes...anything to try to get away but the spike had fulfilled it's purpose and finally, the man's fight had suddenly halted. The creature bent down, wiping the blood of the man's now ravaged and disfigured throat all over his exposed torso almost feeling the energy coming from the now dead corpse. The creature took a large inhale, his prey finally assassinated. Now, well...now came the feeding....

He'd done it again and he could almost not believe it. Then again, it was everything he had expected and more. It had been some months since he had taken but after he got the monkey off his back he felt much lighter. The facade he used each and ever time sit upright, almost staring out at whomever were to have dare walk into the small space he called home. His face, away from the door as always. No one must ever see. He meticulously work at a small table, his efforts unknown until finally a buzzing from the table shook him out of his trance.
"Ado?....Oh um yes of course....Oh my! You don't say?! Well, I was eagerly anticipating this message thank you kindly my sir."
The man chuckles at the person on the other end of the phone as if baiting them into his trap. Finally, he puts down the small device before quickly getting up from his table and grabbing the mask sitting aside him. He takes it and puts the rough leather over his face before turning around and walking out the door exposing what had been worked on the whole time. Skin nailed to the table, stencils laying askew with pieces cut out all around...


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Date Posted:08/10/2009 3:22 PMCopy HTML

Darkness. It encompasses everything eventually and this instance is no different. Nothingness takes us on a very odd and relentless journey of your mind's darkest ideals. One thing that saves us, is a lone light swinging blissfully up above as the darkness speaks...
"Showstoppa's Extreme Federation you will be led down the lone path to the sands of destructive thought. Nay, you will not be alone, there will be many that will join this vast and fruitless group known as a wrestling promotion."
The light begins to finally slow, showing crude details of the image behind the boisterous and screeching voice. An image of a unorthodox facade on the shoulders of a rather long body is barely obvious.
"I've come not to win, but to maim and bring many of you if not all possible to your broken down knees. I want there to be blood flooding the streets of every event, I want screams to become the soundtrack of this hallowed and pathetic shrewed place known as SEF. I want the walls to be decorated in the splatters of the plasma from each of you. You may ask, as I assume that you would who I am...that is merely something that curiousity brings forth. My name, a name in overture is merely a label. A bar code of society that we are given by our reproductive ones. The chaos that I weave can not be coded, nor can it be halted."
Who could this be? The questions pop through every mind able to witness this diatribe. The light finally stops and shows the shadowy figure at it's full mast. The face devoid in black, with rough red outline making an almost cartoon around the edges in a sinister grin. In his right hand is a staff, with what looks to be the skull of human variation plastered onto the top of it. The figure begins to cackle sadistically.
"This...MACK? Who he be? Some sort of wayward that could never be anything anywhere? I would have to believe the later on the subject and nonetheless, it will be his end as it will all of the rest. I need more material for my Symphony of Skin and more reasons for my deep voyages of the dark worlds."
What is this creature? It remotely seems human but only by it's upright posture. This...monster as it had been said many times in it's life. Memories of a dark and void existence from years and years of abuse and torture brought forth by all that had come in contact with it...him. There was a human in side that scarred and hidden frame but for years now it had seemed to fade away like the seasons. The thing began walking, pacing almost nervously in search of something. Anything to grip it from it's deep thoughts.
"I inquired a man from Sudan at a time in his life where he didn't know who or what he could or would be. I sapped his knowledge of the darkness and once I did, I finally took my feast. It was really the first and only time I'd even considered such matters but after I had finally snapped the thorax from the throat it was the rush no heroin could give me. He was the one that started this Massacre of the Ages. I have to thank him and I also accredit him with my love of this wrestling industry. It was a way for me to feed and gain a trade, something I'd not ever possessed. My mind has become a trap of demonology and psychology that will and CAN NOT! Ever be matched. Certainly not in this meager SEF as it is."
The pacing stops.
Everything...stops. The light beginning to flicker in a illuminating rhythm. The creature looking up at the skies, needing an answer. Knowing that staring upward would not give him said answer. He'd might as well look to the floor for such things...

"Ah yes, I should have known you would snoop in my doings at some point. I was told from all the darknesses that I have taken that you would come. I say, could you at least humor me in a duel before trying your swift overthrow?"
Talking to nothingness it seems. This odd organism of hate and violence pleading? Could it be?
"Of course, I'm much the wiser in asking for a duel from you. You know all too well I would conquer you as I have everything else I've ever wanted. You being the 'Almighty" one? I would beg difference as though I was some sort of drunkard peddling money from the sidewalks of the wicked. I will not only take your Holy divinity that you've become but also the ones of SEF. The ones that know nothing of the carnage and macabre that is overflowing to their kingdom's door. Never will this be what it was a day ago, now begins the suffereing. Now....begins the hate."
Our light of hope, finally giving way.

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