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Blah! Blah! Blah!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 24, 2023, 09:49:02 PM

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Date Posted:01/03/2010 12:22 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Blah! Blah! Blah!
Rayo, Samantha Winter
Roleplaying for "Extreme"
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
Extreme F'N Wrestling presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene shows backstage interviewer Samantha Winter going inside Chris Orton locker room without knocking finding him with a towel around his waist, so she started the interviewer.

Samantha Winter: Hello Chris, I was wondering if you could comment about your match with Rayo on "Extreme"

Chris Orton: Rayo, I heard what you said, and I been hearing from you is blah! blah! blah! I hear the same crap from every superstar saying I'm stealing somebody move, so how about I beat you a new finisher that's right I am no longer going to use "CKO". I'm going to beat you by beating your ass in my ring, because you are not going to use me as a stepping stone to be famous. You see Rayo I'm going to show you a new style that going to make me even more famous around here by putting punks like you in the hostipal. I'm bad man which means you don't want to be in the same ring as me, because I'm going to hurt you so bad might put an end to your career. This European Championship is on the shoulder of the greatest champion of professional wrestling, and this title ain't going nowhere I don't need any World Heavyweight Title to tell me I am. Tonight on "Extreme", this rookie going to be laying down in that ring with blood pouring down his face, and he needs think twice disrespecting me, or I'll ready make him famous becoming the first man I put in the hostipal.

Samantha Winter: Wanna fuck?

Chris Orton didn't know what to say, but he smiles putting the towel on the camera, and moaning is heard from Samantha Winter like she really enjoying whatever Chris Orton doing to her, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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