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Can't Believe Her Ears

Started by Midnight, September 24, 2023, 09:53:55 PM

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Date Posted:02/03/2010 9:00 PMCopy HTML

Megan looks at the camera, shaking her head. She finishes putting on her make-up, speaking softly.
"Amy, tell your man to watch his mouth. My man isn't fucking emo. You fucked things up between me and Nikky. Guess what? I'll put it aside for tonight but I'm not going to let it keep sliding. I'm not going to take it out on you tonight. Tina and Vikky are on my list for tonight."
Megan picks up a dart and throws it, putting it through Steve's head.
"Steve, I was trying to be nice to you but you keep talking bad about my man. You ruined your chance. Take back what you said about Nikky and I might forgive you."
Megan looks at the camera.
"Vikky. Tina. You both are going down tonight even if I have to do it on my own. I'm not scared of either of you. Vikky, you need to learn to know your place in this place. I worked hard to get where I am today. Some little German bitch isn't taking it that easily. I will stay the top bitch. I don't care what people think anymore. I'm tired of trying to play nice. I climbed this ladder for my sister, Bethany Sorrow, and I'm not going to fail her. So tonight, I'm taking down Vikky and Tina. If i have to, I'll take Amy out too."
Megan then heads down the hallway and towards The Infection's dressing room. She slides in, closing the door behind her.

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