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A sit Down Interveiw with the real Mr. Weigel... R/p#1

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, April 07, 2023, 11:01:57 PM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Date Posted:12/02/2010 4:49 AMCopy HTML

The scene opens to Steve Weigel sitting on a couch with a little girl sitting next to him. The little girl is watching tv and smiling. Steve is staring at her as she watches tv and then looks across from him where Samantha Winters is sitting. Steve is wearing black slacks and a black slik button up shirt with the top two buttons undone. The little girl is wearing a pretty pink dress. As the camera goes to Samantha you can see she is wearing a short shirk and a low cut top. She smiles at Steve as she begins to talk.

{Samantha Winters} - So Mr. Weigel....

Steve cuts her off.

{Steve Weigel} - Just call me Steve.

{Samantha Winters} - Ok then Steve. Who is this lovely girl sitting next to you.

Before he can say anything she turns and says.

{Cassandra Weigel} - I'm daddys little girl. I'm also his little princess.

She smiles and turns back to the tv. She almost cracks up but stops himself.

{Samantha Winters} - Awww thats so sweet.

{Steve Weigel} - Yeah this is my daughter Cassandra and she is my world.

{Samantha Winter} - Is there a Miss in your life?

Steve rubs his chin. You can see he hasn't shave in a while. Samantha slowly uncrosses her legs and then slow crosses them back where he could see her panties.

{Steve Weigel} - Wow. No there is no one else in my life besides my son and right now he is with his grandpa. See I'm not good at relationships. Wrestling is so much easier for me. When I'm in that ring its like nothing I do is wrong. Win or lose I'm on top in her. But out there I fall apart. Some people says I take to much until I just lose it.

{Samantha Winter} - You might have not met the right lady then. But I'm here to ask you about your match. So will this weeks match break bobby and you up? Will it be the end of the predators.

{Steve Weigel} - See Samantha some things cant be broken. Its like a fathers love for his kids. At times it might seem that daddy doesn't love them when they are bad. But the truth is that a father can never stop loving his kids. What I'm saying is it may look like its the end of the predators, but in the end we will walkout next week drinking beers together and with women by our side. See no one can spilt us up. No matter how much they try. Now I know he wont lay down for me and he knows I wont lay down for him. Its called respect and we have it for each other.

{Cassandra Weigel} - Daddy why do you have to fight uncle Bob? Are you going to hurt him?

{Steve Weigel} - Because its our job. We have to fight whoever management puts us against hunny. And no I will try not to hurt your uncle to bad ok sweety?

{Cassandra Weigel} - Ok daddy.

Steve smirks a bit.

{Samantha Winters} - Are you being nice because your daughter is here?

Steve looks down at the ground.

{Steve Weigel} - No. I just have nothing bad to say about Bobby. Everynight he comes out there giving it his all. And I'm talking to you Bob you better bring it all and more because thats what I want. Anything less is disrespect. Together we can only this weeks show. We can show management that were not playing around.

Samantha smiles at him but her eyes are on his pants as she begins to talk.

{Samantha Winters} - So big. I mean the match is going to be a big match right because the winner gets a title shot.

Steve laughs a bit.

{Steve Weigel} - Yes its a big match Samantha. Bigger then you can picture. To big for you to understand. But now back to my match. Yes the winner gets a shot at a title. We both want it and only one can get it. I know he wants that championship and hell I know I do. So really it will power us more to fight until we cant fight no more. Win or lose it doesn't matter.

Steve starts to get up and Samantha slowly gets up showing off her low top and her big fourty four triple D boobs. Steve smiles and walks over to the door.

{Samantha Winters} - One last question hot stuff.

Before she can say anything else the girl gets up and starts talking.

{Cassandra Weigel} - Its not hot stuff. Its daddy ok? My daddy!

Steve smiles.

{Samantha Winters} - Ok daddy. Can you really hit your own friend with My Suicide?

{Steve Weigel} In the end I dont really know. He's my friend. No! He is more then that. Were family and I really dont know right now if I can hit that. The interveiw is over and hope to see you again Samantha.

Steve slams the door on her as the scene fades away.

Bobby James

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Re:A sit Down Interveiw with the real Mr. Weigel... R/p#1
Date Posted:12/02/2010 11:03 AMCopy HTML

The roleplay of Bobby James that you are
about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not
suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by
such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not
offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material
 Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of
your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and
such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If
 this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's
 a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it
originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart
unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're
religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that
would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're
Banner Here
Just as the cameras have faded from the inside of Steve Weigel's house they are suddenly reappearing on the outside near the concrete walkway leading down to the driveway where Samantha Winters car is parked while a Dodge Charger pulls up right behind it.  The car is idling for a moment as Miss Winters approaches the drivers side door with a sly smile upon her face.  Moving down the tinted window reveals the smirking face of Bobby James who eyes cannot be seen behind his dark shades yet we all know the intensity the eyes on him hold.  Miss Winters straightens herself up a bit and clears her throat just as the car is turned off.  Popping the latch Bobby James opens the door and slowly steps out lightly shutting the door behind him as to not disturb Steve and his wonderful daughter Cassandra.  Pulling down his glasses a bit James looks her up and down with a full body inspection nodding approvingly and he grins a bit.  Leaning back against the car door Boston's Best eyes her again and starts to speak.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- What's going on Samantha?  Haven't seen you around the EF'NW.  Must be a new girl right?
Laughing a bit she looks down.
Samantha Winters -- Well yeah Steve ... I mean Mr. Weigel hired me for an up close and personal interview with him and his daughter.  He wanted the fans to see him in his other natural surroundings.  Not just in the ring I guess.
Bobby shakes his head in understanding.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Oh yeah he does that sometimes.  Wants to get personal.  Ya know in touch with his family side.  Has the personal interview from time to time to discuss why he does certain things.  You know aspects of his in-ring persona and whatnot.  Well I can say one thing for certain at least this time when he was busy working his family and the fans that he at least had the right idea when hiring such a lovely thing like you to get the job done.
Giggling a bit Samantha blushes.
Samantha Winters -- Wow he he.  Thanks but I didn't mind interviewing him at all.  He he.  He is quite the family man though isn't he?  Maybe you could be a more interesting interview?
Bobby James confidently nods his head and looks at her.  Running his hand up the side of her right arm.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- I'm many thing baby and interesting interview is just one of them.  But why don't you show me what's interesting about you to make me want to do an interview with.
Samantha looks at him for a moment and then asks a question.
Samantha Winters -- Whats interesting about me?  You want to see what I have to offer?
Bobby shakes his head again looking her up and down...waiting for her to prove what she can offer Boston's Best.
Samantha Winters -- Well I can offer you my undivided attention , great listening skills , great interview skills , the ability to not shy away from the hard questions.  You know the stuff the fans and myself really want an answer to and of course I can offer you this.
Samantha slowly pulls off her low cut top unafraid since Steve pretty much lives in a secluded area of town with no onlookers around.  Bobby takes a hard look at the large breasts barely being held back by the straining bra when suddenly Miss Winters undoes the bra letting the large round globes that Steve surely missed out on.  Her perfect round areolas and pink puffy nipples are all the camera is now focusing on while the camera man is doing his best to stay standing.  Bobby without hesitation steps forward groping at both breasts pinching and pulling on the nipples.  While Samantha tries to speak.
Samantha Winters -- I guess you like what I can offer huh?
All Bobby does is nod and grunt as he rubs and pinches but starts to speak while carrying on his exploration.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Samantha.  I'm sure were on a first name basis here.  I watched you in my car doing your interview with Weigel.  I heard and I saw the horniness in your eyes and actions.  Poor Steve is so caught up in not noticing things.  That's his fault.  That's his downfall alot of the times.  When a horny bitch like you wants to get in my pants I have nothing but respect for that.  Just like I have nothing but respect for Steve and his family so why don't we take this inside my tinted car.  I'll take that camera too in case I want something to remember it by.
Bobby takes the camera right out of the camera man but forgets that its a live feed and enters the car with Samantha right ahead of him.  He lifts up her short skirt revealing the thong panties she has on to the whole viewing audience.  He stops her for a moment and grabs a handful of the thong pulling it to the left revealing the perfectly shaved beauty of her bare pussy.  Licking his lips a bit Bobby lets go and allows her to get comfortable in the passengers side of the car.  Settling in to the drivers side he forcefully grabs her hand putting it on his crotch while she unbuttons the top fly of his blue jeans zipping it down.  Squirming a bit she pulls his pants down to the ground and sticks her hand into the opening of his boxers fishing around for his cock.  Finding it she smiles as he eyes go wide at the size of it in its non hardened stage.  Hesitantly she starts to jerk him off through the boxers as he starts to speak again.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yeah mmmm damn bitch that's fucking good work your doing.  You keep that up and the interview will go off with out a hitch.  See unlike Steve I ain't afraid to go that much farther.  He could have set his daughter down and turned on Tom and Jerry or some shit like that and laid some pipe to you in the bedroom.  Gave it to you good like I'm gonna later on today.  Right now though Samantha its only about me.  Not about you.  What Steve could've had was a professional hand job from this big titted horny piece of hotness instead and lucky for you he bitched out. I hope to God he doesn't do that in out match.  He better give it his all just like you are.  Fuck that shit bitch pull it out show me what the fuck your doing to me.
Samantha nods her head up and down and pulls out Bobby's cock revealing a nine inch behemoth that both hands are feverishly working up and down.  Bobby shaking his head no pulls her hands away and grabbing her by the hair brings her willing head down onto his crotch but all the camera can see is her head bobbing up and down in time with his grunts.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- That's right Sammie.  Suck on that cock.  I'm giving you something only Weigel dreamed of.  I could see he wanted it but didn't have the balls to go for it.  That's why your in my car slobbing on my knob.  Bet its the best isn't it?
All Samantha can do is gurgle in approval.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Oh that's right you know it is.  I'm Boston's Best.  Steve can talk all he wants about putting on a show the fans will remember but yet he doesn't know about hitting My Suicide on me.  Mmmm damn.  Fuck yeah I'll nail him dead center of the ring with The Highlight if I get the chance.  I'll take his ass out and get that title shot against that emo fag boy Nikky Venom.  Venom , Dogg or Camaro.  God damn baby.  Whooo.  It doesn't matter I'll take them all on.  Shit bitch yeah get your spit all over it.  Whooo fuck!  Fuck yeah deep throat that shit.  Play with my nuts like Stevie only dreamed of.
Suddenly another camera is coming into focus outside of Boston's Best car as Steve Weigel is walking towards the car quite puzzled and the voice Bobby James can be heard from inside.
( inside the car voice only ) " Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yeah bitch Steve wouldn't give it to you!  I'm a man fucking take it!  Yeah slut swallow my cock!  Shit baby get ready!  Ughh mmm!  Swallow my cum you slut! Oghhhhh gawwwddd!
The sound of something banging on the inside of the car can be heard by Steve and the camera man who had procured another camera.  The look on Weigel's face is hard to describe as about thirty to forty five seconds later the car door is opened up with both a clothed Bobby James and Miss Samantha Winters walking out.  Bobby James now notices the other camera and Steve Weigel starring right at him.

TBC By Steve Weigel only.
This Layout Was Made For Bobby
James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal
this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So
 use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get
 either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:A sit Down Interveiw with the real Mr. Weigel... R/p#1
Date Posted:14/02/2010 7:12 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of Steve Weigel that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

Steve is sitting on a bench in a park. He is watching his two year old son and his four year old daughter play in the playground. Steve looks upset. Like something is on his mind. He is wearing blue jeans and wife beater shirt that is black. He has his black sun glasses on as the camera gets a close up shot of him.

Steve Weigel - I should have known he would do something like this. But I thought he was a better person then that. I guess you never really know people that good. I remember back in the day when we first started out together. It was me and Bob and Joe. Hell those were the days. But you can't go back in time. Now Joe left because he is a bitch. Yeah I said it my own brother is nothing but a little bitch. Fucker wont even step into a ring anymore.

Steve stands up and walks closer to the playground and leans against a pole.

Steve Weigel - Fuck bob what happen you used to care about this job. Don't bullshit me. Because if you cared about this job unstead of getting head on camera you would have been focus on this match. I remember when this was all we cared about. There was no playing around. No joking. We took kick ass and took names later. Now it came to getting a blow job in car for a promo. Shit man, your better then that. Why? Were you trying to piss me off? Get a reaction out of me?

Steve takes off his glasses and looks around.

Steve Weigel - Your right I have never been good at women. I don't pick them right and when I find a good one I'm to fucking shy to talk to them. So what she gave you head. Doesn't get to me. What hurts is I think your taking our match to light. Dude I know and I knew this for years now. You think your better then me. What if your right? I don't think I'm better then you. I never have. I have always look at us being the same. Remember you got me to join The Predator's. That means you seen something in me.

Steve stops leaning and walks into the playground.

Steve Weigel - Remember the good old days. Back when we had no kids. When we would just go out to the bar and just chill together. I miss those days. But everyone has to grow up. What I'm saying bob is you need to grow up. You need to look at this match as a chance for a championship. Because I know I sure damn am. And yes bob I will hit My Suicide on you to win it. Nothing will stand in my way of gold. Not even my best friend. And I hope its the same for you.

Steve smiles as he see the kids playing together.

Steve Weigel - Those are my everything right there. This like that championship will be. See I'm not done with Nikky yet. And to get to him I need to go through my best friend and I have no promble doing that trust me when I say that. The way you talk it sounds like I'm second best on the team. But who has won more matches here and won hasn't won at all. I just hope when you get in that ring all the kidish stuff are done with and you see I mean business.

Steve walks back over to the bench and sits down.

Steve Weigel - You know Shane is right about you. You never get your facts right before you speak. Hell I even knew he was never the owner. Like saying I like to get personal time from time to show my family side. Thats bullshit. I need to say something and couldn't leave my kids alone. Being a single dad isn't the easiest thing in the world. I get by with my dad watching the kids when I'm working. So what if I like Samantha Winters. If there was anything there before it isn't now that for sure.

Steve  looks around for a bit.

Steve Weigel - This tuesday me and you step into the ring. Only one man steps out the number one contender. That one man will be me and you can take that all the way to the bank. Now I know your good, but I think I want this more then you. I wont stop until I win. You better bring the popcorn vender and his buttery fat wife because your going to need all the help you can get. This isn't a game to me. This is my life. I can careless if the what the fans think of me. All I care about is winning.

Steve reaches down on the ground and into a bag and pulls out a shirt. When he leans back up you can see its a predator shirt. He shakes his head.

Steve Weigel - I thought this meant something to you bob. I thought it meant no matter what we were friends. But if thats true why would you try to hurt me by doing that with her? Friends dont fuck other friends over. I guess I was wrong about you after all. Maybe this should be the end of the predator's. The end of a great tag team and a better stable. A end of friendship. I will beat you this tuesday and show you I'm no push over. Fuck you!

Steve gets up and starts to walk over to the kids but he stops halfway.

Steve Weigel - The truth is you were my older brother I never had and you just stab me in the back. Your nothing but a bitch and come this weeks show you will be the prey and I will hunt your ass down and beat you until I get all my stress out. You will see I'm just as good as you if not better and why I haven't lost in a singles match yet in here. You will also see why in the end its always My Suicide. Now get the mother fucking camera out of my face before I beat you with it.

Steve is seen walking to his kids as the camera fades off.

This Layout Was Made For Steve Weigel by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

Bobby James

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Re:A sit Down Interveiw with the real Mr. Weigel... R/p#1
Date Posted:15/02/2010 3:53 AMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are
about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not
suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by
such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not
offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material
 Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of
your twisted life   You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and
such?   Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame.
 this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's
 a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it
originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart
unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're
religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that
would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're
Banner Here
Suddenly off in the distance Bobby James can be seen walking through the same park Weigel is at and moves right in front of him.  Getting inches from him he looks towards the camera and pushes the camera guy back a few steps.  Directing his attention straight to Steve he sneers and speaks up immediately.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- You know something you said something that piqued my interest and pissed me off as well Steve.  Firstly you want to call me a bitch?  That's fine Steve.  I'm here.  I can defend myself but what the hell is wrong with you?! Secondly and more to the point you want to talk about the past and whatnot. Try to rehash the supposed glory days of The UWF , NRA and SDE with me and you and Joe.  The trials and tribulations that The Predators went through yet in the same vain you call your own brother a bitch?  What kind of man builds himself up by knocking his brother down.  What kind of man for that matter has the nerve , the gall , the audacity to call his own brother a bitch?  For what huh?!

Bob lightly pushes Steve as he takes a step back not really prepared to be jarred like that and grits his teeth while Bobby James goes on speaking.

" Boston's Best " -- For taking care of himself and his real family over his wrestling career.  Its not Joes fault that he wasn't always there for you in those other feds.  He scrimped and he saved while you partied the night away with random whores and wrestling hanger-ons.  He bought his home and put away a nice nest egg for his family and went on just like I did.  Sure he had his other reasons for stepping back from the spotlight.  Face it The Joe Daddy that we wrestled with and against is dead and gone and now its just Joe.  Just Joe Weigel.  That's it.  Not Joe Daddy.  Not Mr. Entertainment.  Now he lives his life for his family and takes care of them the way he sees fit to.  Now to me I don't see a bitch at all I see a man dedicated to what he loves more than life itself.  But if you want to see him as a bitch because he doesn't fit your mold of what a man is then so be it.  Maybe your not much of a man or a brother either.

Weigel starts to hesitantly speak...

Steve Weigel -- That's not what ....

Bobby cuts him off and starts to speak again.

" Boston's Best " -- You know what save it.  Save the I was in the heat of the moment bullshit.  That mumbo jumbo I don't really care to hear that crap spewing out of your mouth.  We may all have our family issues to work out.  Sure you may want desperately to bring your brother into the EF'NW fold but its not quite working out the way you planned it.  So you get pissy and call him a bitch.  Good job.  Try harder next time.  Call him.  Text him.  Email him.  But God damn stop the bitching please.  You know I even got something just for you Steve.

Boston's Best pulls out some Kleenex tissues from his blue jeans and tosses one at Steve who just looks at him confused holding onto the tissue.

" Boston's Best " -- There ya go Steve.  Brought that for ya.  I got some tissues for all of your issues.

Steve looks at Bobby and tosses the tissue onto the ground and steps right on it smearing it into the ground.

" Steve Weigel " -- What the fuck!?  Man I'll...

" Boston's Best " -- You'll do what bitch and whine some more about how you need this win more than I do?  How this match could make or break your career or The Predators in general?  That shirt right there means more to me than you know.

Bobby picks up The Predators shirt from the park bench that Steve had set aside and pulls out the tag.  It reads J.D. in there.  Steve looks at it and just shakes his head in confusion.  While James carries on speaking.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- That J.D. stands for Joe Daddy I wrote that in there in yours and mine too.  It means that no matter what Joe is still a Predator to me and so am I.  It means that yeah me and you are headed into the ring Tuesday night as opponents but it doesn't break us down.  Now listen to me and listen well Steve you may think that I am taking you lightly.  Hell you even said it brazenly that I think I'm better than you why because Samantha gave me head.  Fuck that.  How was I supposed to know that you had a hard on for her.  You've never talked to me about her.  All those times up and down the road from show to show motel to motel no one God damn time man.  So don't blame me that I took it upon myself to sample her merchandise. I didn't see her backing away from me.  But whatever I need to get this off my chest.

Bobby starts to walk around pacing and finally looks back at Steve.

" Boston's Best " -- First off Steve ... Joe asked me if you could join The Predators I didn't invite you in.  He asked if his older brother who was new to wrestling could take part in our new stable.  Was I reluctant at first?  Yes I was but it was because of your lack of what I saw as dedication.  I wasn't quite sure about you but I knew you wanted to make it.  And eventually you ended up doing just that.  Proved the doubters wrong and ended your career on a high note.  Yet you came back.  You called me and said I was offered a contract along with you.  But I can't believe that you want to talk about how I think I'm better than you in the ring.  When did I say that?  I gave you the benefit of the doubt in the beginning and you proved my doubts to be worthless.  Day in and day out I watched you struggle and train to get to me and Joe's level yet you say I'm looking past you.  Well I'm right here Steve.  I ain't going nowhere.  Except into a EF'NW ring.  You feel a need to stand toe to toe with me.  Like you need to nut up or shut up then so be it.  But don't think for one fucking second that I am taking this match any less seriously than you are.  Funny enough man you want to talk about how ready you are for this match and how prepared and focused you truly are?  Then why is the only thing I head currently out of your mouth about Mack?  You bitching and whining about respect and how you want a street fight with him?  While you two are busy circle jerking eachother and comparing your egos.  Then you guys want to talk about respect and you wanting title shots and not wanting them and about how everyone wants them.  Well I'm at the gym training and waiting.  See Steve its not about being second best in The Predators.  Oh no its about being second best in our match and partner come Tuesday night we'll find out the answer to that question.

Bobby pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts and looks dead at Weigel.

Yo ... You talked about how in the past The Predators went in a kicked ass , took names and it wasn't about the jokes?  Where the hell were you during The Battle Of Chicken Hill?  Huh?!  I know where you were.  You were right beside me and Joe.  When we took on The Under Rooster and visited KFC and ate a giant chicken buffet.  When we visited the Tyson processing plant watching and recording all of the chickens being killed and we laughed our asses off.  Or which made it even better is when The Predators fought off and hunted down hundreds of attacking chickens in the climatic showdown of The Battle Of Chicken Hill.  Or what about our constant mocking of Connor McConnor's ridiculously cheesy accent?  Huh?  Where was the seriousness then?  It was no where to be found.  Yeah I joke around outside of that ring but inside is the only place it matters.  Wins count as you liked to point out that yeah I lost my fair share of matches.  But who was it that got pinned last week Steve?  It wasn't me.  Yeah that's right I'm looking right at the guy who got pinned.  And you know what Steve who cares.  The past is in the past.  You've lost here.  I've lost here.  We'll both lose again in the future but on Tuesday night one of us will be walking away with a title shot.  I know you've had your problems with Nikky Venom in the past.  But don't think for one second that just because you have a grievance with Mr. Emo that its a green light for success against me.  You said it and I'll say it better Bring It All , Bring The Tables , Bring The Chairs , Bring The Ladders , Hell Son Even Bring The Popcorn Vendor And His Buttery Fat Wife!!  But make sure that you have just a little more than I do.  Make sure that you've filled the tank up and the reserves are full because you may be my friend and partner but when I get in the ring all I'm gonna see is opportunity.  Yeah you may be on the winning side of singles matches but only the outcome of this match truly matters.  So Steve buckle up because its gonna be one hell of a ride.

Steve just stands there looking at Bobby James not quite sure what to make of all of what he had said.  Maybe he hit a nerve mentioning the past and his own brother Joe Daddy aka Joe Weigel.  Will the loyal EF'NW fans find out in the near future?

 Steve Weigel only.
This Layout Was Made For
James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal
this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So
 use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get
 either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:A sit Down Interveiw with the real Mr. Weigel... R/p#1
Date Posted:16/02/2010 7:21 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of  Steve Weigel that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

Steve stands there looking at bob for a second then at the shirt. He smirks and looks over at his kids playing quitely. Steve then turns to the camera and back to back before speaking.

Steve Weigel - Your right ok? I dont know what the fuck I was thinking calling him a bitch. Joe Daddy did bring me into this business,but where is he now? I know more then you will ever know he isn't happy without this life. I'm his older brother. I want him to see this and hear me. Maybe it will piss him off enough to come and hunt me down and then he will remember what he is missing. I'm not trying to put him down. I'm trying to piss the fucker off. But it looks like his best butt buddy has came to his aid once again like always. Let him fight his battles. You stay the fuck out of it. Its between two brothers. Steve Weigel and Joe Weigel as you wanted to add. So stop being a jackass.

Steve pushes bob with his right hand. Bob goes back a bit biting his lip and smiling.

Steve Weigel - Yeah you dont like being push do you? How does it feel? What are you going to do about it? Nothing bob because you and me both know that this is bullshit. We shouldn't be fighting. Were better then this. Dude I will not fight you this tuesday. If I come down to the ring and your in it I will not raise my fist to you. I cant and I wont. Management put us in this fight to get what they wanted and its working. Were fighting with each other already and this is fucked up. I would better walkout of our match then to end what we have together. Yes I have proven everyone wrong in my career and did what everyone said I couldn't and this week I will do the same. I will walkout of a match for the first time. I do want Nikky Vemon, but its not worth losing what we have together.

Steve walks over to the bench and sits down.

Steve Weigel - Dude were not legends and were not the best tag team ever, but were one of the best and we never give up. Our goal when we step into this federation was to win those tag titles. What happen? We haven't even been in a two on two tag match together. Damn dogg if management wants to fuck us lets take the ball and ran with it. Lets attack everyone in our way. This tuesday lets attack the tag champions to prove a point that we want those titles. I do remember the past bob and I also remember what you were talking about. I know we have always joke around, but I was just mad. I know you didn't know about her, but you tend to laugh at me over women. I guess because I never have the guts to ask them out. Hell I had to kidnap Megan just for me to be able to ask her.

Right then a van pulls up and the kids run to the guy getting out. Steve and bob both walk over to the van.

Steve Weigel Sr. - Hey bob how are you doing? Can you help steven get a girl starting to think something is wrong with him?

Bob - Haha. I'm doing fine.

Steve just looks down.

Steve Weigel - What time do you want me to pick up the kids dad?

Steve Weigel Sr. - Anytime is ok the kids are good for papa.

Steve helps his dad get the kids in and his dad waves as they drive off.

Bob - He is still a ass to you dude. You need to speak up and be a ass back.

Steve Weigel - Yeah I know but he is my dad. Does hurt thou when he talks about me in front of my friends.  No what hurt then most? Is when my best friend who I called my brother hurt me more then that. How could you say here is a tissue for all your issues? Yeah I know its funny but sometimes no one thinks of my feelings. What are you thinking sissy? I can care less. You did say something right thou. You said you would win this tuesday and your right. Not disrespecting you just being a friend...a brother. You better go on and beat Nikky Vemon for that championship. Because I know you can. Why did I think you thought you were better then me? Because in my eyes you are better then me. You always have been and I think you always will be. I wish you the best of luck taking that championship. Peace!

Bob stares at him as he gets in his 2010 mustang GT. Steve drives off into the sunset as the scene fades away.

Two hours later at Weigel house the camera focus in on him sitting on his bed. Steve is wearing nothing but boxers. Across from him sitting in a chair is Samantha Winters. Samantha is staring at him. She is wearing a black short skirt and a low cut blouse.

Samantha - Wow Steve a interveiw in your boxers. Whats next?

Steve grins.

Steve Weigel - Something I should have done a long time ago. Come here?

She smiles and gets up and walks over to him. She sits next to him looking right at him.

Samantha - Is this a interveiw or something more.

Steve Weigel - Its what I want it to be and I know you do too. Bob is right I need to start getting what I want.

Steve softly leans in a kisses her soft big red lips as he gently cups her right breast. She pushes Weigel down on the bed and pulls off his boxers revealing his large hard on. Samantha prouches on him and lefts up her skirt to show she has no panties on. Steve moans as it goes in.

Samantha - Is this what you been wanting since we met? I know I have.

Samantha arches back and moans as she starts to ride him.

Steve Weigel - Damn bitch this is what I always dream it would be. Ride that cock Samantha you little whore. Damn bob unlike you I know the camera is rolling. You seeing this shit. God damn baby. I see why you let this bitch suck your dick now. She is a pro at it.

She bend down and kisses him softly before coming back up.

Samantha - Damn right I'm a pro baby. This pro is going to fuck you right into the hall of fame. Now let me give you that interveiw hunny.

She starts riding him faster and faster. Steve moans and bites him lower lip.

Steve Weigel - Damn this ho got skills. Anyways interveiw me then bitch.

Samantha smirks and starts to grid on Weigels big cock.

Samantha - I like the new Steve Weigel. Want me to get off before you bust that way you can jerk on my face and hair? And why are you not fighting bob? Isn't that disrepect?

She leans in and starts to lick and suck on his neck.

Steve Weigel - Damn woman your a master at being a whore just like I'm a master at winning matches. Yes I want to nut on your face and hair beautiful. I'm not fighting bob because its the right thing to do. See bob and me go way back. And we have never step in that ring and face each other. We have always been on each other sides. If this was a different time and place maybe this match would take place but were fighting over a title. Something that means nothing to me conpeared to him. He is my brother and blood is thicker then water. He can have the title. I will take my first singles lost for him. Dude this is dumbshit.

She leans up and starts to ride him faster.

Samantha - Yeah your so big Steve. God I'm cumming. So oh god.... So your just going to walkout of the match? God I can't believe I wait so long for this huge cock. Yeah pump me with that big tool sweety.

Steve moans and smirks into the camera as him pumps her like a bitch she is.

Steve Weigel - Damn right I'm god bitch when it comes to the bedroom. I dont know why I'm so shy. Guess its because all the times I been hurt by women. I will come out to the ring this tuesday night but I will not fight bob. Now he might hit me but I will not hit him back. If bob hits me then so be it I will turn the other cheek. I have seen stables fall over fighting each other. Let point sometime out. See Mack is right no one in this whole fucking federation is a legend. Because were in a underground federation. This isn't TNA or WWE. DX the greatest stable and tag team of all time. And for a long time Tiple H and HBK fought night and day because one of them desided to turn on the other. I WILL NOT FIGHT THIS MATCH. Bobby James show me you can beat Nikky Vemon please. Take that title and run with it.

Samantha gets off and lays down as Steve stands over her face and jerks off. Steve cums all over her face and hair and smiles into the camera.

Steve Weigel - And Nikky Vemon I'm still coming for you. I will beat you until there is nothing left of you. Even thou I won I gave you Megan, but my heart never stop loving her. I will get what I want one way or another.

Samantha - What you dont lo...

Steve Slaps her.

Steve Weigel - I could never love a whore...

The scene fades to break.

This Layout Was Made For  Steve Weigel  by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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