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Interview with Tina (Extreme R/p)

Started by Taylor Andrews, September 24, 2023, 09:46:14 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:26/02/2010 10:29 AMCopy HTML

So after introducing herself to EFNW we now find Tina backstage standing in front of a table with some bottles of water on it. She is kind of staring off into space, but snaps out of it and grabs a bottle of water, then walks down the hall, opens the water and takes a drink. As she caps it we see Greg Boone walk up next to her putting an arm around Tina. She looks rather annoyed, sees who it is and rolls her eyes.
Greg Boone
Well hello there good looking, how you doing today?
Tina just stops and pushes his arm away.
I am fine today, looking forward to meeting new people, preparing for my debut next Wednesday, and hoping no other guy does what you just pulled or I'll kill him!
She looks serious and Greg just holds his arms up innocently.
Greg Boone
Hey now, what did I do?
Nothing I guess, just been thinking a lot.
Greg Boone
Oh yea, about what?
Oh, mostly my debut of course, how I have to team with this Vikky Lynn who I bumped into when I first got here and was not a very pleasant person, now I have to tag with her.
Greg Boone
She is out there for sure, but not a bad looker, man would I-
Oh my god!
Greg just looks at her with a big cheesy grin.
Greg Boone
I don't really care how good looking you think she is, I care only about wrestling, being somebody my friends and my family can look up to instead of down on, being a role model for others, being respected by my peers as a true great.
Greg Boone
Sounds like your ready for your match then.
She just laughs.
Yea, I am, don't know much about my opponents though, Megan and Amy.
Greg Boone
Well, Megan has been here a while, currently going with Nikky Venom I think, Amy kinda caused a riff when she went down on Megan in a bar under a table!
Tina just looks shocked and laughs.
Oh my, wow, so are they going out too?
Greg Boone
Honestly I don't know, I just wanna bang them both!
He grins as Tina shakes her head.
Well I just want to wrestle them, in the ring and hope to have a great match against the two. I hope myself and Vikky can work together and secure a win, its my debut, I would like to impress people here with a win, but if it is not to be, you can bet I will make a statement somehow, no one will forget when Tine came to EFNW!
She uncaps her water and takes a drink.
Greg Boone
Speaking of, so what about you and Bobby James?
What about us?
Greg Boone
C'mon, he approached you when ya got here, said he could use someone like you at his side for matches, invited you to watch his and you never showed, what gives?
She just smiles.
Well, I did happen to watch his match, but from back here and it was a good match, he's a good wrestler, but his actions are kind of, oh, not really my style.
Greg Boone
So what you saying, you're a goody two shoes?
She just glares at Greg.
I'm a wrestler, I am here to gives these fans what they want, to make them cheer as loud as they can, to make them scream my name.
Greg Boone
Just flash your tits to them, hell, practice on me if ya want!
Tina just looks at him like he couldn't have said it, but Greg grins big and suddenly gets a hard slap across his face. He staggers halfway around and Tina is glaring.
I am here to move up the ladder only one way, by showing the world that the real T & A of wrestling is right here and its all about wrestling. I trained hard for this, was twisted and tied up on the mat, put through agony, though hell! My goal is to make either Megan or Amy tap out on Extreme, but with Vikky's attitude and the way we met, things may not go down that way, so I'm ready for whatever I have to do. Rest assured Greg, you will see me make somebody tap out Wednesday night, count on it!
She pushes him and walks down the hall now, Greg just watching her go, watches her ass like the pervert he is before turning to go do something else.


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Re:Interview with Tina (Extreme R/p)
Date Posted:26/02/2010 11:58 AMCopy HTML

OOC: I am sorry if I had Tina played wrong. Wasn't sure how she would react to Vikky. I hope your not mad. I did best I could.

Vikky turns the corner and just stands there,staring at Tina with such seriousness before she speaks.

VK:(Strong German accent) I do not like you. You american pig. You think only of self and nothing more. You, your sexuality,flaunting about like a cat in heat. You think sexy body will help us win? Nein! You disgust me Tina. I hope for your sake you wrestle better then you screw horse.

Tina,with a look of disgust on her face speaks up. You can tell she didn't like what was said to her.

Tina: Now hold up there Vikky. I have had enough of your insults. I do not like the fact we have to tag together, but you will not belittle me in that fashion.

VK: SILENCE! You american joke of wrestler! I will insult whom ever I like and you will silence your tongue. Less talk and more listen to me. I do not care for your chatter. I care only for beating Megan, the american emo girl and Amy, her Schweinhund.

Tina:(confused look on face) What?

VK: Pig-dog, you american swine. Listen more then chatter.

Tina reach her hand out and slaps Vikky in the face. Vikky holds her cheek and grins.

VK: Big mistake american. Sie werden in Hölle für disrespecting mich mag das, Sie amerikanisches Schwein verbrennen. Schauen Sie Ihrer Rückseite zu! (((You will burn in hell for disrespecting me like that, you american swine. Watch your back!)))

Vikky then walks away down the hall leaving Tina fuming mad.


Taylor Andrews

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Re:Interview with Tina (Extreme R/p)
Date Posted:01/03/2010 3:19 AMCopy HTML

Tina just stands there with her arms crossed over her a chest scowling at Vikky.


The bitch doesn't like me because I
flaunt my beauty despite my talent in the ring, well then her
judgmental ass is in for a world of hurt. Disrespect her, try her
accusing me of being someone I am not, Vikky and I are not gonna be
friends anytime soon and so be it.

She just glares as Vikky is gone now, shakes her head and turns to walk away.


After we overcome this tag team
match, things are going to get real around here. The real T & A may
be right here, but the real wrestling is also right here, so Vikky
Lynn, you better get a clue and realize what your in for when dealing
with me!

Tina now walks off slightly angry.

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