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Bethany's Last Stand

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 08:48:37 PM

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Date Posted:23/12/2009 12:27 AMCopy HTML

OOC: I am playing Bethany for this last match. Easier this way.

"Engel" by Rammestein plays as boos fill the arena. Bethany makes her way to the ring, holding her title on her shoulder. She doesn't enter the ring like normal as she just climbs the stairs and climbs into the ring. She reachs for the mic as her music stops. The boos keep going but soon die down as she lifts the mic to her lips.

Bethany: Tonight, I come to you to make an announcement. This match against Nikky Venom will be my last match for SEF. It will be my last match period.  I'm leaving SEF for good. I am quitting to live what little life I have left in peace.

Bethany takes a deep breathe, fighting tears.

Bethany: I must say that I have enjoyed working for SEF and working for you fans. I know that you guys don't like me but I have enjoyed working for you. I may die happy now. You see, I have cancer and I don't have much time left so, I will be happy to have provided you people with entertainment.

Bethany smiles and lets a tear fall.

Bethany: Nikky, it has been an honor working with you as well as everyone here at SEF.

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