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universal6 star tag team

Oh who cares if you re pissed off

Started by SVD, April 06, 2023, 05:18:24 PM

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Date Posted:02/12/2009 1:44 AMCopy HTML

SVDJEFF.jpg picture by salmanvandam007
How Far could you go to maintain your status as the top player of one federation,well as much as you can get the support to rise up by the fans,there is no pushing down and that was the case that happened last week ,as SVD was being the most supported by the crowd and they all wanted him and Chris to win the tag team match and that happened,that what really happened,Their team work worked quite well and it was astonishing as how Chris CKO Jordan and then drag SVD onto Jordan to get a pin,actually that was total team work.Plus SVD's old friend Mack has returned,but since his return ,both haven't properly talk to each other yet.Anyway our camera opens at a beach,where we see SVD sitting near some rocks and was throwing few small stones into the water ,and he notices the waves occuring  as he then looks at the camera speaks.

Did you people all saw what just happened?with that pebble,with that piece of stone that rippled through waves of the seashore,did you,well you notice how it bounce each time onto it as it went off through the water.You know thats how things are going in my life.

He smirked as he continues to speak

For many I may not look like as the rightfull superstar to win this triple threat match,but I can assure that ,the dick head Jordan Brooks,wont be the one standing tall in the end.

He lowers his head and then looks back at the camera

Last week I am really quite thankfull to Chris,for letting me the one to pin Jordan,thats really nice of him,so this week I will return the favor,I do plan on winning this,but only if Chris will let me pin Jordan,I know you all be thinking its a triple threat ,why am I taking it as a handicap ,you see,what I plan to do is .that this week you will get to see your champion Chris Orton pinning Jordan Brooks.

The crowd cheer as the favor SVD's neutrality being shown for this match.

But please note if Chris is unable to pin him,then I will pin him and get a big win for myself.So I don't care what Jordan thinks?,and I don't care what Jordan plans to do next?only thing i know is that I am gonna make sure Jordan doesn't win,whether he brings Bethany,or not,and speaking of making a mockery of me not winning over a woman,well as if he can beat any,how about the management adds a special stipulation to this triple threat match,if Jordan 's the one to get pin then next week on Extreme he should face Bethany.How about that?That would be interesting.Wouldn't it be.

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