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Triple Threat ... No Threat More Like! - Lacey rp#1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 25, 2023, 02:35:52 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:08/03/2010 11:11 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Triple Threat .. No Threat More Like!Triple Threat vs Tina & Vikky LynnWho knows?None .. yet!Good luck y'all!


Scene opens
Lacey is sitting curled on the sofa watching a re-run of last weeks Extreme. She keeps pausing and re-winding, pausing and re-winding as it becomes obvious that she's watching the end of Chris Orton's match. Her face is getting angrier each time she watches it and it's flushed slightly red as her temper rises. Finally she yells out in frustration and throws the remote at the TV, effectively ending the showing.
LD: Typical bloody German .. always gotta stick their nose into other people's business! Well this week on Extreme she's gonna find out the hard way that it's really not a good idea. After all look how it fared for Hitler?
Lacey tosses her hair back and laughs as she then pauses and widens her eyes in mock surprise and brings a finger to her lips.
LD: Oh wait ... Vikky Lynn's family actually knew that loser, right? You really think he's some kind of idol? Are you totally fucked in the head honey? If he'd've had his way, you wouldn't even be around because you're not blonde or blue-eyed. Oh no, you don't fit the mold he wanted so he'd have annihilated you, pretty much like I'm going to do tonight.
Lacey smirks as she starts to twirl her finger in her hair.
LD: What you think a pretty little thing like me can't? Why because you're some Germanic machine? And I'm ... what was that phrase you used .. oh yeah, American swine?! Well all I can say is close but no cigar .. see I'm Canadian honey so your insults are like water off a ducks back to me. They mean nothing because you mean nothing. I have yet to see anything impressive from you yet all you seem to do is brag about how amazing you are, act out pathetic little fake attacks on look-a-likes and blind side people. I bet you couldn't take anyone in a straight fight, you know, actually front up to someone. Naw, much easier to do it the sneaky, snidey way, cos let's face it .. that way you don't have to face the consequences. Let's be totally honest here, if you faced Chris Orton for his title in a real one-on-one match .. he'd wipe the floor with you and you know it! You don't even have what it takes to beat me, something you're gonna find out real soon so against Chris you don't stand a chance. You're only option has to be to cheat cos there just ain't no other way you can do it. I wonder how you're gonna feel when you walk back to the locker room at the end of Extreme and both you and Mack have had your asses handed to you on a plate and you can hear me and Chris celebrating our individual wins? How's that going to feel ... well for me, pretty damn sweet! Then what you going to brag about? Cos you won't the one with a World Champ will you?  
Lacey laughs quietly to herself as she smoothes her hands down her legs.
LD: You make me laugh when you claim that me and Tina are jealous of you .. I mean, have you looked in a mirror lately? What on earth do you have that I could ever be jealous of? I'm prettier than you, way hotter than you ... I can out wrestle you and out smart you ... I really can't think of anythi ... no wait! I got it ... there is something you're better at than me ....
Lacey lowers her head as though embarrassed but you can't actually see the expression on her face but then she slowly lifts her head and she has a wicked light in her eyes.
LD: You're easier than me!
Lacey is laughing now.
LD: Yup that's what it is! You take your panties off far quicker than I do! Yep, definitely got me beat there. I mean how long exactly had you been here before you had your legs wrapped around Mack's back, moaning like the whore you are? Coupla days if that? Oh yeah that was impressive ... at least I've not fucked the first man who happened to glance in my direction. See I'm happy to admit that I'm one hot piece of ass, but that's not all I am. Nuhuh! I'm one hell of a wrestler and on Wednesday is when I show the world exactly what it's been missing. See sweetie, I did not sweat my ass off in some broken down basement for 8 years to prance about like a little show pony and shake my tush for other people's entertainment, oh no! I went through all that so I could be someone, a champion. I want to make my mentor proud and begin  a legacy of my own, something no-one can take away from. I'm going to be the one that people watch because they see something amazing every time I step foot in that ring, because I always give 100% and never back down whatever the odds. I am here to defy the nay sayers and prove the doubters wrong. This is my time to shine Vikky and your German ass is just in the way, so tonight I'm going to put it where it belongs .. six feet under!!
Lacey smiles nastily and nods her head as she imagines the devastation she's going to put Vikky through and the look of surprise on her face when it dawns on her that this little spitfire can really wrestle!
Lacey takes a deep breath as she re-focuses on her other opponent. And a small tight smile appears on her face.
LD: Oh sorry .. I almost forgot ... Tina .. cupcake. I heard what you said earlier and that was real sweet of you but you really don't know me all that well, so maybe we should wait and see if you still want to be my friend after I beat you tonight. You haven't done anything or said anything to piss me off, unlike that German slutbag, but you are standing in my way and that I can't have. So Tina .. I'll tell you what ... you want Vikky, you can have her but save the scraps for me because I have a score of my own to settle with her. In fact between us, we should give her the ass-kicking she truly deserves and then when she's been taken away by the paramedics ... well then, you and me can go at it. But be warned .. I am leaving Odessy Arena as the winner ... and that's not a threat, that's a promise!

End of rp - part 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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