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Proving Absolutely Nothing ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 24, 2023, 10:44:30 PM

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Date Posted:06/03/2010 11:25 PMCopy HTML

Chris Orton had the balls to accept Shane Mack's challenge to a Hell in a Cell and now this coming Extreme it will happen. Chris Orton's rematch for the World Title and now its strictly one on one, anything goes, the best man wins and Chris, nothing will change, nothing will be proven, no chance is there for you to win. Ya stand no where near where Mack stands, no one does! You had a good year last year, you finally rose to the top and became a good, loyal star, but you shined and stood out because Mack allowed you to. He has been laying low for the past four years, letting others get ahead, he tried to put them over, tried to keep his ass out of the spotlight, but all for nothing! No one took notice, no one cared, all they care about is spreading rumors that he screws them all, the he has political pull, spreading it around like the cheap diseases they are. Mack has worked harder than any, single star in this company today whether it be the SEF, the EFW, the EFNW, the shithole, the haven for wrestlers, or just another place to go, he has outshined them all and proven more than they can all imagine.
Ain't it the truth, the real fucking reality as opposed to those drama queen, emo, reality posers!
Hell in a Cell fits for you Chris Orton, it fits your demise real well because your done, your time is way over, its up, no more for you, its all about Mack because since he came back, he ain't cut no one slack and that's a fact! Its gonna be hell for you Chris, accepting your fate in this company, accepting that you no longer can be the man, be a headliner, be the one to try and represent this company because yes Chris, you after all did try. You put in effort, you wanted to be the best and you had your time for it, you will never be forgotten for you made your mark in this companies history, but that is history. Mack carries this company, no matter who rises up year to year, he has to carry the company because no one else will. Every time he tried to slip away and like the last four years, the place may as well have closed up. If you don't like this, if anyone disagrees, then prove it wrong because until you take up action and do, it's the truth. Change it if you don't like it, consider yourself dared to do it, provoked, rattled, now cut loose, c'mon you pansy waste assholes!
Step to Mack and get knocked to yo back!
That is the fate of Chris on Wednesday, his ultimate fate after the HELLacious beating he is given. Call him every name ya want, spit on his name, spit on him, it matters not one bit what you do or say because Mack knows, he fucking knows what's up and your all just blind sheep stuck in a rat race to nowhere being sprinkled little bit's of what ya crave to get by, being led! Shane Mack is your superior, he is far too advanced for any of you pathetic peons, all of you, especially you Chris! But not much longer until your snuffed out, sent back down, put to the bottom...under the ladder, crushed, broken, a has been, but hey, better than a nobody like some of these posers claiming to be big shots, giving false hype and delivering no go, just a pack of useless, pointless words with no real meaning, nothing to make people think, to rile them up whether its for their approval or for their hate, just pointless bullshit!
That's a real shoot boys and girls, at least until proven wrong by some real action!
Can Chris Orton do it, can he rise up in this short time and be the underdog everyone loves to see, the cliché, prove it right Chris!? Can ya do it?
A magic eight ball is shaken up and turned over revealing it to say.
Outcome Unlikely
Well, if the magic eight ball said it, its gotta be true, right? Its like the ol' saying by the real great one.
Lord knows, if its on the internet, its got to be true!
Ya never know what may happen in this business just like in life, the only thing known for sure is death, but we know nothing about the experience itself. So how can Mack act like he knows? Then again, how does anyone know Mack when no one here as done what he as an individual has done? If they have, then why the need for this? C'mon on boys and girls, show what ya got or get the fuck out, but prove it, don't spew it!


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