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Heartbreak Hangover

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 24, 2023, 10:37:59 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:22/02/2010 9:33 PMCopy HTML

Morrison1.gif Morrison 1 picture by foxy1350
My Words• All pun to his new finisher
Backstory: Nikky and Camaro, The Infection, are still celebrating their recent title victories and decided to go out to a bar. Maybe they shouldn't have.

So as stated Johnny and Nikky walk into the bar with all their gold. They find themselves a couple of nice seats near the bar and order their drinks-Hoegaarden Beer, because as they like to say "It's a whole garden of hoes."
 "Yao J'z can you watch for my beer, I need to piss."

"Fuck ya, damn how good of a tag champs partner would I be if I didn't?"

 And with that said Nikky went off to piss. As usual with Johnny and bars, he turned facing the rest of the bar hooting at cute girls as they pass. So he turns to see his old buddy, Alex Arren. A cocky mo-fo that use to travel with Nikky and JC back in there indy dayz.

"Hey, hey motha fucka!" He says with his cocky tone.
"Yao bro what the hell you doing here?"

"Checking out the ladies, idiot. Besides, what are you doing here?"

"Celebrating the Infection's wins and..." He looks past Arren and sees Sorrow in a booth having some sort of pleasure applied to her crotchal region. He can see shoes and pants under the table that couldn't be from Sorrow. "Fuck!" He shout-whispers.

"What's up dude?"

"Dude, that's Nikky's girl! What the fuck is she doing with another guy licking her?!?!?!?!?!?!"He once again shout-whispers.

Nikky walks back and sits down at the bar. "Hey Arren what's up?"

"Not...Not much dude." Arren looked down.

"What's wrong with you lady got you down?" Nikky responds and just gets a slight nod from Arren. "Damn, I'm parched where are our drinks?"

"Oh, Nikky! Uh...There was a floaty in our beers so lets go to a different bar." They leave in the opposite direction of Megan and her new sexual partner.

BAMB!! The door to the women's locker room kicks open, Johnny barges in and storms over to Megan. She stands up to talk to him but Johnny just pushes her over and back on the bench sh as on.

"Good to see you too. Seriously, what's up with that." Megan says keeping her cool.


"Wait, wha..." Johnny cut her off.


"Johnny, please wait..."


"Johnny...That...Wasn't A... A guy." She managed to mutter.


"I said..." Johnny cut her off again.

"I DON'T CARE!! LOOK! YOU BETTER TELL NIKKY BEFORE EXTREME! OR I WILL! AND IT WILL HURT MORE COMING FROM ME!" He storms away leaving Megan looking petrified. Amy Summers walks by Johnny and says "Hey Johnnnnny."

"Fuck off Summers, you god damn, motherfucking bitch." He slams the door on his way out.



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Re:Heartbreak Hangover
Date Posted:22/02/2010 9:56 PMCopy HTML

Megan walks out of the locker room, pushing Amy off of her. She just wanted to be alone right now. She didn't care if she lost the match. She just didn't want to lose Nikky. The one person that meant the world too her. She looks at a camera guy who is following her. Tears are falling down her face as she speaks.

Megan- "Nikky, please. You have to believe me. I never meant to hurt you. I swear I never did. I had some fun at the bar but it wasn't with a guy. It was with Amy Summers. She went down on me. I didn't ask her to. It was her own choice. Nikky, please, forgive me. I swear I'll never do anything again."

Megan then walks out into the parking lot and to her car. She gets in and curls into a ball in the frontseat, crying as she turns the stereo on. She blares some Hawthorne Heights, the one band that helps keep her calm. She could only pray Nikky would forgive her.

The camera heads back into the building, leaving Megan alone in the parking lot.

TBC: Johnny or Nikky


TBC: Anyone


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Heartbreak Hangover
Date Posted:23/02/2010 4:44 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
                            unf.jpg image by real_thing_shakes                                
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:
OOC message:
A good old-fashion Mazda Miata pulls into the parking lot and parks next to Megan's car. Out steps Nikky Venom who has music blasting in his so he can't hear the sounds of a petrified Sorrow. He walks in and heads straight to the Womens Locker room. He bursts in and asks Vikky where Megan was, she just tells him that Megan ran out crying. Nikky runs out toward his car pulling out his keys. As he opens the door to the parking lot and hears a smile cry coming from Megans car. He walks over, opens the passanger side door and gets in.

"Hey babe. Look, I'm sorry I've been neglecting you I just...I was too busy celebrating with friends that I forgot to spend my victory with my girl."

She gets out of her balled-up state and hugs Nikky.

"I'm soo sorry." She's trying to speak clearly but just can't, sees crying too hard.

"It's ok, I've been the asshole. You've done nothing."

"Yes I have, I've done bad things." She wept.
TBC: Anyone



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Re:Heartbreak Hangover
Date Posted:24/02/2010 10:41 PMCopy HTML

Megan clung to Nikky, never want to let go. She had fucked up big time. It had almost cost her the one thing she loved more then her own family. Megan kiseed Nikky's cheek before turning off her music.

"I never should *sniffles* have taken her to *sniffles* the bar. I have her *sniffles* signals I shouldn't have. I don't blame you for this. Your friends come before girls. Just please forgive me"

Megan buried her face into Nikky's shoulder, fighting back another flood of tears. She had been so stupid. Megan felt Nikky wrap his arms around her, trying to comfort her. She moved to sit in his lap as she started to calm down.

TBC: Anyone

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Heartbreak Hangover
Date Posted:26/02/2010 4:22 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


                            unf.jpg image by real_thing_shakes                                
live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message:

What The Hell Is She Talking About!?!? Nikky thought as held Megan. They were just sitting in her car hugging each other tightly. Nikky was trying to comfort Megan and thinking about what Weigel had said. He may have been faking his death but it didn't matter. Nikky wasn't going to lose Megan, even if that meant forgive her for whatever bad thing she had done.

 "Megan, It's ok, it's ok. Don't worry, I'll still be here."

Would Nikky really still be there even if what he thinks happened happened? Hells Ya! Even if Megan cheat on him he'd still love her, nothing was ever going to change that. Even if they were apart Nikky still love her, she was important to him and he would never want to leave Megan, he was mentally unable to.

"Megan, calm down. I don't care about what you did. I don't even know what you did, besides I don't want to know what you did. Let's just go get something to eat and forget about all of it."

TBC: Anyone



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Re:Heartbreak Hangover
Date Posted:02/03/2010 9:47 PMCopy HTML

Megan heads into The Infection's locker room before walking over to sit on the couch. Nikky was getting ready for his match. Megan didn't care where Johnny was. She set down a large gift bag on the floor next to her.
She grabs a piece of paper and writes on it, taping it to the bag.

"Nikky and Johnny,
This is for you both wither you win or lose. Each has a bottle of liqor in here. Nikky, win or lose tonight, I have something planned for you afterwards. That is if you are up to it. No more of this flirting with other girls. It's just going to be me and you. I won't even look at a girl unless you say it's okay."

Megan kisses the note before heading towards the ring.

TBC: Nikky or Johnny


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Heartbreak Hangover
Date Posted:06/03/2010 2:49 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message:

Nikky sees the note and looks in the bag, there are two bottles of liquor in there. He takes out his phone and dials Sorrows number. he gets her voicemail.

"Hey Megan, I just saw your gift bag and note, thanks for the liquor and Phone me back telling me your plans."

TBC: Anyone


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