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you serious right?

Started by svd, April 06, 2023, 01:27:49 PM

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Date Posted:13/11/2009 4:47 PMCopy HTML

SVDJEFF.jpg picture by salmanvandam007
There is gonna be a huge match between SVD and Bethany for the International Champion,Salman knows this is a risky one since he has to fight a woman and normally he don't fight them due to religious backgrounds,but you are a wrestler and you have no choice but to wrestle them,whether they are man or woman,your job is fight and the win the big bucks and gold,and as we speak our cameras were rolling around the arena as the AZMA,By Shruti Hasaan and Clinton Cerejo begins to play and the crowd begins to cheer as pyro hits horizontally on the stage,they strike in horizontal line as just then SVD comes out dancing on the stage as another pyro explodes ,he was totally excited about his match against Bethany as its the title that is coming between the two,as we speak Salman finall got into the ring and taunt for the crowd as the crowd continue to give him a huge pop as then Salman took the mic in his hand and begins to speak.

SVD:"So Finally,I am getting my title shot,I worked for this match for the last whole month and now I am getting it."

He smirked ,and crack his neck a little as he adds.

SVD:"now I see Bethany has alot of talents but so sad she has berated me,discouraged me and called me a low talent person,she said I have no skilks,I have no skills,really is that what she thinks?Listen babes,I am sick and tired of comments".

He walked around the ring a little as he continue to speak,trying to gain more reaction from the crowd as much as he likes and taking some ring time as well to continue his address to the fans and his opponent.

SVD:"You know Bethany you got talents,babes,you don't really who you are going to go through,someone who has alot more skills then you can imagine,a man who has won the Hardcore Champion Sixteen times,a man who has won the World title three times a man who has been a televison champion,a tag team champion,well the man that has done it all,and soon that man is gonna fuck your pussy and win that Championship belt from you,because I know I am far much better then you WOMAN,and I don't care if any muslim scholars files a case against me,Go ahead you big maulvi with Big beared go complain against me,make a move ,i don't give a damn shit,only thing I care about is winning that International CHAMPIONSHIP,and Miss Beth,I don't care where you come from?what you are?I only care about whooping your ass and fucking your pussy and win that International CHAMPIONSHIP"


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Re:you serious right?
Date Posted:13/11/2009 10:32 PMCopy HTML

Before SVD has anymore to say, the lights goes out in the arena. When they come on Midnight is standing behind SVD smirking. She then gets on the mic and speaks.

Midnight: So that is your whole plan SVD? Really?

SVD spins around to come eye to eye with her former boss Midnight. Midnight shakes her head and continues.

Midnight: You've changed SVD. You was never like this when I accepted you into the company. You was all about respect towards women. And now look at you. Wanting to screw my cousin in a ring and pin her. Your misconduct sickens me. You think like these mortal has thunk and that is why I am no longer your ally.

SVD: Well well..look who drops in like she owns the place..Midnight Crow, or Midnight I should say. Tell me Middy...still think your above everyone?

Midnight's eyes glows dark blood red and her fangs show a bit. She grabs SVD by the throat and then pulls him close.

Midnight: First off mortal..no one calls me Middy unless it is the late great legend himself, my husband Ravyn Crow. Secondly..I would mind your tongue or your death will come swift and painful.

SVD: Get off me freak! (knocks her hand off his throat) You will not touch me with your hands..you understand?

Midnight grabs him by the throat again this time gripping tighter then before. She pulls him close to her face.

Midnight: As I said before Sal...mind your tongue when your in my presences. You will learn your place among your superior.

SVD: G..g..get...off...mmee!

Midnight: You listen here Sal. In case you have forgotten, I can still take you out permanently, AND I will..IF...you  don't shut up and listen. NOW...as I was saying mortal. My cousin is not some piece of meat. She is a born and bred warrior, trained to fight in the ring and hunt those that have bounties on them. You dare as so much as try to rape her or even think of getting your millimeter dick near her twat...and I will personally see to it that you have no future SVD's coming into this world. I will commit Lorraine Bobbit on your skinny ass so fast that you will not have time to blink. DO I MAKE IT CLEAR SVD?

SVD nods wildly before Midnight lets go of him.

Midnight: I will be watching you mortal..you know I will. And if you get out of line..one time..your dead meat fucker!



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Re:you serious right?
Date Posted:15/11/2009 3:40 PMCopy HTML


SVDJEFF.jpg picture by salmanvandam007
Is someone accusing Salman of raping someone?Well Salman may feel offended to hear that,anyway just as Midnight was going to walk away SVD shouted.

SVD:"Stop right there bitch"

Midnight raised her left eyebrow as she roles her eyes as she turned towards SVD.

SVD:"Did you accuse me of raping your cousin,Ha Ha, very funny I am not gonna rape some beautiful cousin of yours but I am gonna rape that championship from her and thats what I call whippin a fucking pussy,and these are all just phrase I used,I Don't do it practically to the woman you believe.Let me tell you something MIDNIGHT.."

He paused and shrugged.

SVD:"You know something,I met your cousin long time back in SEF over here and then that was just a first meeting,that was different,let me be honest,I like her,but the way she talk trash about my talent skills,I really don't back off when People talk trash unnecssarilly so tell me..Midnight if you feel offended by that ,so am I..Now we are even,and I am scared of your evil powers,hell I am not scared from The Undertaker,then what are you a worthless Immortal,whose not really an immortal,beside you suck and I don't fear your fucking Retard Husband,NOW FUCK OFF,I have a CHAMPIONSHIP to Win"


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Re:you serious right?
Date Posted:15/11/2009 5:07 PMCopy HTML

Just then, Raise Hell by HED(PE) blast thru the speakers of the PA System as Pretty Mean Sisters come walking out. SVD looks over towards the ramp and the sisters run down to the ring and slide in. they the surround SVD with Midnight. Bethany gets on the mic and speaks.

BKS: Hello cousin. Nice for you to finally get here.

Midnight smirks.

BKS: Sally boy..hows goes it? So your over there..talking about raping and shit. Well I can tell you right now you've got no chance of win the vacant title at all. When I said your talent was worthless, I was telling these people facts. You claim all those belts you won from other feds was hard work,PFFT..yeah right. They only made you champion because you whined and begged them because you knew you couldn't do it with out that. All the people you have faced in the many feds I have seen you in, all have been flukes. Hell..you couldn't even win the World title from Ravyn Crow in MWF. Didn't think I know about that huh? Well I was there in MWF when you was small time. Midnight used to get pissed off at you because you couldn't even speak english..and to this day you still sound like you got a cock in your mouth. But now SVD..STD...now you have met the reformed Dark Shadow Alliance..the same team that is going to take you and beat the shit out of you........NOW!

All three of them jump SVD and start beating on him. Midnight picks him up and hold him while the other two ladies takes turn punching him in the gut. Then suddenly they pick him up and drop him flat on the mat hard before they raise their hands up in the air. They then each slide out of the ring as they come together and flip him off. SVD is laying there half out of it and pissed off. DSA laughs at him as the scene fades to black.

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