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Another Sorrow comes to SEF(MEGAN DEBUT)

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Date Posted:26/10/2009 11:35 PMCopy HTML

Bethany was at the arena,standing against the wall,waiting for her sister Megan to arrive. Bethany and Megan was always very close. So close in fact that they was hardly apart,until recently when Bethany started working as a wrestler. Megan's limo pulls up and Bethany moves off the wall,walking close to the car as the door opens to reveal Megan. Megan was close to her sister's height and was 10 years younger then Bethany,making Bethany the one looking out for her darling sister alot. Bethany grins in an evil manner and then hugs her sister.

BKS: Bout time you got here Meg,I was getting worried you wouldn't show.

Meg: You know I will show up for you Beth. I am always up for a duel torment of the superstars and divas. I trive on it, you taught me that.

BKS: Yeah..among other things. You ready to come to the ring and introduce yourself?

Meg: I was born ready.

Both of them start walking inside the building when the security guard started hassling Megan.

Security: Miss..you can't be here. Your not part of the roster.

Megan smirked in a devilish manner and then swiftly knees him in the balls. The guard falls down and then Megan gets on top of him and speaks.



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Re:Another Sorrow comes to SEF(MEGAN DEBUT)
Date Posted:27/10/2009 12:20 AMCopy HTML

Megan smiled at the guard. A smile of pure innocence. Her voice was soft and sweet as she sat astride the guard's chest. Her legs clad in a pair of black and white tights. Her black and red minidress bugging her chest tightly. She looked at the guard that lay below her. His denying her entrance reminded her of her mother. Megan could hear her mother's voice telling her she couldn't go out with her friends.

Megan: I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?

Megan leaned down and looked at the guard in the eyes before slappin him hard. She laughed loudly. A laugh of both good and evil. She grabbed his chin so he was forced to look at her.

Megan: I don't give a damn about no freaking roster.

Megan stood up and kicked the guard hard in the side before looking at Bethany and smiling innocently.

Megan: Opps. Did I hurt him? I didnt mean to.

She laughed softly again.


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Re:Another Sorrow comes to SEF(MEGAN DEBUT)
Date Posted:27/10/2009 10:26 PMCopy HTML

Bethany chuckled and then wrapped her arm around her sister before she spoke.

BKS: Well sis, you'll definately do fine here. Let's go to the ring so we can introduce you.

Meg: Ok.

Both sisters walked towards the curtain leading out to the ring when "I Am" by Dope plays on the PA system.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen..please welcome to the ring...Megggaann & Bethaaanny Sorrroowww!

They walk down to the ring as boos began to get louder. They each flip off the crowd and then slide into the ring together as they get handed the mic. Bethany begins to speak.

BKS: Shut up! All of you!

The boos get more louder then before. Megan gets on the mic.

Meg: My sister is talking assholes. Shut the fuck up and have respect.

BKS: Thank you Meg. Now...down to business. This gal standing with me is my little sister Megan Sorrow. The new diva of SEF...and future International Champion. She and I are now as one, and when you mess with her...you mess with me. Meg..take it away.

Megan hugs her sister and then gets a rather mean look on her face. She begins to speak while people chant bitch out loud towards her. She chuckles.

TBC BY Megan


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Re:Another Sorrow comes to SEF(MEGAN DEBUT)
Date Posted:28/10/2009 8:38 PMCopy HTML

Megan shook her head and flips the crowd off again before speaking.

Meg: Yeah. I'm a bitch. What's your point? You all should show some damn respect to the girl that's going to make you bow to her and beg for mercy. You disrespect me now but soon you will know and remember my name. You will speak my name and call me your goddess.

The crowd boos and hisses louder. Megan just laughs and looks at Bethany, giving her an evil look. Megan then looks back at the crowd.

Meg: Oh and to the one that holds the internation title, soon your time will come. You will soon beg for me to have mercy on your body and your soul.

Megan looks back at Bethany.

Meg: Got anything to say, sister?

TBC By Bethany or Me


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Re:Another Sorrow comes to SEF(MEGAN DEBUT)
Date Posted:28/10/2009 8:50 PMCopy HTML

Bethany lifts the mic up and then smirks.

BKS: You see..we are two sisters you don't want to fuck with. We are also going to work together and dominate this federation so to Chris Orton..listen good..(pauses then smiles) IT will be a cold day in hell for any Orton ever lays a hand on the World belt. I and my sister will see to that..guaran-DAMN-tee! Now hit the music.

Pain by Kittie blast throughout the arena as the scene fades to black.


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