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Wee Children - Azreal Extreme RP 1

Started by Azreal, April 06, 2023, 10:21:29 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:6
  • Posts:4
  • From:USA
  • Register:01-13-2010 6:56 PM
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Date Posted:01-17-2010 5:00 PMCopy HTML
[Remember when life was more simple than this?  When all you cared about was getting a turn on the monkey bars at recess?  Remember how excited you were when the doors opened from your school and you were able to run home like you were released from a small prison?  That sheer jubilation of the freedom you felt when you were able to feel the wind in your face and the sun on your skin was just something every child enjoyed and the glee children feel at that moment is something incomparable with anything any adult can ever feel.  It's not something anyone can feel as an adult due to the sheer innocence of childhood.

Innocence... A very interesting choice of words at this moment as the camera opens up looking at the enormous back of Azreal.  His hair is dripping wet and he stands in front of a chain-link fence.  It's a beautiful sunny day wherever he stands right now but it seems as if he is the blemish on the day.  His black hooded sweatshirt hangs off his body and his baggy black jeans flap in the wind blowing across the field.  SEF is preparing for, as many see it, "just another Extreme."  But in this sense, Extreme is the birth of a career that, perhaps, could become one of the most dominant in wrestling history.  In Japan, Azreal's name strikes fear into those he's already destroyed.  In America, he's a virtual unknown.  Perhaps, though, that's the way he likes it right now.]

Azreal:  SEF is going to become my playground.

[His voice is flat, emotionless, almost as if he was thinking it and didn't even know he had said it out loud.  His body slowly turns toward the camera and we can now see that his face isn't masked at the moment.  Who, of course, would wear their wrestling mask all the time?  Not anybody I would know.  Just wouldn't make sense.  It'd start to smell pretty bad too.]

Azreal:  People in SEF seem to believe that being an emo kid is going to get themselves somewhere.  They think that if they wear black and pretend to enjoy drinking blood, that it's going to shock someone.  The kids who have grown up in middle-class white America and their parents didn't understand them don't need to get into a world of violence they do not understand.  SEF has set themselves up for a massacre in the making when they've put Shadow and myself into a Tag Team Title Tournament.  Our first opponents are exactly the kind of kids that need to pick up their guitars and mascara and figure out what's really important in this world.

[Azreal moves from the fence and walks down a sandy hill.  He walks to the right of the camera and it pans to his silhouette.  We look out over the Pacific Ocean on a cold January afternoon.  The tide rolls in and out as it always has, and always will.]

Azreal:  You two brats grew up with this as your backyard and you truly think you have it hard?  I wish you could live an instant of the insanity I have over the past twenty-five years.  I wish you could understand exactly what kind of idiotic bullshit you're putting yourself in when you step into the SEF ring this week against Shadow and me.  Angel's belief that one bit could end our life is more than laughable... it's downright ridiculous.  Child, get back on Riverside Drive with your little boyfriend and take your sorry asses back to the "golden" state.

[Azreal walks to his right and the camera now, again, faces his back.  He walks toward a burning bonfire but disregards it and walks to an opening in the chain-link fence.  Arriving back on the streets rather quickly, he stops.]

Azreal:  SEF has no idea what two Japanese psychopaths are capable of.  You may believe we're going to be a bunch of talk and no action, but the fact is, nothing is going to speak louder than us dominating this upcoming Tag Team Title Tournament.  The SEF Tag Titles have been vacant for almost six months now and it's time someone came in and gave SEF a supreme tag team able to hold the championships with pride.  Pride... a deadly sin... deadly... mercy killings.  Angel... honey, don't get hurt.  Zack, because quite frankly Zacky sounds like you're three years old, don't get hurt.  Although, I hate to tell you... you will.

[Azreal pushes the camera out of his way and steps toward a gun-metal colored H1 Hummer.  The door is flung open and Az sits in the drivers seat.  He engages the loud engine and rolls the window down.]

Azreal:  A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of creation.  We'll pick this topic up next time, children.  Stroke your guitar, drink your blood... and be wee children.

[Azreal hits the gas and drives off.]

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