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an Extreme promo

Started by NBD, April 08, 2023, 12:27:10 AM

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Date Posted:22/02/2010 2:07 AMCopy HTML

The view comes alive from a handheld camcorder like before and dressed in a pair of black shorts, loose and long kinda with a black, sleeved shirt unbuttoned is Shane Mack leaning back in a chair in his hotel room, a smirk on his face, a glaze over his eyes and he just says.
Who truly does have nothing to lose Steven?
Mack appears to ponder that, strokes the hair on his chin and then says.
Do you have nothing to lose, no credibility, no status, no pride, nothing at all? If you fail to make an impact whether it be by beating the man and the World Champion or simply by making me take notice, making me say, your one of the best. If you fail to impress whether winning or losing the match, you do lose Steven, you lose stature in this company, you slip down the ladder and have to prove yourself to the point your at now. Everyone has the same opportunities here, but if you don't step up and impress, you don't get jack, except maybe jacked!
He smirks and says.
As for me now, do I have anything to lose? I'd have to say no, but maybe I am wrong, hell, maybe I am wrong about you. Thing is, the World Title, not on the line, my pride, I kept that in check forever and I realize losing one night doesn't mean you suck. I give every damn ounce I got every damn night I am booked, I work five nights a week for this company six every so many weeks, I am always here for this company on my days off, helping others improve, working my ass off to make sure this places flows, to make sure matches flow, not just mine. I have carried this company on my back so many fucking times I can never let it go. No mater how much the management may dick around with who is actually in charge, I will never leave because I put too much of my fucking time into this place.
He gets serious now and continues.
People don't like me, I get put down all the time, oh Mack, you can't hack it, you're a nobody, you suck, but very few of those people actually can hack it themselves. They don't come compete with me, work with me, give a fucking show and a half with me, no, and why, because quite simply they are fucking scared!
He grins and just shakes his head now, then says.
No, not really, they ain't scared, honesty, I don't know their deal and why they have to badmouth someone they don't even know, haven't even met in some cases. They hear something and oh man, it gets twisted and turned and...well, I guess no matter what kind of story, people love a fucking story. The irony is obvious if ya actually do know who in the hell Shane Mack is, what the hell I am all about. If not, continue to wallow in your ignorance and get passed by this thing called life because ignorance means you fail to live and you may as well die now. Maybe hard words to some, but reality to all, live or die, you choose, but choose what makes you happiest.
Mack lets out a sigh of breath and just continues on some more.
I live my life for wrestling, it does consume me, it drives me to be somebody I want to be, myself, completely fucking open and honest and it lets me be. I can express my true feelings on the mic and in the ring, spill the bitter truth and suck the masses into every damn seat in the arena making them want to see something happen to me, whether it's the guy who kicks the ass or the one who needs to have his ass kicked, I am the man regardless and that has been proven true for the past eight years. Will Shane Mack forever be in the ring doing what he loves, will I?
He thinks about and just smirks, then says.
Nah, there will be a day I am done, but the thing is, I am twenty nine years old and I got at least ten years to go. So many people get the misconception of who I am, of what my role is supposed to be around here, that my time is ending because if my long tenure in one company. Face facts, Shane Mack will be the biggest name this company ever sees because it is my home, no matter where I may roam in the future, SEF or EFNW or this ol' shithole, whatever ya label it, it is Shane Mack!
He stands now and stretches his arms, smirks and says.
Yea, I'm a shithole, an asshole, a prick, a dick, cunt, a fag, a fucking lowlife degenerate scumbag who needs to be drug out into a fucking street and shot, right?
Mack just grins and does a crotch chop, his shirts opens some showing his hairy skin, not too hairy, no cut up physique, just flat, kinda muscle thick. Mack just smirks and says.
Alright, well lets cut it off and wait and find out what Wiggle has to say.
And Mack moves forward as the view suddenly cuts to black. So there we go, another move in the long, slow game of chess between two pieces, the question, who is what piece and who will overcome the other?

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:an Extreme promo
Date Posted:22/02/2010 8:48 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of  Steve Weigel that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

As the scene fades away where shane mack is the camera hits steve weigel sitting in his locker room watching what mack had to say. Steve sits there smirking and shaking his head at what shane had to say. The look in his eye's show maddness as he looks into the camera and begins to speak.

Steve Weigel - Shane your right I do have something to lose. I have more then you to lose. I walk around here saying I'm Legendary. But if thats the truth then I should be able to beat you. But even I know that wont be a walk in the park. Since I have enter this federation I have gave it my all. Yes I have lost a couple of matches, but day and night I have gave everything for EF'NW.

Steve looks down and begins to speak.

Steve Weigel - Now dont get me wrong shane. I know you have gave more to this company then anyone in this place. Hell you have carried it on your back for a long time. But its time to let other people who want to help step up and get the job done. Like you said you wont be here forever. So others will need to take over where you left off. I look at the roster and I see people trying everyday. Maybe not as good as us but they need help. Were the one's who should be taking them under our wings.

Steve smirks looking into the camera.

Steve Weigel - Now not talking about me because I'm the same age as you. Even I should be taking people under my wing and molding them into superstars. But I'm also not saying I'm ready to hand anything over yet. I came back into wrestling for one thing and one thing only and thats to see if I could win the world championship again. One last run before I hang up my boots and say goodbye. Now that wont be for a very long time. I love this federation to much to leave it right now.

Steve stands up and looks around the room.

Steve Weigel - You know why they talk about you Mack? Is it disrepect they are trying to do? No its because they cant be you. They know they cant beat you. They know they may never be able to be as good as you. Or they may not ever be able to do what you have in your career. They are jealious plain and simple. But I'm not like that. What I have done in my career is enough for me to be happy with myself. But I do want that world championship you are now holding. But not just yet.

Steve rubs his chin and smirks a bit.

Steve Weigel - Want to know why I know they are jealious Shane? Because people say the same thing about me. I'm a Ass or just a bitch. I have been called everything from a jobber to Burnout Jr wanna be. But I look past that because I know deep down they wish they could be me. I'm not perfect and I can talk alot of shit, but no one can ever say when I walk out to that ring and the bell rings I dont give it my all. I never say quit and I will never give up.

Steve walks over to a mini icebox and pulls out a beer. Steve opens it and slowly takes a drink.

Steve Weigel - Now not saying I will never tap in a match because everybody does sometime in their career. Just saying I will never give up on becoming a better wrestler. I will never stop giving these fans a show that they will never forget. Even when I lose, I lose with the fans full and not wanting more. They can hate my guts and yet they all know I give everything I got to them.

Steve gets up close to the camera.

Steve Weigel - Shane this wont be a walk in the park for any of us. This is going to be a all out street fight until the end. I know you wont go down easy and hell I know I wont. Someone will leave that arena in pretty bad shape. If its me so be it and if its you then so be it. But at the end of the night I will be there to shake your hand. Win or lose. Because after this week maybe we will respect each other better and maybe EF'NW will be in for a shock. A weird awakening.

Steve smirks a bit taking another drink.

Steve Weigel - So lets hear what Shane has to say about this.

The scene fades away.

This Layout Was Made For  Steve Weigel  by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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