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Tonya Has Fun Outside The Arena

Started by Tonya Walker, July 31, 2023, 10:35:03 PM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. is Shown Outside of The Arena, She is With Her Sister Lexi, She is Drinking Pepsi and Mountain Dew, she is Eating Pizza Sitting on the Hood of Her Car, She is Dancing around with her Sister Lexi, and Drinking Pepsi she Then Smiles and Begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. This Is Going To Be Some Fun, Wonder fi Anyone Else Wants to Join Us.

Lexi Walker. i M Not Sure But This is Going be Some Fun,We Can Party Before Ur Match on Sef Tv.

Tonya Walker Yes People Need to Enjoy Some Life Have Fun be Wild.

Lexi Walker. I Can Not Wait Til Taylor Andrews Kicks Jades Ass and Shaves her Head

Tonya Walker Better Her Then Us, Now She Could Use a Personalty Change.

Jade Shows Up Yells at Tonya to Get Off The Car, Tonya Yells No and Tries to Enjoy Herself

Lexi Get's in Jades Face and Tonya Does to Jade Goes to Slap Tonya But She Ducks.

Tonya Walker Bitch Slaps Jade Across Her Face, and Has Security Drag her Away

Somebody Comes Over and Begin to talk.
Tonya Walker.

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