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Seems I Struck A Nerve

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 05:29:45 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:05/12/2009 10:36 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:Seems I struck a nerve.
OOC message:Wow seems pissed off someone :D 

"Midnight seemed a little mad about my words, I wonder if it's because she knows I'm right. Lets face it, to protest so strongly, you must have some form of belief. In other words, Mignight, you were willing to protest what I said so strongly, but you must have some form of belief so you can prove it to be false. Get it? You see, you know I'm in your head, you're just trying to deny it, but when the dust settles you know I'm right. By the end of all this, you will be Venom-ous. Also, I am not calling you my 'bitch' I'm just saying that you got Venom on the brain. I control you in no way, but just remember. To protest so strongly, you must have some form of belief.
TBC: Anyone

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Seems I Struck A Nerve
Date Posted:06/12/2009 12:13 AMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:Seems I struck a nerve.
OOC message: I:0 

"One thing I forgot to talk about was that Midnight, you said you were 'a heartless bitch' and 'I am a heartless bitch...hellbent on my own needs...I cater to no one' that's why you're helping Megan Sorrow succeed. 'your no saint kiddo' that's not a bad thing, it just means I can be as dirty as I want. I have no problem with playing as that dirty as motherfucker. If you want me to do with you what I did with everyone else, and soon Megan Sorrow will join that list. So the question is What will you do when you fall to the hells and I won't save you?

TBC: Anyone

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Seems I Struck A Nerve
Date Posted:06/12/2009 10:45 AMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:Seems I struck a nerve.
OOC message: Disregard that last one I clearly didn't edit it good enough I:0 

"One thing I forgot to talk about was that Midnight, you said you were 'heartless bitch...hellbent on my own needs...I cater to no one' that's why you're helping Megan Sorrow succeed. 'your no saint kiddo' that's not a bad thing, it just means I can be as dirty as I want. I have no problem with playing as that dirty as motherfucker. If you want me to do with you what I did with everyone else-and soon Megan Sorrow will join that list- than fine by me just ask, but I would just like you know that I will win I'm playing mind games with you. You know this or else you wouldn't be offended by it, you'd just look at it like a punk trying to piss people off. So the question is What will you do when you fall to hells gate and I won't save you?

TBC: Anyone

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