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Pre Debut (Spider-man)

Started by Spiderman, April 06, 2023, 09:32:22 PM

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Date Posted:01-10-2010 12:55 AMCopy HTML

The crowd was cheering and who could blame them after what had happend around the SEF. the fans were excited to continue the show and thats when the lights turned down low..there was a moment after that before the titan tron began to flicker causing the crowd to fall silent as the SEF'S newest member Spider-man appeared on the titan tron.

Spider Man: look the first thing i want to say is that i'm sorry you see i was supose to make my in ring debut tonight but things just got away from me. so instead i got permission to cut this promo and let you guys get to know me alittle bit better..first thing i want to say is that i'm not the super spider dude that you kids read about in your fancy comics but i do represent some of the same values that he does..now i'm sure your going to ask me why i didn't come up with my own gimmick or charcter instead of copying from one already created and thats easy..i just don't have the brains to figure small stuff like that out i' kidding...alright look heres what you want to hear..i'm making my debut real soon *checks watch* like within hours maybe but right now this is the best i can do. the fact is i'm a simple person like yourself i'm here to make a name for myself and if you check out my title history i can hold my own in the wrestling industry so don't look at the suit and judge me before you know me..oh there is one more thing but i think i'll save it for my debut intil then keep it frosty
the tron goes black as the scene fades to black
(ooc: my layout sucks..lol i gotta work on it and don't worry the roleplays will get better i was just busy and forgot i said i would post one tonight..)

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