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The Return of......(Bethany and Megan read)

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Date Posted:11/11/2009 5:21 PMCopy HTML

...:::The Vampiric Bitch:::...
Roleplay Title:
OOC message:
In the cold,wet and rainy night outside in an darkened alley,stood a female who was dripping wet and waiting for the right moment to strike down a human for feeding. This female was well known by many and hated by all. She was a legend in a business she long retired from,only to be thrusted back into it's belly of greed and lies. She couldn't escape it,no way no how no means...ever! She was a part of that business ever since September 2003 when she graced the wrestling world. Now she has been called back to the very business she swore she would retire for good from.
As she stood there waiting,she flashed back to the times in her memories that she was feared,hoping that the day would come again when she was feared in the ring. As her memories was slowly fading out, a voice caught her attention and she quickly snapped out of her trance like state to deal with the voice that was coming her direction. She quickly backed into a darkened corner of a building,hoping whoever it was,didn't see her. Her fangs emerged from her mouth and her eyes glowed a dark red,almost evil like as she waited for her prey. The female watched as two people,couple, who was in a playful state,dipped into the alley that the vampiric female was in and started giggling up a storm as the female of the couple spoke.

Val: Bill..you are such a goof. Come here tiger and kiss me..now!
Bill, who was the couple's boyfriend pushed his girlfriend against the reddish brick wall and started kissing her on the lips. The passion of the kiss soon turned into the rubbing of each other's bodies while the vampiric female watched in silence. The female moaned a slight bit as the two engage in a bit of a groping session that started to almost lead into sex in the rain. Suddenly a slight noise interrupted their almost love making.
Val: Shhh! Someone is watching us Bill. Quiet so I can hear.
But just as the female said that, the vampiric female jumps out of the darkness and immediately goes after the other female while the boyfriend scream and runs away. The female gets a hand choking her as the dark princess of darkness speaks.
???: Mmmm...such a beautiful mortal. Smells so sweet. But do you taste it as well?
The frightened female tries to scream but can't. She struggles to break free,but..the dark diva simply chokes her more tightly then before. Midnight, the true diva of the dark,grins ever so evil as she spoke.
Midnight: You mortals have no clue the pecking order you have to be in..when it comes to our kind. You really should have stayed out of my alleyway. Your life would not have ended as of now. Say goodbye mortal.
Midnight lunges her head forward and bites the female on her neck,causing her blood to gust out as Midnight drunk of the female's essences. Midnight continued drinking for a couple minutes until she suddenly pulls back so not to take the last drop,or she would have surely died. She then lets go of the female,who drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes before Midnight wipes her mouth clean. She then starts walking away, heading for the arena she is set to debut in. Midnight and the camera fade out as everyone had bore witness to the age of Midnight, Diva of the Darkness and future World Champion of SEF.
TBC: Anyone

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