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An 'Extreme' Blog entry.

Started by The Rocket, September 24, 2023, 09:58:03 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:03/03/2010 12:48 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following roleplay contains elements known to the state of California that may cause birth defects in some children, including foul language, violence, and even sexual situations. You have been warned...

OOC: This is an RP in the form of a Blog entry.

Last week I sank to a new all time low.

Let me go ahead and set the stage for you. I had a match last week against Salman Van Dam, aka the bane of existence to the professional wrestling world. We went ahead and went though the match and the outcome winds up with me losing this match.

Wait a minute!

Back it up.

I lost to Salman Van Dam.

Ok, now that it's sunken in I can continue. I normally don't pay any attention to this termite but, after this match I decided to go re-watch the entire show and found that Salman Van Dam is SO full of himself that he can finally say he's made it. I just have one question for SVD.

So you finally woke the fuck up and turned into the dumbest man walking the face of this planet.

Let's go to this week. I'm now in a fatal four way with SVD, Rogue, and the late...excuse me, the living or whatever the hell he is now Steve Weigal.

Steven Weigal. The Legendary.

Yeah, alright. 

I am sick of people calling themselves 'Legend' or 'Legendary'. That's not exactly a term that you can just throw out and use loosely. Steven on the other hand has taken it upon himself to declare that he is 'Legendary'.


What has Steve Weigal done to make him 'Legendary' in anyone's mind except for his own. I am so tired of people calling themselves something that no one else seems to think so I'm DEMANDING that at Wrestle X I be allowed to end the career of SVD and actually win the nickname 'The Legendary' from Steve Weigal. That seems to be the only way that anything means anything in the wrestling world anymore. You want something it's time to fight for it.

Weigal is going to get the ass kicking of his life tonight. SVD is in the same boat and as for the mystery known as Rogue, well I honestly could careless if he shows up or not because the two people that I would love to take out of this game we call professional wrestling are already in the damn match.

What i'm DEMANDING is that since we do not have but, one match for Wrestle X I DEMAND that A triple threat ladder match be added to the festivities.

What is the point of having a briefcase hang above the ring with pretty much nothing inside of it?

He's the contents of the briefcase:

1. SVD's contract.
2. A folder marked 'The Legendary'

Here's the stipulation:

1. If The Rocket(me) wins the match I get full control of the nickname 'The Legendary' and I get to end Salman Van Dam's career.

2. If SVD wins, He can continue on his marry way and hopefully try to capture a World Heavyweight Championship and he can do whatever he wants to with the nickname 'The Legendary'. 

3. If Steve Weigal wins, He can do whatever the hell he wants to with SVD's contract and he can keep his ridiculous nickname.

I DEMAND that because there is only a single match for this show and it's supposed to be the biggest show in this company and I think I should be able to something GRAND on the biggest stage in EFn'W history.

The End.
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.


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