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The First of Many..

Started by Dante Davlin, April 06, 2023, 09:20:46 PM

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Dante Davlin

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:01-05-2010 5:57 AMCopy HTML
[Fade in. Smokey McWeed is standing in front of the camera holding a microphone. Nervously he asks..]

Smokey: Are we ready man? I may have a scoop here.

[An audible voice from behind the camera responds.]

Camera man: You're rolling.

[Smokey semi-perks up, surprised.]

Smokey: Welcome fans, this is Smokey, as usual. I'm here at one of the main offices of SEF because I have an inside story. The rumor is there's a new piece of talent who's just signed his contract.

[Smokey turns to his side and begins that awkward walk reporters do when they're trying to walk toward the background, yet keep their attention on the camera behind them. In the background a rather tall building is becoming more visible. We're traveling towards the front door.]

He's been in a meeting for the better part of the day with SEF upper management and I'm going to attempt to get the first interv...

[The door to the building opens and a rather young, blond hair fellow steps outside wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses, a white long-sleeve button-up collared shirt and a pair of rather expensive slacks. As he pulls back his sleeve to take a glance at his gold-faced Rolex watch, Smokey butts in..]

Hey! Are you the new wrestler?

[The gentleman raises an eyebrow and slightly tilts his head, raising one arm and extending his palm to stop Smokey.]

Unknown: Let me stop you right there. There are two things you did wrong. [Holding up two fingers to illustrate his discussion.] One, you clearly don't even know my name. When you address me, know that I'm Dante Davlin. The son of Kurt Davlin. One of the single greatest wrestling trainers in this business. Have you ever heard of the Blue Mountain Training Facility? [A look of disgust across his face as he continues, not giving Smokey a chance to respond.] Of course you haven't. You're a peon in the sport of professional wrestling who's made a name for himself by being SEF's comedy relief. What's the second mistake you made, Smoke?

[Smokey gulps, a puzzled look on his face.]

Smokey: Uhmm..


Dante Davlin: No.. don't guess. Your second error in judgment was assuming that someone with your limited background and moral standing in journalism should even be in the presence of an individual with as much prestige and stature as myself.

[A sly grin across his lips as Smokey responds.]

Smokey: .. but you're the new guy.

[Dante pauses for a second, looking Smokey up and down before removing his aviator shades and responding very seriously.]

Dante Davlin: Just? I'm.. JUST.. the new guy? I'm an Ivy League graduate. Let me ask you a question, pothead. Who's better than I am? Is Nikky Venom better than I am?

[Changes his tone to a more sarcastic one and turns his attention to the camera, pushing Smokey out of frame with one hand and taking the microphone with the other.]

Nikky Venom.. a couple of weeks ago you gave a valiant effort to rightfully become the new International Champion. You had a match which some would say was of epic proportions.. and when you two left that squared circle there was nothing left but the blood and sweat stained canvas that told the story of one of the greatest battles the SEF has ever witnessed. They reported it as grueling.. as brutal.. to that I say bravo, Nikky.

[Pauses his speech to let out a few sarcastic claps.]

... Now, let me call it like I ACTUALLY saw it. You had the fight of your life with a female cancer patient. [Covers his mouth for a moment to try and mask a laugh.] This is the best talent SEF can find? This is the championship caliber SEF brings to the table? Whats next, Nikky? Are you gonna become the dodge ball champion at a paraplegic camp for children?

[Bursts into a few seconds of laughter before turning back to the camera, serious.]

.. or is the best talent SEF can find.. Mack? Yes, they need you Mack. They look up to you as if you're a god amongst men. Why is that? Is it because you've had every accomplishment possible within SEF? Held every title multiple times, won every trophy.. you've done everything possible that there is to do. To that I say, bravo Mack.

[Claps again, slyly grinning.]

Now let me call it as I see it. Mack's been here long enough to personally hand-sew every thread in the ring mat. Even a broken clock is right at least two times a day. Plus, I'm just curious but.. doesn't Mack have ties to the head office? Wasn't there a period of time when he ran part of this company? Wasn't his wife the boss? Sleeping your way to the top is usually a trait reserved for secretaries, Mack. Tisk tisk. As far as I'm concerned, you've been the top talent amongst the talentless. For that you deserve a pat on the back. This interview..

[Dante glances down at his free hand and slowly raises his sunglasses back up and places them back on his face. Then he tosses the microphone back at the camera and inaudibly mouths the words "is over" before walking out of frame.]

Johnny Camaro

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Re:The First of Many..
Date Posted:01-05-2010 5:02 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message: Finally a challange

Smokey walks up to Nikky who's chillin and rockin the shit as usual.

"Nikky what's your opinion on what Dante said?"
"Well, it looks like the douche faggery has increased in SEF, damn, I mean this new kid comes in and trashes both myself and Macky. Actually I can't really call him a kid since we're basically the same age. But that's besides the point. Mayhaps I only beat Bethany because she had cancer, but damn man she was 10 times better at cutting promos when she was sick than you on a really good day. If you don't mind I'll take a page out of your recently openned book. Well I'll do it even if you do mind so whatev' deal with it. Let me tell you the two things you did wrong. [Nikky holds up two fingers mocking Dante] One, he thought that being the son of 'one of the single greatest wrestling trainers in this business' would get him any recognition in any company, you need a wake up from the dream world you live in. Two, you tried to bury Mack. You're new so I will give you some advise, don't fuck with the guy fucking the boss. That's not a gay joke, they have different meanings."

"Do you find him as a threat?

"Why the fuck would I? He's a noob, douche, punk, trust me I know, I use to be in that position myself when I first joined."

"That is true."

"Watch yourself"

"Sorry. What do think of him since his arrival?"

"Weren't you listening I just said that, but I will say this about him, he's got one hell of a set of balls. He verbally attack the owner banger and the International Champion on his first day and interview. I do think that he will make an impact here, he is the son of a trainer. He thinks he's this hotshot wrestler, but he'll have to prove it to everyone, but mainly to me. Dante if you can prove your abilities in the ring, I might have to come and face you myself, but again before you do that you have to fight someone first. So this is what I propose, next week Mack-the boss banger- vs. Dante-the cock sucker- one on one. Even if it doesn't fall through, you still better garren-god- damn-ty I'll be there at the announce table, watching you in the ring."

"What will happen if he wins that match? If it happens that is."

"Then I think that will be big enough for him to attempt to fight me. But chances are that that match won't happen unless Macky wants it, sooo I won't have to worry about it. Dante will get a title shot the question is who will he face? Will it be me? I do want to hold onto this title as long as I can but I will lose it eventually. It might even be at the next Extreme, who knows.

"What are your thoughts on Mr. Davlin?"

"What the hell's wrong with you, you keep asking me the same question, and what's Davy line?"

"Davlin...the new guy."

"What the hell kind of name is Davlin, [Nikky starts laughing] I could come up with something 10 times better. Like...Crosslin!"

Nikky is almost close to crying from laughing so hard when Dante Davlin walks up and gets in the face of Nikky.

"What's wrong with Davlin?"

"It's stupid as fuck!"

Nikky continues laughing.

"Ya and Nikky Venom isn't?"

Nikky tries to say "No" but can't because he laughing so hard.

"Look, you asswhip shut ya mouth."


"You did say asswhip."

Nikky stops laughing as he says

"Ok ok, I'm calm. Dude you're new here so you gotta work you're way up from the bottom. One great way to do that is to beat Mack, and if he's a talent in the middle of the talentless than you can beat him right? That's what I thought. Again that may not happen so have fun on the bottom. Goodbye. Oh before I go. Ya I am going to become a dodgeball champion against paraplegics, but the way I see it the handicaps are fair, their in wheel chairs with like 10 people facing one normal man. Next time think up something smart. Peace"

Nikky walks away leaving Dante standing there angry and trying to come up with a comeback.

TBC: Dante and Macky

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