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I'l see you in hell! (Exteme promo/Challenge accepted)

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 08, 2023, 12:06:55 AM

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Date Posted:19/02/2010 12:12 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I'll see you in hell! (Extreme promo/Challenge accepted)
Mack,Gabriel Brooks, Johnny Camaro, Nikky Venom
Roleplaying for "Extreme"
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
Chris Orton had a great night on "Extreme" winning "Wrestler of the year" award and "Best Feud" award also becoming the new European Champion. The scene shows Chris Orton at his hotel room with the title on his shoulder, and he address his next match also address Mack challenge.

Chris Orton: This past Tuesday night turn out to be a great night for me, because I won "Wrestler of the year" award and "Best Feud" award also becoming the new European Champion a title I haven't won. I plan on adding more championships, because this coming Tuesday night on "Extreme". I'm teaming up with Gabriel Brooks to face tag team champions Johnny Camaro and his partner Nikky Venom, so I'm sure Gabriel looking forward to once again teaming up with me, because we both want to win this match maybe get a shot at tag team titles proving we make one hell of a team even though we want what Mack has. This coming Tuesday night, I and Gabriel will be ready to make a statement to tag team champions, so I hope they are ready to face one hell of a tag team of myself and Gabriel Brooks.

Chris Orton stops talking, nods his head thinking of something, started talking again.

Chris Orton: I heard Mack has issue a challenge to me, and he wanted me to put my European Championship on the line inside Hell In A Cell, so what do I have to say about that. You want to make this match bigger, so you going to put World Heavweight Champion on the line too. Basically, this "Hell In A Cell" match will have two titles on the line with two biggest names in the company beating living hell out of each other to prove who is the best. You know Mack I don't need to prove a damn thing to you or anyone else a damn thing, because this past year I prove without a doubt that I'm fighting champion that I go there every single damn night giving the fans a match to remember. "Hell In A Cell" match between you and I will be a match to remember, because I accept your challenge, and I will see you in hell!

Chris Orton gets up from his chair, walks away from the camera, and the scene faded black.

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