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universal6 star tag team

an Extreme promo

Started by NBD, April 06, 2023, 11:36:40 PM

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Date Posted:26/01/2010 7:35 PMCopy HTML

So now the whole damn crew known as the Dark Shadow Society has some higher power or so it seems called Lord Oliver who seems to think now from a misinterpreted message that Mack is the one wanting the fight now! These anti intellectual members of society seem to think Mack wants them in battle to settle a score, but apparently they failed to grasp what a true intellect said, so perhaps the message should be repeated one more time or is this a case where it just doesn't matter?
"Could be, but hopefully not, so we just gotta roll on!"
Alright, so the DDS or DDT or no, wait, DSS it is, maybe. That is irrelevant for what is relevant is the fact that Mack has no desire of revenge, no need for vengeance, he does not care one bit for your antics against him. He's glad your finally fucking stepping up and making a damn name for yourself, but by not continuing to step up ya lose your muster, ya lose your status, and then ya just plain lose!
"And that is a fucking shoot!"
Lord Oliver, ya can act all ya want to try and be big and bad and think your some big shot who is not to be angered for people should fear the consequences of doing it. Mack ain't trying to be no bad ass or big shot, he ain't thinking he's holier than thou, he's just fucking Mack and he feels no need to see the fear in anything for fear of something limits your experiences in life. Anything Oliver could do to Mack could be done by Mack to Oliver, out of the ring. This is wrestling, so if Oliver wants to be the one to step to Mack, then he can do it cause Mack don't care, he ain't prejudice about who he faces. All Mack told Midnight to do was prove herself because she has to now, she has to prove all the antics were not just antics, she has to prove she can do more than Hollywood drama. Anyone new who steps into SEF has to prove themselves, but step to Mack as well, they gotta go that extra mile and if Midnight fails to do so before too long, it'll be too late! If Oliver wants to do anything to Mack, he better be ready top step up in the ring and prove himself, of course, signing with SEF would be a better start.
"Kid probably won't wanna show up, claim he don't have to prove shit to no one or something, heh, or maybe he will show?!"
Ravyn Crow, Ravenna Crow, either one of them from the DSS-
"Or is it the DDS, or DDT!?!"
Anyone from the DSS can step, do it, stop Mack, end him, put him down, send him out of SEF, c'mon boys and girls, its just Mack, ya all wouldn't be the ones to be in fear of him, would you?
"Why the fuck would they?"
Ravyn and Ravenna, they are brought up because on Extreme tomorrow night it will be father and daughter going against Mack and also the World Champ, one more fucking time, the WORLD CHAMP....Chris Orton, in a tag team title tournament match in the main fucking event. Now Chris and Mack, ok, they ain't been partners much, hell, don't think they even teamed before tomorrow. And sure, their facing father and daughter, although the two are just now getting to know each other, but of course, they have a natural bond!!!!
"Suck my bond!"
Ok, well anyways, Mack and Chris Orton teaming up is not an easy win for even the greatest tag team in the world no matter who the majority could decide on if they could decide. Both men have more than established themselves as being SEF, but oh yea, they are opponents as well, well boo fucking hoo! So what? They both realize what is on the line at Crossing The Line, they know what is on the line tomorrow night, they know each one wants that World Title, but tomorrow night they know the fans want to see a fucking show, a fucking match that will suck them in and spit them out!
"And were gonna fucking give it to them like I do in all my matches!"
So Ravyn and Ravenna, step up to Mack, step it up and face him, fight him tooth and nail, take him head on and show him what ya got, show all of SEF, show the fucking world that ya belong in the ring with Mack because until ya do, ya won't prove shit. And ya can say all ya like, but ya have to prove yourself otherwise ya got no business even being in SEF. So enough you two, you three, you four, however many want to come at Mack, all of ya sumbitches, step up and prove yourself in the ring and don't get confused again. Mack is a patient man and he'll wait longer than the fans will, he'll wait for you...YOU to take that step and issue a challenge. He hasn't issued one yet and he won't because Mack doesn't have to. He issued enough in SEF, more than anyone else and backed up each challenge, thus proving himself to all and earning him the right to never have to issue another challenge. Make no mistake, he like everyone else is not bigger than the business nor SEF or the World Title, he is simply Mack. He earned a status and its just that, another step towards being made in SEF. Its like winning a title in a way, not gonna get ya to the top alone, but it's a fucking step. Winning the World Title won't make you either, defending it will, earning more accolades will, whether its titles, awards, or standing even with already made stars.
"The term legend is widely overused today and has lost a lot of its luster, so has veteran!"
So until your made in SEF you better step up, Ravyn and Ravenna, you got tomorrow night to do just that and Midnight, ya got a window of opportunity to lay down the beat down in the ring and Oliver, do whatever ya wanna do. Chris Orton too, ya need to step come Crossing The Line for your not made either, but your closer than anyone else on the roster, besides Whitney of course, but that's a given or it should be! If anyone does their homework they know that Mack and Whitney are made, Whitney is retired though and Mack, he has more passion, too much to retire young! Its to each their own, so nothing is bad for either one, the couple has no problems in that area, it is what is, so that's it on that. To all you out there, especially to the near future opponent of Mack, just two words and no, not the usual, but...

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