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Revenge Will Be Sweet pt. 1 (Diamond Dogg promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 07, 2023, 09:04:25 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:06/02/2010 12:52 AMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to reveal a shot of Diamond Dogg. He's standing outside the Owensboro Sports Center. It is two days after Extreme, and its late at night. The place is a literal ghost town. The camera zooms in for a close up to reveal large bandage wrappings around Diamond Dogg's forehead.

"So Diamond Dogg won by disqualification? Diamond Dogg retains to himself the non existent EFNW International Championship? Diamond Dogg can't say he's happy. In fact, Diamond Dogg is sure that he is unhappy. Diamond Dogg is infuriated. Diamond Dogg can't wait for this Sunday night at Crossing the Line to take revenge on that little bitch Nikky Venom. Diamond Dogg is going to really hurt him. Nikky Venom is just an undeserving bitch. Nikky Venom, you fucked up bad when you tried Diamond Dogg like you did. Diamond Dogg will correct your mistake this Sunday."

"Nikky Venom, you want to talk shit about Diamond Dogg and be a sore loser? You want to hit Diamond Dogg with a baseball while Dogg wasn't looking? You want to put your filthy hands on Diamond Dogg's belt? You want to then hit Diamond Dogg with his own title belt? You want to fuck with Diamond Dogg left and right? Well what comes around goes around they say. This Sunday night, Diamond Dogg is going to fuck you up. You want to bring baseball bats into the game? Bring that same baseball bat you hit me with on Wednesday night with you to the pay per view. Diamond Dogg is going to take that bat and shove it up your ass. Then Diamond Dogg is going to break it off and beat you with the rest of it. You want to act like a bitch Nikky Venom? Well then your going to get treated like one! That's all Diamond Dogg has to say about that!"

"Johnny Camaro! Diamond Dogg hasn't forgotten about you either! Diamond Dogg is going to pay you back as well just like with Nikky Venom! Once Diamond Dogg is done with Venom, he's going to pay you a fucking visit. You want to interfere in Diamond Dogg's match? You want to elbow Diamond Dogg in the mouth? Your officially on Diamond Dogg's hit list. Diamond Dogg is coming for you!"

"And finally, to Bobby James. Bobby James, you gave Diamond Dogg a better fight then he expected. Diamond Dogg is man enough to admit that. But Diamond Dogg doesn't admit defeat. You may have hit your finisher on Dogg, but you never got a chance to make the pin. So we'll never know if Diamond Dogg would have kicked out or not. But we'll soon find out. Diamond Dogg promises you. We both have a common enemy in Johnny Camaro though. Diamond Dogg suggests that for one night, we team up and teach that little bitch a lesson he won't soon forget. What do you say to that? Diamond Dogg awaits your response."

"As for you and Diamond Dogg one on one however... you'll get your rematch. Diamond Dogg will have his rematch. We'll have another chance to decide who is the SEF Iron Man Champion. What do you say that we reserve our rematch for the next pay per view? It seems fitting. How about a 200 Light Tubes, Iron Man Match at Wrestle X? What do you say Bobby James? Let us both get bloody and violent. Let us see who can go the distance. Will you accept Diamond Dogg's challenge Bobby James? Will management agree to it? Who knows about that? Diamond Dogg can see that this new company calls itself Extreme, but Diamond Dogg doubts they'd go for a match of that caliber."

"In either case, we'll have our time again in the ring Bobby James. Diamond Dogg promises you that. Diamond Dogg looks forward to it! Diamond Dogg won't rest until one of us is victorious. Will Bobby James be victorious? Or will Diamond Dogg? We will soon see. Diamond Dogg knows that much!"

"Cut the camera!"

As the camera cuts, we see Diamond Dogg walk off.

Fade out...

OCC: Sorry for the lack of quality, but I really don't feel good, and I'm more then a little depressed and pissed off.

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