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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Extreme Payback.

Started by The Rocket, April 07, 2023, 10:58:05 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:16/02/2010 1:14 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The following roleplay contains elements known to the state of California that may cause birth defects in some children, including foul language, violence, and even sexual situations. You have been warned...

That is exactly what the hell last week was. I honestly can't believe that after one hell of a Rumble two weeks ago, that I make second appearance on 'Extreme' and the fucking match ends in a disqualification because some asshole by the name of Azreal felt that he had to bring a steel chair into the game. Well guess what?
Motherfucker, you picked the wrong guy to smack in the head with a steel chair.
I've been at the arena all day long just waiting for in the backstage area with my a chair of my own. As the day went on and I saw no one coming to stop me or ask me to return to my locker room. As i'm pasing around the back docks with my steel chair in hand and in my jeans and a black tank top. The camera crew shows up with Samantha Winters but I don't stop pasing instead I continue as they watch on. Samantha then decides to approach me with her mic and camera crew.
Samantha Winters says - Mr.Rocket, you've been out here all day can we ask you just what it is you've been waiting around here for?
I stop and turn towards her and make my way over to her to answer her question.
The Rocket says - What am I out here waiting?!? Honestly, you've got the nerve to bring your ass out here and ask me what the hell i'm doing waiting outside on the back docks.
She nods her head. I take off my glasses and look down at the HUGE chesticles in front of me.
The Rocket says - HOT DAMN! What in the hell are those!?!
She looks down and smiles as she brings the mic back up to answer me but, I stop her and remember her question.
The Rocket says - Nevermind that, let me answer your question so you can get back to whatever it is you do around here. I've been out here all day waiting for that motherfucker Azreal I don't intend to leave this spot until that his ass shows up. Now take a hint and get back to work, and before you do that go cover those things up will ya? you look like a cheap slut.
She gets pissed as the camera blacks out and I continue waiting Azreal's punk ass.
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.

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