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universal6 star tag team

Sexy Boy

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 10:54:42 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:15/02/2010 3:12 PMCopy HTML

Look at my dancing Skills -Floating Arms

"The Infection will spread if we don't do something." A voice is heard on the PA before the sounds of Burn Halo's "Save Me" is heard throughout the arena, as the fans stand to their feet straining to see the man who is about to come out through the curtain. The lights begin to flash silver, orange and purple, as the video screen shows the man hitting various opponents with a series of devastating opponents. Finally, through the curtain comes The Quintessential Star Johnny Camaro  ;- clad in a fur coat and sunglasses covering his eyes, the fans erupt when they see him. With a smirk on his face, he walks forward as wind blows his hair showing off his modelesque capabilities. He shrugs his shoulders a few times as he walks out letting the coat fall to his elbows, before throwing his left arm in the air, providing a perfect Kodak moment for the crowd. He walks down the ramp quickly. He suavely stretches his arms out, allowing the fans to slap them, before he reaches the padding outside the ring. He brings the coat up to his shoulders, and jumps in place for a few seconds, before running and sliding into the ring, laying with his head on his hands as he enters the ring. He then gets up, and walks towards the nearest turnbuckle. He climbs to the second rope, and does the same pose that he pulled on the stage.

As you can imagine I am going into a match with nothing and coming out with a fist full of gold. The Tag Titles are coming home to the essence of awesome. The Tag titles are coming home to the team that has been a destructive force ever since they got into this company. The Infection baby, the team that has been as hot as the sun, The Infection baby. Tonight, the Infection will win the Tag title and finally be the presence of greatness in EFW. And I'm not stoping there, no, I want Mack in a title match. I don't care what he says about me needing to deserve my shot, I will show you why I am going to be the next in line for a title shot." Johnny Camaro says not hesitating to start his rant."As for Sandman and Murdock, chances are they'll rip eachother apart before me and Nikky have the chance to. Nevertheless a win is a win and this win means Tag Title gold. So will I let anything get between the Infection and the Tag titles? Hells no! Will I let anything get between the Infection members? Double hells no!" He adds.

"But I digress, I'd like to talk about our opponents individually starting with Sandman. Sandman, we've never got along in the back and tonight is the night for us to rip each others heads off, ultimately though I will beat you. You are a tough son-a-ma-gun, but you have a lot of weaknesses that are pretty easy to exploit, mainly your alcoholism is one that's so easy to exploit." Says Johnny. "As for Murdock, you clearly hate your partner and you can't stand him. You certianly won't want to hold the titles with him, and you certianly don't want to have to go out each week in tag matches with him. So Murdock, do I see you as a threat? Hells no! You don't care about EFW or the titles so whatever. This new team of Murdock and Sandman won't last and I assure you it will end tonight. Goodnight." Johnny's music hits and he walks backstage.
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