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History Is Lovely - An Extreme Promo

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 01:34:35 AM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:27/01/2010 2:45 AMCopy HTML

Walking through the backstage hallways of The Civic Auditorium of air air of calmness has overcame everyone or so it seems.  A sense of dread is rising through the ranks with rumors surrounding the likes of Mack , Nikky Venom , The DSS and many others.  No one seemingly trusting anyone else.  At any moment the quiet surrender can be shattered.  The tension is palatable to the trained senses.  And one man can sense this extremely well.  Bobby James is sneering as he makes his way to the dressing room making sure to look over his shoulders and to his left and right.  It might be just his nerves or something more.  All Bobby James knows is tonight he has to have is guard up.  He has to be prepared for anything and everything tonight.  Pausing for a moment he looks at his watch only to look around.  Finally on the move he pushes his locker room door open and roughly tosses his bag onto the ground with his gear inside he slams the door.  Moving down the hall he enters a main area to head out to ringside.  Boston's Best heads down to the ramp and slowly climbs the ring steps.  Leaning under the top rope he puts his foot on the mat and gets in the ring.  Wandering around he shakes his head and starts to speak to no one at all.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Knoxville.  Knoxville Tennessee.  Those fans out there don't know just what is in store for them tonight.  I'm here.  I sense what is about to happen.  Tonight is a step in the right direction for me.  For myself.  Maybe even for The Predators.  It's not gonna be easy by any means.  I know that much.

With his hands in his pockets Bobby kicks at invisible rocks on the mat.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Don't kid yourself Johnny.  Your boy Nikky has alot on his platter tonight.  Steve Weigel has alot to do himself.  It's just you and me.  Just the way I like it.  The way I want it.  That's how I have always got things done in the past and now in the present situation.  See me and Diamond Dogg didn't see eye to eye.  I want to fight and he wants to flee.  He can talk all he wants about how he wanted to screw me in our tag match.  Leave me out there for all of my arrogance as some form of punishment.  But I'll call a spade a spade.  It was simply cowardice.  That's all it truly was.  He attacked The Sandman from behind and didn't want to stand up to his actions.  Sure Johnny I attacked you.  But you know what I call that.  An eye for an eye.  A tooth for a tooth.  I follow The Code Of Hammurabi.  Maybe you may not understand that.  No I'm sure you understand the basic concepts of it.  But the true history of Hammurabi and Babylon but tonight is not the night for a history lesson.  But class shall be in session.  See like others I don't get my history.  I don't let history repeat itself.  I make it.  Tonight in this very ring.

Boston's Best walks forward leaning on the top rope looking directly into the camera.  His eyes seem deadset and full of concentration.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Johnny a Curbstomp match might be one of your preferred match choices and the one I choose to fight you in but don't ever think that I make choices lightly.  You wanted me only if I had gold.  And yeah gold is an important part of wrestling.  Holding that title belt.  It means you accomplished something.  It means your one of the best if not the best in this business.  But along the way sometimes proving yourself is more important.  To me its about knowing I did what I set out to do.  To prove that no one will break me.  I will not forsake my goals.  
See in the past I've been pushed down and knocked down and somehow I come back stronger than before.  I took my lumps and my bumps but always stood up and came back for more.  And that's what a Curbstomp match is truly about isn't it?  Taking all that your opponent can give you and pushing yourself that much farther.  Just let me ask you this question Johnny how far can you push me?  How far can I push you before I truly break you?  I will fight tooth and nail.  Scrape away at the facade.  And take you out.

Moving back a bit Bobby puts his hands together and bows his head a bit before looking back at the camera.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- I wont run.  Its not my style.  I came looking for this.  Hunting for it.  I have something to prove to myself.  Fuck everyone else.  It's not about them.  It's not about A Beach God.  You can go back to playing Frisbee with the dogs and taking long walks with your random whores.  That type of shit isn't for me.  My place is in the ring.  My job is in this ring.

James stomps the mat with his boot.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- That's all it was really about when I started wrestling.  It became so much more than that.  But in the end its always been about the fighting.  And this match that you claim to adore is just for that reason.  To fight.  And that is what we shall do.  I promise you one thing and one thing only.  After this match you wont forget the name Bobby James.  It will be ingrained in you....  See I make history.  I make marks in it.  And tonight will be no different.  Come hell or high water I will take it to you.  I'll make you bleed.  Bring you pain.  Cause you to scream out.  And in the end I will have proven myself to myself.  Not to you or to those fans crying out your name.  Its just that simple.  No matter if it is against you or against everyone else in this damn company.  Tonight I will work just like I do every week.  In a Curbstomp match or at Crossing The Line.  It doesn't matter that case.  
I will walk in and I will get the job done.  Period.

Boston's Best looks out into the distance as he leans back up and off of the top rope as he crosses the ring and looks out into the empty seats thinking to himself that tonight the fans will get the blood they scream for but they might not be happy about it as the screen fades out into darkness...

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