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Started by Rayo, April 07, 2023, 10:52:50 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:21
  • Posts:15
  • From:USA 
  • Register:22/01/2010 9:16 PM
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Date Posted:14/02/2010 8:46 PMCopy HTML

And so it begins.....

Rayo finally returns to the world of professional wrestling. It's been a long time and definetly long overdue. Rayo had his own demons he battled with and struggled at the peak of his success in Wrestling 2000 which eventually just ended up with the young luchador to dissapear. Many wanted to count him out, or refer to him as a flash in the pan. A one hit wonder..... Well the year is 2010 and Rayo will be damned if that year does not belong to him. He signed an exclusive contract to EF'NW formerly SEF. SEF has a pretty illustrious history and was one of the top federations on the MSN circuit. Guys like Mack, Rapid, Johnny x, and even another former w2ker Damien Destruction got one of his first starts in the SEF. Now with the eight year anniversary of the company pits a triple threat match that is sure to have the crowd going "HOLY SHIT". Drew Stevenson, El Psicopata, and Rayo are going into a battle that promises to have heads turnin'.

"Sin duda'"

Thats no doubt mo fuckas!

The scene opens up to the masked luchador Rayo. Nothin special about this taping. He just sitting in a chair masked and dressed in a wife beater and Jordan shorts. He finishes off the water in his cup before speaking.

"Que ondas? Shiiiiit excuse my attire, and even my tardiness I know all my fans been waiting for this day for a few years now. But it is official I have signed a new contract and now EF'NW's newest sensation, and there has been alot of new acts come into this federation only difference is well...I'm entertaining. Everyone knows what I'm capable of, theres no need to get into a braggadocious state of mind like most of the boys in the locker room do. I'm ready for what ever comes my way and as I look at the card It seems as if in my first televised match in almost 3 years I gotta worry about not one but two guys tryna catch me for the three count. One being trained in the art of lucha libre like myself. The Other being a former W2ker which is always good to see. W2K is where my career took off in the states and everyone knows only the best talent comes from Wrestling Two Thousand so I am definetly looking forward to getting in that sqaured circle with Drew Stevenson."

Rayo clears his throat before speaking again.

"Drew Stevenson, I'm glad we dont have to throw pointless insults towards each other leading up to this bout. I've got alot of respect for you I've seen you in W2K and PWT doing your thing esse' I gotta give credit where credit is due. I know your one of the greatest technical wrestlers out there today. I know when we step in that ring were going to steal the show, I know we gonna show these guys what they got instore for em in the near future. You seem to be giving away what your plans are to stop me and the other luchador. Take out one of my legs eh? Good Strategy holmes but All I'm saying is your gonna have to catch me first comprende'?."

"I know you have a strong fan support here and that is fine but these fans know who Rayo is, and whether or not they choose to embrace me It wont stop what's coming, It wont alter my in ring ability so there can be a packed house full of Drew Stevenson heads or even crowds full of El Psicopata signs I'm getting that 3 count whether I'm pinning your or Psicopata I'll decide when the time is right. I commend your great start Drew but eventually the momentum hits a road block and its funny that the luchador ends up being just that. I've got a lot to prove heading into Extreme February 16th, I'm here to prove I can come back and make a bigger impact then I did before. Show everybody I far from being past my prime. I'm still very young and I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life. Drew Stevenson it will most definetly be Explosive indeed."

Rayo stands up and starts clapping.

"El Psicopata I gotta give you a round of applause because I saw your last match at Extreme 159 and you put on quite a show even picking up a victory pretty fast esse'. It's always good to see a fellow luchador and it's even better to wrestle one to see who is the dominant luchador of the company but I noticed a few flaws in your technique and I'm pretty sure I can read your arsenal of moves Nino'. I'm not doubting your ability at all though I know what you can bring to the table. Bottom line is this, Extreme were going to steal the show it's time to give the fans showstopping at it's finest. See yall soon....real soon."

Rayo exits as the scene fades to black.

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