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Filming A Legacy - An Extreme Promo / Crossing The Line

Started by Bobby James, April 06, 2023, 11:32:11 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:25/01/2010 11:40 AMCopy HTML

A flicker of static is on the screen , light fuzz of a channel trying to come into focus but instead going blank.  The vision returning blinking more static rapidly as motion appears to come out of nowhere.  In the center of it all appear one shadowy figure and then another both appearing to be wrestlers as the view centers in it is Bobby James one time and Johnny Camaro in another instant scene.  It is now clearly showing Johnny Camaro smiling arrogantly and chatting with Mary Jane when suddenly Bobby James appears out of nowhere attacking him from behind with a steel folding chair.  Moments later Camaro is laid out on the ground following a vicious DDT as Boston's Best is hauled away by security.  Seconds later Bobby James is in the ring yet again issuing a challenge to a hardcore no disqualification Curbstomp match between himself and Camaro.  Suddenly the focus is changed to a match taking place with James trying to tag in Diamond Dogg who jumps down from the ropes effectively leaving his tag partner to the dogs.  Emmett Murdock and The Sandman attempt to double team Bobby James with the ring bell which backfires with The Sandman being on the receiving end.  Murdock and James struggle with the ring bell as Murdock is knocked out with it as well but just then Johnny Camaro rushes in nailing Bobby James with it and hitting The Speed Drop.  Pulling Murdock on top of Boston's Best letting the team of Murdock and The Sandman advance in the Tag Tournament.  Soon Camaro is shouting that Bobby James finally has an answer.  The screen flickers static in and out briefly before going blank just as a narration starts.

There might be violence.  Oh no there will be violence.  Yes as Moses said Violence Only Begets More Violence.  And come Wednesday night there will be violence and there will be blood.  In the end two opposite forces will attatch to one another.  Coming to together and creating friction.  For a moment they will shine like no other.  For on that night it will not be about honor or respect but for vengeance.  Vengeance for one.  Failure for another.  And for Boston's Best failure will not be an option.

Suddenly the voiceover has stopped altogether allowing the camera to center in on Bobby James who is sitting contently on a wooden rocking chair overlooking a pale blue lake.  James is under a jutted roof relaxing on a back porch watching rain drops pelt the ground and nearby lake.  The cloudy sky has the appearance that at any moment a storm could shatter the quiet calm Boston's Best seems to be enjoying.  The solitary seconds seems to be closing in around him as he take his precious time to notice that a camera man is waiting for his statement but instead he only motions his hand in an outward fashion towards the lake.  Yet he starts to speak knowing that time is growing short.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Time is not on my side.  No its not.  It never has been.  No matter what The Rolling Stones might have said.  Time is defenitely not on my side.  Some people might kid themselves into think that is the case with their lives.  They can make time in the world for their own precious needs or that time will slow down to accomodate what the deem to me sufficiently important but that never really is the case. The world moves on just like time always does.  Time stands still for no man and I feel that burden just as much as anyone else.  Life is too short not to take chances.

But just for a small moment Bobby takes time to look out onto the lake and lightly laugh.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yes time marches on and me with it.  And as I sit here it does just that.  I don't want to wait.  I like what I'm looking forward to.  See I'm getting on track here.  Lining up my legacy into a nice little picture.  Everyone fits into my panoramic vision. 

James just rocks the chair a little bit back and forth.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Some may not understand where I'm going.  They make think I'm just prattling on but I'm not.  See I view wrestling matches mine in particular as works of film artistry.  I'm DeMille , Hitchcock , Kubrick , Kurosawa , Spielberg.  Bobby James is the director.  Bobby James is the producer.  But most importantly Bobby James is the star.  I take pride in my product.  What I do is calculated.  It is efficient.  I don't compromise quality.  I do everything to get my vision the way I want it.  The way I see it in my mind.  Constantly I try to tweak my performance.  Get the action inside and outside that ring just the way I want it to be.  If I want drama.  I make drama.  If I want blood.  I get it.  And on Wednesday night Johnny Camaro.  You will take part in a grand production.  In some ways what the fans will see might be a b-film but if they see it that way then so be it.  I'm not here creating work for the benefit of the fans out there at ringside and for those cheering you on by vicariously living out there pathetic lives through the matches The SEF beams into their televisions.  No I would akin mine to that of a cult classic.  Some but not many will appreciate the artistry more than others and understand the work set before them.  You may think that you would be one of them.  But that I doubt.  You don't have an inkling of understanding in you.

Bobby James leans forward onto his hands to push himself out of the rocking chair.  Moving forward across the porch he leans his elbows onto the wooden railing and continues to look out onto the water.  The sky has become significantly darker.  An ominous rain is rapidly approaching.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Johnny its not about making you look good.  Nor me for that matter but about the end product.  And for a Curbstomp match.  I have set the bar for blood and violence high.  Oh yes just like in numerous cult classics like Evil Dead.  There will be violence and there will be blood.  I'll supply my share as will you.  Our body's are going to be ravaged and scared after were done.  The end result will be something to behold.  Something to cherish.  For a moment in time my legacy shall be put to film for the pleasure of some but for the glory of me.  Sure I have talked about the gold and the glory previously but that night I am not concerned about the gold.  It is about the glory I will find in putting out just what I want.  You will try as you might to deter me from my view but try as you might you shall fail.  The quality production will be a crowning achievement in my budding SEF career and a black mark on yours.  See Johnny I know that in your mind if you can call it that.  You thought that you were above it all.  Above a new star like me.  I am on the cusp of greatness.  I will drink of the cup like those before me and the taste shall be exquisite.  It will be a taste that I don't want to lose.  And one that I don't plan on letting go.  Not for the sake of you.  For the only thing that you shall taste is bittersweet defeat.

A quiet lumbering thunder suddenly comes from all around while a rumbling can almost be felt even through the camera's lens.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Hmmm there is a storm coming.  Its catching up with me.  The only real question is what do I do?  Do I embrace it with arms wide open?  Or do I cover up and hide?  Do I hide under an umbrella of protection?  Shielding myself from the outside.  No that's not something I do.  Farther out even I can tell that this storm is rapidly approaching faster than what you may think.  See even beyond our match at the next Extreme is a chance to solidify a new legacy for Boston's Best.  In February there is a chance to push my self that much farther.  That much harder.  To claw , scrape and fight my way to the top.  A chance to headline with the best of them at Wrestle X.  See in the distance I can hear it calling out like a muffled voice.  Straining to scream out.   And yes I shall scream back.  I will walk towards The Crossing The Line PPV with my my goals in tact and my sights set.  It doesn't matter who stands in my way from a man like Diamond Dogg who played me for a fool.  Yeah Dogg I hadn't forgotten about you.  You cost me a Tag Title shot and I almost won it on my own.  For that you get a shot at The International Title?  Well whatever.  We know you don't have the skills to finish the job.  That's the real reason you walked out on the tag match.  Don't lie to yourself and make it seem like you did it to harm me.  Do I look harmed to you?  In the end I showed just what I was made of.  I nearly got the win.  Sure I didn't but it took three men to get the job done.  I don't see you handling both of them at Extreme.  I see you falling flat.  But I have mentioned you for far too long.  You aren't worthy of comments.  See I am looking toward the present with Johnny Camaro but I am dreaming of the future and like I said it doesn't matter who it is.  I'll go in there with both fists raised.  Be it Emmett Murdock , The Sandman , Azreal or even my own partner Steve Weigel.  Yeah Steve heard me correctly.  Sure he may be my tag partner and even my friend but that night it won't me a God damn thing to me.  Hell we might team up to take out some of the competition but Weigel don't think for a single moment that I'll play nice with you and let you walk all over me.  I'm making it to the top of this business and that's just what it is.  Simply a business decision to benefit my career.  Come rain or shine I will prove to The SEF and more importantly to myself just why I call myself Boston's Best.

Suddenly lighting strikes across the lake as the storm spreads out as beads of heavy rain start to fall immediately.  Bobby James shifts to a stand as he makes his way down the wooden steps and out into the rain.  The water starts to soak through the fabric of his t-shirt and jeans as he stares out stating " Time Is Always Upon Us. " just as the screen goes back to a static gray fuzz before finally fading to black.

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