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Evil Can Play Nice

Started by Midnight, April 07, 2023, 01:21:08 AM

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Johnny Camaro

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Re:Evil Can Play Nice
Date Posted:25/01/2010 8:00 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Role play Title:
OOC message:TBC by DSS or Megan

A 1990 Mazda Miata pulls into the gate of the Crows mansion, there's a keypad on the gate. A hand reaches out and types in a code opening the gate. The Mazda pulls up to the entrance and opens the car door, a man wearing a black trenchcoat steps out and silently closes the door. He approaches the door and punches the door bell so it would be quick. He can hear someone in high heels approaching the door, she's right at he door and the knob is turning.

"Can I help you?"

She can see a man with a pitch black hair, light blue eyes, and a bandana on his hand.


"Hello, it has been a while since I've last been here, isn't that right maid."

"I suppose you're here for Ravenna. Well she isn't here."

"Well then, can you pass along a message?"

"Nope. I'm under orders from Midnight not to let you go near Ravenna."


The maid slams the door in his face, she forgot to ask him how he got in there but by the time she remembered he had already left.

Nikky is driving down the street, grabs his cellphone, and dials Megan's number before pressing talk. He seems a little pissed and hearing her voicemail didn't help.

"Hey Megan, it's Nikky. We gotta talk. It seems that no one wants us to be together and I'm done fighting. So you can tell your mother that...She wins, and to hope that she happy with what happened, and is going to happen... You know I wouldn't try to hurt you in any way, and I hope you don't hate me for this.....That's it and Megan..Take care of yourself. Bye darling.

TBC: Megan or DSS


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Re:Evil Can Play Nice
Date Posted:25/01/2010 10:03 PMCopy HTML


Before Nikky gets halfway down the street, He is stopped by security. Both security vehicles block Nikky in and Nikky gets on of his vehicle and wonders what's next. Security gets out and motion for Nikky to come closer. The older guard begins to speak.

"Sir..come with us."

Nikky is hesitate, thinking that he is being detained and starts to ask questions.

"What did I do now? I've broken no laws."

"Sir..we aren't detaining you. We got orders for you to catch a flight to Romania by orders of Lord Oliver. Now please come with us."

Nikky walks with them and they get into the one security vehicle and drive off. About an hour later, Nikky is on a plane heading for Romania when he gets a call on the phone from Lord Oliver. Nikky puts it on speakerphone and listens.

"Mr. Venom...I hope your enjoying our private jet?"

"Could be better, but I am not complaining. Why am I coming to see you for?"

Lord Oliver chuckles and then explains.

"I understand your deep love for Ravenna. A love that Midnight has forbidden between you two."

"At least someone gets the big picture."

"But Mr. Venom..I feel that when two people love each other that they should not give up what they want. Midnight means well, by her actions. But Midnight has went through so much in her love life before she married Ravyn. You have to understand, she lose a love in her life because her first husband now ex husband betrayed her centuries ago, and this brought Ravyn into her life to save her from him. He was very controlling and he enslaved her. She has been overprotective due to what she went through Mr. Venom. Do not hate Midnight for being a mother to her daughter. She doesn't trust anyone because she worried that Ravenna will go through the same thing and she wants to stop that from happening. But..I can talk to Midnight and help her understand that Ravenna will be fine. If you will give me some time to work with Midnight and get her to accept you in Ravenna's life."


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Evil Can Play Nice
Date Posted:25/01/2010 10:39 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message:Damn I was tired as shit but when I saw the return RP everything just came up. I actually felt like TheRock

"I got a better idea. How about your two goons here who are trying to stare a god damn hole through me fuck off, you take me back to Detroit Rock City, and hope to god or lead vampire that I don't see you or Midnight, because I'm one fucking second away from beating the shit out of you and Midnight. Now let me get this right out there. All of you stay out of Megan's love life, alright! Keep her vampire life and love life seperate, or else she'll end up like Marrisa from The OC. Depressed over one guy and eventually killed by an ex-boyfriend. Oh ya, let me ask you something. How the hell did her first name change by her being a Crow instead of a fighting Sorrow?

"It changed because..."

"It doesn't matter why it changed the fact of the matter is is that the DSS have been taking Sorrow on an emotional rollercoaster, and it has been wrecking her life. She was fine with me but You had to get involved."

Nikky felt invincible after pulling off that old-fashion The Rock routine. He felt he could just rant and rave on and on, and say the samething over and over again in different words making his point valid.

"Now if there's anything you have to say, say it now, just pick the right choice of words so your boys here don't get the shit beat out of them! 3 seconds! GO!"

TBC: Anyone

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Evil Can Play Nice
Date Posted:26/01/2010 10:58 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:
OOC message:
"Nothing? Whatever buddy, I though you of all people here would have something to say. I seems that you don't have the balls to say what's on your mind, so I'll tell you. You think I'm just another fuck up who happened to piss of the DSS. I've got two words, Fuck You. You and you're clan want a truce well fuck you. Too much shit has happened between myself and Midnight. So while I'm beating the living hell of that douche with bad grammer, Diamond Dogg and the nickname rip off, The Devil's Messanger, Gabreil, bring your reinforcements and most importantly bring the DSS to that match, and listen as they preach the word of The Devil's Saint. Nikky Venom. Then you will know what it's like having a Venomous Expirence. And just like the millions watching at home, you too will be Infected."

"As you guessed I'm bringing you here for a truce to happen, and I see what your point. The DSS don't want this truce, but I do, you see together we can take out Mack forever."

"So what happens after you're done with me, you're just gonna throw me away, either that or you make me do your dirty work. Let me tell you something Ollie the Bum. I take orders from no one that I'm willing and able to beat. Trust me, if you try again to presuade me to join you dicks, I will destroy your buddies here till they are bloody, bruised, and broken."

"Your violent tone does nothing, I can see what you're trying to do."

"Go back home to Detriot Rock City so I can train for my match."

"That's not it, I can see. You're afraid of us, you're afraid of change."

"Whatev' I don't care just get me back to my house, and leave me alone."

Nikky hung up the phone while Lord Oliver was about to tell him something.
TBC: Anyone

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