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A Busy Week For Steve Weigel - Extreme R/p #1

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, September 25, 2023, 02:21:07 PM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Date Posted:07/03/2010 4:08 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of  Steve Weigel that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

The scene opens to Steve Weigels house where Amy Summers is sitting in the dinning room. The dim room is lit by two candles burning on the table. His dinning room is long one and in there is just a long table with ten chairs. For on each side and two at the ends. There is a grand father clock to standing against the wall. Amy Summers i sitting there looking beautiful. With her make up on and her pretty pink dress and her pink high heels. She smiles as Weigel walks into the room with a tray in his hands. The tray has a lid on it and Weigel was sliming as he laid it in from of her. Weigel was wearing a black suit and white shirt. A pair of black dress shoes and a black tie. He filled up her wine glass smiling at her looking into her eyes. He pulls off the lid and lays it down on the table. Under the lid was a rose and lobster. She smiled and kisses him softly for a second. On the radio plays I Love Her First by Heartland. Steve has a tear run down his face closing his eyes while smiling.

Amy Summers - I know this song makes you cry but you have along time before she grows up hunny.

Steve Weigel - I'm not crying because of that.

Amy Summers - Then why hunny?

Right then Honesty by Rodney Aktins coes on the radio as Weigel gets up and bend down to one knee. He looks i her eyes crying. Her eyes water up as she knows whats coming next.

Steve Weigel - I'm not a good guy. I'm not special or anything. I'm not good at this stuff. I have always messed this part up. I'm good in that ring and always get the job done. But when it comes to being a family man I always come up short. See I promised myself I wouldn't cry and now I'm crying. But I can keep a promise to you. I maybe be a ass at times but I will always be there. I will always make sure I go out of my way to show you I love you. I'm just a man and we mess up from time to time, but one thing I know I'm good at is loving you. I will love you for ever and ever Amy. Amy I would give up wrestling for you and turn my back on my stable because your all I want in this life. Amy Marie Summers will you Marry me at the next ppv. I cant wait any longer. Its been eight years now we been hiding this from everybody. Me acting like I dont like you when at the end of the night were making love. I want you as my wife.

Amy begins to cry and puts her finger on his lips as he pulls out a big diamond ring out of his pocket.

Amy Summers - YES! Just shut up and kiss me Weigel.

He puts the ring on her finger. She gets up and jumps on him. Steve caughts her and holds her by her tighs as they kiss deeply.

The scene fades as they make out.

Two hours later at Steve Weigel house The predators are sitting around the living room drinking beer. Bob and Tina are sitting on the love seat flirting with each other and Shane Mack and Vikki are sitting on the couch talking. Vikki gives Tina a dirty look once in a while. Steve Weigel and Amy Summers walk into the room Smirking as everyone stares at them. Weigel has his black sun glasses on even thou he is dressed up. Viki gives Amy a dirty look but Amy just rolls her eyes at her. Steve laughs and Amy goes and sits in the chair. Steve walks in the front of the room and turns to them.

Steve Weigel - Now I know why you want to know why I called you here today. I needed to say something to each one of you in this room. Last week I thought about saying fuck you guys and walking aa from everything. You guys made me sick to my belly. What the fuck was you guys thinking last week? Unstead of planning for your match you were poping pills and drinking beer. Plus joking around to much. Now we have always joke around but we always get the job done. I got my job done last week. Yet you two couldn't. Yes you mack the orld champion and bostons bestbobby james. You looked like bostons worst last week. And Shane you looked like a rookie last week. Now I'm not saying anything bad just stating the truth and it might hurt but its hard love. Tina and Vikki you two need to get along together in the locker room. No shit talking to each other to each others face. I can care less what happens in that ring with both of you, but in the predators we respect each other. I want to say a couple of things to you Vikki. First you think your better because your germen yet I'm germen too. It makes you no better then in anybody in this room because in this group were all the same. The best of the best. And secondly this i to you Vikki and Tina. Welcome to The Predators!

Steve smirks at them. They are just drinking their beers listening to him talk.

Steve Weigel - See this week is a big week for me. I'm in a tag match with the gay fucker as my parther Johnny. But if I get the pin me and Bob are going for the tag titles at the ppv. I know this will be like a handicap match and I'm ready for it. I have been all hype up since I found out about the match. I'm going out there for more then a win. To show I have what it takes o be a champion. To beat the hell out of Rayo and Drew and if after the match Johnny wants some then I will dish some out on him too. I will not back down and give up on being the tag team world champion. Us Predators said two weeks ago we were taking over around here and thats just what were going to do. This week I'm going to shut Rayo and Drew up about those titles and show them we should be the champions. I'm like batman. I dont need no super powers to kick their asses this week or to beat the champions at the ppv.

Steve walks over to Amy and smiles.

Steve Weigel - I ask Amy to marry me and she said yes. So at the ppv not only will I wi those tag titles. Amy will become.... Amy Marie Weigel. Were getting married at the ppv. But this week is the start of everything. This week I have to leave my mark on EF'NW. This week I will show Rayo and Drew and even Johnny why in the end its always My Suicide that gets the one two three.

The scene fades as everybody starts talking at once.

TBC by Anyone!

This Layout Was Made For  Steve Weigel  by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker


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Re:A Busy Week For Steve Weigel - Extreme R/p #1
Date Posted:07/03/2010 2:24 PMCopy HTML

And Mack now stands up shaking his head walking towards the door when Weigel says to him.

Whoa, where ya going Mack?

He stops and turns leaning back against the door and says.

I need to think bro cause after that bullshit, something needs to happen!

Everyone just goes quiet now and Weigel looks confused and says.

What bullshit?

Mack just tells him.

Us are our worst, letting just anyone else in this gig without making a fucking impact! No one let me in, we colluded together and only used your stable name because I wanted to put it over in this company. Beer, pills, dope, dude, nothing wrong if ya ain't an addict and speaking for myself, I ain't. Vikky and I had a fling, she hangs off me now, ya all got your girls, fine, but this ain't exactly my gig. I got no problem hanging out with friends which I consider ya all to be, but there needs to be separation sometimes, learn it or lose it!

Mack turns to walk out the door when Weigel says.

So your leaving, leaving us all?

Mack has the door open and turns back saying.

No! I am stepping out and going to think about some shit. Ya can find me and talk, but ya better be wiling to compromise if ya want the Predators to be big time cause like it or not, without Mack you wouldn't be where ya are now, so don't ever make a fucking decision for me!

He displays no anger, just made a statement and now walks out shutting the door calmly, heads up the street to his limo and hops on, then it drives and we now go back inside where everyone sits in confusion trying to figure out what happened and probably not doing it.


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